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\chapter{Bonus: Cellular homology}
We now introduce cellular homology, which essentially lets us compute
the homology groups of any CW complex we like.
\prototype{$z \mapsto z^d$ has degree $d$.}
For any $n > 0$ and map $f : S^n \to S^n$, consider
\[ f_\ast : \underbrace{H_n(S^n)}_{\cong \ZZ} \to \underbrace{H_n(S^n)}_{\cong \ZZ} \]
which must be multiplication by some constant $d$.
This $d$ is called the \vocab{degree} of $f$, denoted $\deg f$.
Show that $\deg(f \circ g) = \deg(f) \deg(g)$.
\ii For $n=1$, the map $z \mapsto z^k$ (viewing $S^1 \subseteq \CC$)
has degree $k$.
\ii A reflection map $(x_0, x_1, \dots, x_n) \mapsto (-x_0, x_1, \dots, x_n)$
has degree $-1$; we won't prove this, but geometrically this should be clear.
\ii The antipodal map $x \mapsto -x$ has degree $(-1)^{n+1}$
since it's the composition of $n+1$ reflections as above.
We denote this map by $-\id$.
Obviously, if $f$ and $g$ are homotopic, then $\deg f = \deg g$.
In fact, a theorem of Hopf says that this is a classifying invariant:
anytime $\deg f = \deg g$, we have that $f$ and $g$ are homotopic.
One nice application of this:
[Hairy ball theorem]
If $n > 0$ is even, then $S^n$ doesn't have a continuous field
of nonzero tangent vectors.
If the vectors are nonzero then WLOG they have norm $1$;
that is for every $x$ we have an orthogonal unit vector $v(x)$.
Then we can construct a homotopy map $F : S^n \times [0,1] \to S^n$ by
\[ (x,t) \mapsto (\cos \pi t)x + (\sin \pi t) v(x). \]
which gives a homotopy from $\id$ to $-\id$.
So $\deg(\id) = \deg(-\id)$, which means $1 = (-1)^{n+1}$
so $n$ must be odd.
Of course, the one can construct such a vector field whenever $n$ is odd.
For example, when $n=1$ such a vector field is drawn below.
draw(unitcircle, blue+1);
label("$S^1$", dir(100), dir(100), blue);
void arrow(real theta) {
pair P = dir(theta);
pair delta = 0.8*P*dir(90);
draw( P--(P+delta), EndArrow );
\section{Cellular chain complex}
Before starting, we state:
[CW homology groups]
Let $X$ be a CW complex. Then
H_k(X^n, X^{n-1}) &\cong
\ZZ^{\oplus\text{\#$n$-cells of $X$}} & k = n \\
0 & \text{otherwise}.
\end{cases} \\
H_k(X^n) &\cong
H_k(X) & k \le n-1 \\
0 & k \ge n+1.
% I'll prove just the case where $X$ is finite-dimensional as usual.
The first part is immediate by noting that $(X^n, X^{n-1})$ is a good pair
and $X^n/X^{n-1}$ is a wedge sum of two spheres.
For the second part, fix $k$ and note that, as long as $n \le k-1$ or $n \ge k+2$,
\underbrace{H_{k+1}(X^n, X^{n-1})}_{=0}
\to H_k(X^{n-1})
\to H_k(X^n)
\to \underbrace{H_{k}(X^n, X^{n-1})}_{=0}.
So we have isomorphisms
\[ H_k(X^{k-1}) \cong H_k(X^{k-2}) \cong \dots \cong H_k(X^0) = 0 \]
\[ H_k(X^{k+1}) \cong H_k(X^{k+2}) \cong \dots \cong H_k(X). \qedhere \]
So, we know that the groups $H_k(X^k, X^{k-1})$ are super nice:
they are free abelian with basis given by the cells of $X$.
So, we give them a name:
For a CW complex $X$, we define
\[ \Cells_k(X) = H_k(X^k, X^{k-1}) \]
where $\Cells_0(X) = H_0(X^0, \varnothing) = H_0(X^0)$ by convention.
So $\Cells_k(X)$ is an abelian group with basis given by
the $k$-cells of $X$.
Now, using $\Cells_k = H_k(X^k, X^{k-1})$ let's use
our long exact sequence and try to string together maps between these.
Consider the following diagram.
\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=tiny]
& \underbrace{H_3(X^2)}_{=0} \ar[d, "0"] \\
\CX{4} \ar[r, "\partial_4"] \ar[rd, "d_4", blue]
& H_3(X^3) \ar[r, two heads] \ar[d, "0"]
& \underbrace{H_3(X^4)}_{\cong H_3(X)} \ar[r, "0"]
& \underbrace{H_3(X^4, X^3)}_{= 0} \\
& \CX{3} \ar[d, "\partial_3"] \ar[rd, "d_3", blue]
&& \underbrace{H_1(X^0)}_{=0} \ar[d, "0"] \\
\underbrace{H_2(X^1)}_{=0} \ar[r, "0"]
& H_2(X^2) \ar[r, hook] \ar[d, two heads]
& \CX{2} \ar[r, "\partial_2"] \ar[rd, "d_2", blue]
& H_1(X^1) \ar[r, two heads]
& \underbrace{H_1(X^2)}_{\cong H_1(X)} \ar[r, "0"]
& \underbrace{H_1(X^2, X^1)}_{=0} \\
& \underbrace{H_2(X^3)}_{\cong H_2(X)} \ar[d, "0"]
&& \CX{1} \ar[d, "\partial_1"] \ar[rd, "d_1", blue] \\
& \underbrace{H_2(X^3, X^2)}_{=0}
& \underbrace{H_0(\varnothing)}_{=0} \ar[r, "0"]
& H_0(X^0) \ar[r, hook] \ar[d, two heads]
& \CX{0} \ar[r, "\partial_0"]
& \dots \\
&&& \underbrace{H_0(X^1)}_{\cong H_0(X)} \ar[d, "0"] \\
&&& \underbrace{H_0(X^1, X^0)}_{=0}
The idea is that we have taken all the exact sequences generated by adjacent
skeletons, and strung them together at the groups $H_k(X^k)$,
with half the exact sequences being laid out vertically
and the other half horizontally.
In that case, composition generates a sequence of dotted maps
between the $H_k(X^k, X^{k-1})$ as shown.
Show that the composition of two adjacent dotted arrows is zero.
So from the diagram above, we can read off a sequence of arrows
\dots \taking{d_5} \Cells_4(X) \taking{d_4} \Cells_3(X)
\taking{d_3} \Cells_2(X) \taking{d_2} \Cells_1(X)
\taking{d_1} \Cells_0(X) \taking{d_0} 0.
This is a chain complex, called the \vocab{cellular chain complex};
as mentioned before before all the homology groups are free,
but these ones are especially nice because for most reasonable CW complexes,
they are also finitely generated
(unlike the massive $C_\bullet(X)$ that we had earlier).
In other words, the $H_k(X^k, X^{k-1})$ are especially nice ``concrete'' free groups
that one can actually work with.
The other reason we care is that in fact:
\begin{theorem}[Cellular chain complex gives $H_n(X)$]
The $k$th homology group of the cellular chain complex
is isomorphic to $H_k(X)$.
Follows from the diagram; \Cref{prob:diagram_chase}.
A nice application of this is to define
the \vocab{Euler characteristic} of a finite CW complex $X$.
Of course we can write
\[ \chi(X) = \sum_n (-1)^n \cdot \#(\text{$n$-cells of $X$}) \]
which generalizes the familiar $V-E+F$ formula.
However, this definition is unsatisfactory because it
depends on the choice of CW complex, while we actually
want $\chi(X)$ to only depend on the space $X$ itself
(and not how it was built). In light of this, we prove that:
[Euler characteristic via Betti numbers]
For any finite CW complex $X$ we have
\[ \chi(X) = \sum_n (-1)^n \rank H_n(X). \]
Thus $\chi(X)$ does not depend on the choice of CW decomposition.
The numbers
\[ b_n = \rank H_n(X) \]
are called the \vocab{Betti numbers} of $X$.
In fact, we can use this to define $\chi(X)$ for any reasonable space;
we are happy because in the (frequent) case that $X$ is a CW complex,
We quote the fact that if $0 \to A \to B \to C \to D \to 0$
is exact then $\rank B + \rank D = \rank A + \rank C$.
Then for example the row
\underbrace{H_2(X^1)}_{=0} \ar[r, "0"] & H_2(X^2) \ar[r, hook] &
H_2(X^2, X^1) \ar[r, "\partial_2"] & H_1(X^1) \ar[r, two heads] &
\underbrace{H_1(X^2)}_{\cong H_1(X)} \ar[r, "0"]
& \underbrace{H_1(X^2, X^1)}_{=0}
from the cellular diagram gives
\[ \#(\text{$2$-cells}) + \rank H_1(X)
= \rank H_2(X^2) + \rank H_1(X^1). \]
More generally,
\[ \#(\text{$k$-cells}) + \rank H_{k-1}(X)
= \rank H_k(X^k) + \rank H_{k-1}(X^{k-1}) \]
which holds also for $k=0$ if we drop the $H_{-1}$ terms
(since $\#\text{$0$-cells} = \rank H_0(X^0)$ is obvious).
Multiplying this by $(-1)^k$ and summing across $k \ge 0$
gives the conclusion.
[Examples of Betti numbers]
\ii The Betti numbers of $S^n$ are $b_0 = b_n = 1$,
and zero elsewhere. The Euler characteristic is $1 + (-1)^n$.
\ii The Betti numbers of a torus $S^1 \times S^1$
are $b_0 = 1$, $b_1 = 2$, $b_2 = 1$, and zero elsewhere.
Thus the Euler characteristic is $0$.
\ii The Betti numbers of $\CP^n$ are $b_0 = b_2 = \dots = b_{2n} = 1$,
and zero elsewhere. Thus the Euler characteristic is $n+1$.
\ii The Betti numbers of the Klein bottle
are $b_0 = 1$, $b_1 = 1$ and zero elsewhere.
Thus the Euler characteristic is $0$, the same as the sphere
(also since their CW structures use the same number of cells).
One notices that in the ``nice'' spaces $S^n$, $S^1 \times S^1$ and $\CP^n$
there is a nice symmetry in the Betti numbers, namely $b_k = b_{n-k}$.
This is true more generally; see Poincar\'e duality and \Cref{prob:betti}.
\section{The cellular boundary formula}
In fact, one can describe explicitly what the maps $d_n$ are.
Recalling that $H_k(X^k, X^{k-1})$ has a basis the $k$-cells of $X$, we obtain:
[Cellular boundary formula for $k=1$]
For $k=1$, \[ d_1 : \Cells_1(X) \to \Cells_0(X) \] is just the boundary map.
[Cellular boundary for $k > 1$]
Let $k > 1$ be a positive integer.
Let $e^k$ be an $k$-cell, and let $\{e_\beta^{k-1}\}_\beta$
denote all $(k-1)$-cells of $X$.
Then \[ d_k : \Cells_k(X) \to \Cells_{k-1}(X) \]
is given on basis elements by
\[ d_k(e^k) = \sum_\beta d_\beta e_\beta^{k-1} \]
where $d_\beta$ is be the degree of the composed map
\[ S^{k-1} = \partial D_\beta^k \xrightarrow{\text{attach}}
X^{k-1} \surjto S_\beta^{k-1}. \]
Here the first arrow is the attaching map for $e^k$
and the second arrow is the quotient of collapsing
$X^{k-1} \setminus e^{k-1}_\beta$ to a point.
This gives us an algorithm for computing homology groups of a CW complex:
\ii Construct the cellular chain complex,
where $\Cells_k(X)$ is $\ZZ^{\oplus \# \text{$k$-cells}}$.
\ii $d_1 : \Cells_1(X) \to \Cells_0(X)$ is just the boundary map
(so $d_1(e^1)$ is the difference of the two endpoints).
\ii For any $k > 1$, we compute $d_k : \Cells_k(X) \to \Cells_{k-1}(X)$
on basis elements as follows.
Repeat the following for each $k$-cell $e^k$:
\ii For every $k-1$ cell $e^{k-1}_\beta$,
compute the degree of the boundary of $e^k$ welded onto
the boundary of $e^{k-1}_\beta$, say $d_\beta$.
\ii Then $d_k(e^k) = \sum_\beta d_\beta e^{k-1}_\beta$.
\ii Now we have the maps of the cellular chain complex,
so we can compute the homologies directly
(by taking the quotient of the kernel by the image).
We can use this for example to compute the homology groups of the torus again,
as well as the Klein bottle and other spaces.
[Cellular homology of a torus]
Consider the torus built from $e^0$, $e^1_a$, $e^1_b$ and $e^2$ as before,
where $e^2$ is attached via the word $aba\inv b\inv$.
For example, $X^1$ is
draw(shift(-1,0)*unitcircle, blue, MidArrow);
draw(shift(1,0)*rotate(180)*unitcircle, red, MidArrow);
label("$e^1_a$", 2*dir(180), dir(180), blue);
label("$e^1_b$", 2*dir(0), dir(0), red);
dotfactor *= 1.4;
dot("$e^0$", origin, dir(0));
The cellular chain complex is
0 \ar[r]
& \ZZ e^2 \ar[r, "d_2"]
& \ZZ e^1_a \oplus \ZZ e^1_b \ar[r, "d_1"]
& \ZZ e^0 \ar[r, "d_0"]
& 0
Now apply the cellular boundary formulas:
\ii Recall that $d_1$ was the boundary formula.
We have $d_1(e^1_a) = e_0 - e_0 = 0$ and similarly $d_1(e^1_b) = 0$.
So $d_1 = 0$.
\ii For $d_2$, consider the image of the boundary $e^2$ on $e^1_a$.
Around $X^1$, it wraps once around $e^1_a$, once around $e^1_b$,
again around $e^1_a$ (in the opposite direction),
and again around $e^1_b$.
Once we collapse the entire $e^1_b$ to a point,
we see that the degree of the map is $0$.
So $d_2(e^2)$ has no $e^1_a$ coefficient.
Similarly, it has no $e^1_b$ coefficient, hence $d_2 = 0$.
Thus \[ d_1=d_2=0. \]
So at every map in the complex, the kernel of the map
is the whole space while the image is $\{0\}$.
So the homology groups are $\ZZ$, $\ZZ^{\oplus 2}$, $\ZZ$.
[Cellular homology of the Klein bottle]
Let $X$ be a Klein bottle.
Consider cells $e^0$, $e^1_a$, $e^1_b$ and $e^2$ as before,
but this time $e^2$ is attached via the word $abab\inv$.
So $d_1$ is still zero, but this time we have
$d_2(e^2) = 2e^1_a$ instead (why?).
So our diagram looks like
\begin{tikzcd}[row sep = tiny]
0 \ar[r, "0"]
& \ZZ e^2 \ar[r, "d_2"]
& \ZZ e^1_a \oplus \ZZ e^1_b \ar[r, "d_1"]
& \ZZ e^0 \ar[r, "d_0"] & 0 \\
& e^2 \ar[r, mapsto] & 2e^1_a \\
&& e_1^a \ar[r, mapsto] & 0 && \\
&& e_1^b \ar[r, mapsto] & 0
So we get that $H_0(X) \cong \ZZ$,
but \[ H_1(X) \cong \ZZ \oplus \Zc2 \] this time
(it is $\ZZ^{\oplus 2}$ modulo a copy of $2\ZZ$).
Also, $\ker d_2 = 0$, and so now $H_2(X) = 0$.
Let $n$ be a positive integer.
Show that
H_k(\CP^n) \cong
\ZZ & k=0,2,4,\dots,2n \\
0 & \text{otherwise}.
$\CP^n$ has no cells in adjacent dimensions,
so all $d_k$ maps must be zero.
Show that a non-surjective map $f : S^n \to S^n$ has degree zero.
The space $S^n - \{x_0\}$ is contractible.
\begin{problem}[Moore spaces]
Let $G_1$, $G_2$, \dots, $G_N$ be a sequence of
finitely generated abelian groups.
Construct a space $X$ such that
\wt H_n(X)
G_n & 1 \le n \le N \\
0 & \text{otherwise}.
Prove \Cref{thm:cellular_chase},
showing that the homology groups of $X$
coincide with the homology groups of the cellular chain complex.
You won't need to refer to any elements.
Start with \[ H_2(X) \cong H_2(X^3) \cong
H_2(X^2) / \ker \left[ H_2(X^2) \surjto H_2(X^3) \right], \] say.
Take note of the marked injective and surjective arrows.
For concreteness, let's just look at the homology at $H_2(X^2, X^1)$
and show it's isomorphic to $H_2(X)$.
According to the diagram
H_2(X) &\cong H_2(X^3) \\
&\cong H_2(X^2) / \ker \left[ H_2(X^2) \surjto H_2(X^3) \right] \\
&\cong H_2(X^2) / \img \partial_3 \\
&\cong \img\left[ H_2(X^2) \injto H_2(X^2, X^1) \right] / \img \partial_3 \\
&\cong \ker(\partial_2) / \img\partial_3 \\
&\cong \ker d_2 / \img d_3. \qedhere
Let $n$ be a positive integer. Show that
\ZZ & \text{if $k=0$ or $k=n\equiv 1 \pmod 2$} \\
\Zc2 & \text{if $k$ is odd and $0 < k < n$} \\
0 & \text{otherwise}.
There is one cell of each dimension.
Show that the degree of $d_k$ is $\deg(\id)+\deg(-\id)$,
hence $d_k$ is zero or $\cdot 2$ depending
on whether $k$ is even or odd.