import json |
import os |
import pandas as pd |
import plotly.graph_objects as go |
from typing import Dict, List |
def get_model_names() -> List[str]: |
"""从evaluation_results文件夹获取所有模型名称""" |
model_names = [] |
for item in os.listdir('.'): |
if item.startswith('evaluation_results.') and os.path.isdir(item): |
model_name = item.replace('evaluation_results.', '') |
model_names.append(model_name) |
return sorted(model_names) |
def load_report(model_name: str) -> Dict: |
"""加载模型的评测报告""" |
report_path = f"evaluation_results.{model_name}/evaluation_report.json" |
with open(report_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: |
return json.load(f) |
def create_comparison_tables() -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]: |
"""创建不同维度的对比表格""" |
models = get_model_names() |
reports = {model: load_report(model) for model in models} |
overall_data = [] |
for model, report in reports.items(): |
overall = report['overall'] |
overall_data.append({ |
'模型': model, |
'总题数': overall['total'], |
'正确数': overall['correct'], |
'准确率': f"{overall['accuracy']*100:.2f}%" |
}) |
overall_df = pd.DataFrame(overall_data) |
type_data = [] |
for model, report in reports.items(): |
for q_type, metrics in report['by_type'].items(): |
type_data.append({ |
'模型': model, |
'题型': q_type, |
'总题数': metrics['total'], |
'正确数': metrics['correct'], |
'准确率': f"{metrics['accuracy']*100:.2f}%" |
}) |
type_df = pd.DataFrame(type_data) |
difficulty_data = [] |
difficulty_order = ['easy', 'medium', 'hard'] |
for model, report in reports.items(): |
for diff in difficulty_order: |
if diff in report['by_difficulty']: |
metrics = report['by_difficulty'][diff] |
difficulty_data.append({ |
'模型': model, |
'难度': diff, |
'总题数': metrics['total'], |
'正确数': metrics['correct'], |
'准确率': f"{metrics['accuracy']*100:.2f}%" |
}) |
difficulty_df = pd.DataFrame(difficulty_data) |
dynasty_data = [] |
for model, report in reports.items(): |
for dynasty, metrics in report['by_dynasty'].items(): |
dynasty_data.append({ |
'模型': model, |
'朝代': dynasty if dynasty else "未知", |
'总题数': metrics['total'], |
'正确数': metrics['correct'], |
'准确率': f"{metrics['accuracy']*100:.2f}%" |
}) |
dynasty_df = pd.DataFrame(dynasty_data) |
return { |
'overall': overall_df, |
'by_type': type_df, |
'by_difficulty': difficulty_df, |
'by_dynasty': dynasty_df |
} |
def plot_accuracy_comparison(dfs: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]): |
"""绘制准确率对比图""" |
fig = go.Figure(data=[ |
go.Bar( |
name='整体准确率', |
x=dfs['overall']['模型'], |
y=[float(x.strip('%')) for x in dfs['overall']['准确率']], |
text=dfs['overall']['准确率'], |
textposition='auto', |
) |
]) |
fig.update_layout( |
title='各模型整体准确率对比', |
yaxis_title='准确率 (%)', |
yaxis_range=[0, 100], |
template='plotly_white' |
) |
fig.write_html('accuracy_comparison.html') |
type_pivot = pd.pivot_table( |
dfs['by_type'], |
values='准确率', |
index='题型', |
columns='模型', |
aggfunc=lambda x: x |
) |
fig = go.Figure(data=[ |
go.Bar( |
name=model, |
x=type_pivot.index, |
y=[float(x.strip('%')) for x in type_pivot[model]], |
text=type_pivot[model], |
textposition='auto', |
) for model in type_pivot.columns |
]) |
fig.update_layout( |
title='各模型在不同题型上的准确率对比', |
yaxis_title='准确率 (%)', |
yaxis_range=[0, 100], |
barmode='group', |
template='plotly_white', |
height=600 |
) |
fig.write_html('accuracy_by_type.html') |
difficulty_pivot = pd.pivot_table( |
dfs['by_difficulty'], |
values='准确率', |
index='难度', |
columns='模型', |
aggfunc=lambda x: x |
) |
difficulty_order = ['easy', 'medium', 'hard'] |
difficulty_pivot = difficulty_pivot.reindex(difficulty_order) |
fig = go.Figure(data=[ |
go.Bar( |
name=model, |
x=difficulty_pivot.index, |
y=[float(x.strip('%')) for x in difficulty_pivot[model]], |
text=difficulty_pivot[model], |
textposition='auto', |
) for model in difficulty_pivot.columns |
]) |
fig.update_layout( |
title='各模型在不同难度上的准确率对比', |
yaxis_title='准确率 (%)', |
yaxis_range=[0, 100], |
barmode='group', |
template='plotly_white' |
) |
fig.write_html('accuracy_by_difficulty.html') |
dynasty_pivot = pd.pivot_table( |
dfs['by_dynasty'], |
values='准确率', |
index='朝代', |
columns='模型', |
aggfunc=lambda x: x |
) |
fig = go.Figure(data=[ |
go.Bar( |
name=model, |
x=dynasty_pivot.index, |
y=[float(x.strip('%')) for x in dynasty_pivot[model]], |
text=dynasty_pivot[model], |
textposition='auto', |
) for model in dynasty_pivot.columns |
]) |
fig.update_layout( |
title='各模型在不同朝代诗词上的准确率对比', |
yaxis_title='准确率 (%)', |
yaxis_range=[0, 100], |
barmode='group', |
template='plotly_white', |
height=800 |
) |
fig.write_html('accuracy_by_dynasty.html') |
categories = ['整体'] + list(type_pivot.index) |
fig = go.Figure() |
for model in dfs['overall']['模型']: |
values = [float(dfs['overall'][dfs['overall']['模型']==model]['准确率'].iloc[0].strip('%'))] |
for q_type in type_pivot.index: |
values.append(float(type_pivot[model][q_type].strip('%'))) |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatterpolar( |
r=values, |
theta=categories, |
name=model, |
fill='toself' |
)) |
fig.update_layout( |
polar=dict( |
radialaxis=dict( |
visible=True, |
range=[0, 100] |
)), |
showlegend=True, |
title='各模型在不同维度的表现对比(雷达图)', |
template='plotly_white' |
) |
fig.write_html('radar_comparison.html') |
def main(): |
dfs = create_comparison_tables() |
with pd.ExcelWriter('model_comparison.xlsx') as writer: |
dfs['overall'].to_excel(writer, sheet_name='整体表现', index=False) |
dfs['by_type'].to_excel(writer, sheet_name='按题型分类', index=False) |
dfs['by_difficulty'].to_excel(writer, sheet_name='按难度分类', index=False) |
dfs['by_dynasty'].to_excel(writer, sheet_name='按朝代分类', index=False) |
print("\n整体表现:") |
print(dfs['overall'].to_string(index=False)) |
print("\n按题型分类:") |
print(dfs['by_type'].to_string(index=False)) |
print("\n按难度分类:") |
print(dfs['by_difficulty'].to_string(index=False)) |
print("\n按朝代分类:") |
print(dfs['by_dynasty'].to_string(index=False)) |
plot_accuracy_comparison(dfs) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
main() |