import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pickle import math import random """ Dataset url: Paper url: """ def prepare_data(): label_dict = {' İhlal' : 0, ' İhlal Olmadığı' : 1} ### Load data with open('old_dataset/' ,'rb') as pickle_file: tokenized = pickle.load(pickle_file) with open('old_dataset/' ,'rb') as pickle_file: labels = pickle.load(pickle_file) tokenized_lower = [] for text in tokenized: temp_text = "" for word in text: temp_text += word.lower() + " " tokenized_lower.append(temp_text) ### Split the data train_ratio = 0.70 val_ratio = 0.15 list_indices = [] for i, lbl in enumerate(labels): if lbl in label_dict: list_indices.append(i) random.Random(13).shuffle(list_indices) new_length = len(list_indices) train_idx = math.floor(new_length * train_ratio) val_idx = math.floor(new_length * (train_ratio + val_ratio)) train_indices = list_indices[0:train_idx] val_indices = list_indices[train_idx : val_idx] test_indices = list_indices[val_idx:] train_list = [] val_list = [] test_list = [] for ind in train_indices: train_list.append(tokenized_lower[ind]) for ind in val_indices: val_list.append(tokenized_lower[ind]) for ind in test_indices: test_list.append(tokenized_lower[ind]) train_labels = [] val_labels = [] test_labels = [] count = 0 for ind in train_indices: if labels[ind] == " İhlal": train_labels.append("Violation") else: train_labels.append("No violation") for ind in val_indices: if labels[ind] == " İhlal": val_labels.append("Violation") else: val_labels.append("No violation") for ind in test_indices: if labels[ind] == " İhlal": test_labels.append("Violation") else: test_labels.append("No violation") print(count) train_split = np.concatenate((np.expand_dims(train_list, axis=1), np.expand_dims(train_labels, axis=1)), axis=1) val_split = np.concatenate((np.expand_dims(val_list, axis=1), np.expand_dims(val_labels, axis=1)), axis=1) test_split = np.concatenate((np.expand_dims(test_list, axis=1), np.expand_dims(test_labels, axis=1)), axis=1) return pd.DataFrame(train_split, columns=["Text", "Label"]), pd.DataFrame(val_split, columns=["Text", "Label"]), pd.DataFrame(test_split, columns=["Text", "Label"]) train_split, val_split, test_split = prepare_data() train_split.to_json(os.path.join("train.jsonl"), lines=True, orient="records", force_ascii=False) val_split.to_json(os.path.join("validation.jsonl"), lines=True, orient="records", force_ascii=False) test_split.to_json(os.path.join("test.jsonl"), lines=True, orient="records", force_ascii=False)