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\chapter{Unique factorization (finally!)} | |
Took long enough. | |
\section{Motivation} | |
Suppose we're interested in solutions to the | |
Diophantine equation $n = x^2 + 5y^2$ for a given $n$. | |
The idea is to try and ``factor'' $n$ in $\ZZ[\sqrt{-5}]$, | |
for example \[ 6 = (1+\sqrt{-5})(1-\sqrt{-5}). \] | |
Unfortunately, this is not so simple, because as I've said before | |
we don't have unique factorization of elements: | |
\[ 6 = 2 \cdot 3 = \left( 1+\sqrt{-5} \right)\left( 1-\sqrt{-5} \right). \] | |
One reason this doesn't work is that we don't have a notion of a | |
\emph{greatest common divisor}. | |
We can write $(35, 77) = 7$, but what do we make of $(3, 1+\sqrt{-5})$? | |
The trick is to use ideals as a ``generalized GCD''. | |
Recall that by $(a,b)$ I mean the ideal $\{ax + by \mid x,y \in \ZZ[\sqrt{-5}] \}$. | |
You can see that $(35, 77) = (7)$, | |
but $(3, 1+\sqrt{-5})$ will be left ``unsimplified'' because it doesn't | |
represent an actual value in the ring. | |
Using these \emph{sets} (ideals) as elements, | |
it turns out that we can develop a full theory | |
of prime factorization, and we do so in this chapter. | |
In other words, we use the ideal $(a_1, \dots, a_m)$ | |
to interpret a ``generalized GCD'' of $a_1$, \dots, $a_m$. | |
In particular, if we have a number $x$ we want to represent, | |
we encode it as just $(x)$. | |
Going back to our example of $6$, | |
\[ (6) = (2) \cdot (3) | |
= \left( 1+\sqrt{-5} \right) \cdot \left( 1-\sqrt{-5} \right). \] | |
Please take my word for it that in fact, | |
the complete prime factorization of $(6)$ into prime ideals is | |
\[ | |
(6) | |
= (2,1-\sqrt{-5})^2 (3,1+\sqrt{-5})(3,1-\sqrt{-5}) | |
= \kp^2 \kq_1 \kq_2. \] | |
In fact, $(2) = \kp^2$, $(3) = \kq_1 \kq_2$, | |
$(1+\sqrt{-5}) = \kp \kq_1$, $(1-\sqrt{-5}) = \kp \kq_2$. | |
So $6$ indeed factorizes uniquely into ideals, | |
even though it doesn't factor into elements. | |
As one can see above, | |
ideal factorization is more refined than element factorization. | |
Once you have the factorization into \emph{ideals}, | |
you can from there recover all the factorizations into \emph{elements}. | |
The upshot of this is that if we want to write $n$ as $x^2+5y^2$, | |
we just have to factor $n$ into ideals, | |
and from there we can recover all factorizations into elements, | |
and finally all ways to write $n$ as $x^2+5y^2$. | |
Since we can already break $n$ into rational prime factors | |
(for example $6 = 2 \cdot 3$ above) | |
we just have to figure out how each rational prime $p \mid n$ breaks down. | |
There's a recipe for this, \Cref{thm:factor_alg}! | |
In fact, I'll even tell you what is says in this special case: | |
\begin{itemize} | |
\ii If $t^2+5$ factors as $(t+c)(t-c) \pmod p$, | |
then $(p) = (p, c+\sqrt{-5})(p, c-\sqrt{-5})$. | |
\ii Otherwise, $(p)$ is a prime ideal. | |
\end{itemize} | |
In this chapter we'll develop this theory of unique factorization in full generality. | |
%We saw earlier that in rings, such as $\ZZ[\sqrt{-5}]$, unique factorization can fail: | |
%\[ 6 = 2 \cdot 3 = \left( 1 - \sqrt{-5} \right)\left( 1 + \sqrt{5} \right). \] | |
%I mentioned that we thus turned to the notion of \emph{ideals}, | |
%and defined the notion of a prime ideal. | |
%Then I said | |
%\begin{quote} | |
% I now must regrettably inform you that prime factorization is still | |
% not true even with the notion of a ``prime'' ideal | |
% (though not I haven't told you how to multiply two ideals yet). | |
% But it will work in the situations we care about most: | |
% this is covered in the chapter on Dedekind domains. | |
%\end{quote} | |
%I can be precise about what's going to happen now. | |
%We'll define a Dedekind domain, which in particular includes all rings of integers $\OO_K$. | |
%Then prime factorization will work in Dedekind domains, and we'll throw a small party. | |
\begin{remark} | |
In this chapter, I'll be using the letters $\ka$, $\kb$, $\kp$, $\kq$ | |
for ideals of $\OO_K$. | |
When fractional ideals arise, I'll use $I$ and $J$ for them. | |
\end{remark} | |
\section{Ideal arithmetic} | |
\prototype{$(x)(y) = (xy)$. In any case, think in terms of generators.} | |
First, I have to tell you how to add and multiply two ideals $\ka$ and $\kb$. | |
\begin{definition} | |
Given two ideals $\ka$ and $\kb$ of a ring $R$, we define | |
\begin{align*} | |
\ka + \kb &\defeq \left\{ a+b \mid a \in \ka, b \in \kb \right\} \\ | |
\ka \cdot \kb &\defeq \left\{ a_1b_1 + \dots + a_n b_n | |
\mid a_i \in \ka, b_i \in \kb \right\}. | |
\end{align*} | |
\end{definition} | |
(Note that infinite sums don't make sense in general rings, which is why in $\ka \cdot \kb$ | |
we cut off the sum after some finite number of terms.) | |
You can readily check these are actually ideals. | |
This definition is more natural if you think about it in terms of | |
the generators of $\ka$ and $\kb$. | |
\begin{proposition}[Ideal arithmetic via generators] | |
Suppose $\ka = \left( a_1, a_2, \dots, a_n \right)$ | |
and $\kb = \left( b_1, \dots, b_m \right)$ are ideals in a ring $R$. | |
Then | |
\begin{enumerate}[(a)] | |
\ii $\ka + \kb$ is the ideal generated by $a_1, \dots, a_n, b_1, \dots, b_m$. | |
\ii $\ka \cdot \kb$ is the ideal generated by $a_i b_j$, | |
for $1 \le i \le n$ and $1 \le j \le m$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Pretty straightforward; just convince yourself that this result is correct. | |
\end{proof} | |
In other words, for sums you append the two sets of generators together, | |
and for products you take products of the generators. | |
Note that for principal ideals, this coincides with ``normal'' multiplication, | |
for example | |
\[ (3) \cdot (5) = (15) \] | |
in $\ZZ$. | |
\begin{remark} | |
Note that for an ideal $\ka$ and an element $c$, | |
the set \[ c \ka = \left\{ ca \mid a \in \ka \right\} \] | |
is equal to $(c) \cdot \ka$. | |
So ``scaling'' and ``multiplying by principal ideals'' are the same thing. | |
This is important, since we'll be using the two notions interchangably. | |
\end{remark} | |
Finally, since we want to do factorization we better have some notion of divisibility. | |
So we define: | |
\begin{definition} | |
We say $\ka$ divides $\kb$ and write $\ka \mid \kb$ if $\ka \supseteq \kb$. | |
\end{definition} | |
Note the reversal of inclusions! | |
So $(3)$ divides $(15)$, because $(15)$ is contained in $(3)$; | |
every multiple of $15$ is a multiple of $3$. | |
And from the example in the previous section: In $\ZZ[\sqrt{-5}]$, | |
$(3,1-\sqrt{-5})$ divides $(3)$ and $(1 - \sqrt{-5})$. | |
Finally, the \vocab{prime ideals} are defined as in \Cref{def:prime_ideal}: | |
$\kp$ is prime if $xy \in \kp$ implies $x \in \kp$ or $y \in \kp$. | |
This is compatible with the definition of divisibility: | |
\begin{exercise} | |
A nonzero proper ideal $\kp$ is prime | |
if and only if whenever $\kp$ divides $\ka \kb$, | |
$\kp$ divides one of $\ka$ or $\kb$. | |
\end{exercise} | |
As mentioned in \Cref{rem:unit_sign_issue}, | |
this also lets us ignore multiplication by units: $(-3) = (3)$. | |
\section{Dedekind domains} | |
\prototype{Any $\OO_K$ is a Dedekind domain.} | |
We now define a Dedekind domain as follows. | |
\begin{definition} | |
An integral domain $\mathcal A$ is a \vocab{Dedekind domain} | |
if it is Noetherian, integrally closed, and | |
\emph{every nonzero prime ideal of $\mathcal A$ is in fact maximal}. | |
(The last condition is the important one.) | |
\end{definition} | |
Here there's one new word I have to define for you, but we won't make much use of it. | |
\begin{definition} | |
Let $R$ be an integral domain and let $K$ be its field of fractions. | |
We say $R$ is \vocab{integrally closed} if | |
the only elements $a \in K$ which are roots of \emph{monic} polynomials in $R$ | |
are the elements of $R$ (which are roots of the trivial $x-r$ polynomial). | |
\end{definition} | |
The \emph{interesting} condition in the definition | |
of a Dedekind domain is the last one: prime ideals and maximal ideals | |
are the same thing. | |
The other conditions are just technicalities, | |
but ``primes are maximal'' has real substance. | |
\begin{example}[$\ZZ$ is a Dedekind domain] | |
The ring $\ZZ$ is a Dedekind domain. | |
Note that | |
\begin{itemize} | |
\ii $\ZZ$ is Noetherian (for obvious reasons). | |
\ii $\ZZ$ has field of fractions $\QQ$. | |
If $f(x) \in \ZZ[x]$ is monic, then by the rational root theorem | |
any rational roots are integers | |
(this is the same as the proof that $\ol\ZZ \cap \QQ = \ZZ$). | |
Hence $\ZZ$ is integrally closed. | |
\ii The nonzero prime ideals of $\ZZ$ are $(p)$, | |
which also happen to be maximal. | |
\end{itemize} | |
\end{example} | |
The case of interest is a ring $\OO_K$ in which we wish to do factorizing. | |
We're now going to show that for any number field $K$, the ring $\OO_K$ is a Dedekind domain. | |
First, the boring part. | |
\begin{proposition}[$\OO_K$ integrally closed and Noetherian] | |
For any number field $K$, the ring $\OO_K$ is integrally closed and Noetherian. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Boring, but here it is anyways for completeness. | |
Since $\OO_K \cong \ZZ^{\oplus n}$, we get that it's Noetherian. | |
Now we show that $\OO_K$ is integrally closed. | |
Suppose that $\eta \in K$ is the root of some polynomial with coefficients in $\OO_K$. | |
Thus | |
\[ \eta^n = \alpha_{n-1} \cdot \eta^{n-1} + \alpha_{n-2} \cdot \eta^{n-2} | |
+ \dots + \alpha_0 \] | |
where $\alpha_i \in \OO_K$. We want to show that $\eta \in \OO_K$ as well. | |
Well, from the above, $\OO_K[\eta]$ is finitely generated\dots | |
thus $\ZZ[\eta] \subseteq \OO_K[\eta]$ is finitely generated. | |
So $\eta \in \ol\ZZ$, and hence $\eta \in K \cap \ol\ZZ = \OO_K$. | |
\end{proof} | |
Now let's do the fun part. | |
We'll prove a stronger result, which will re-appear repeatedly. | |
\begin{theorem}[Important: prime ideals divide rational primes] | |
Let $\OO_K$ be a ring of integers | |
and $\kp$ a nonzero prime ideal inside it. | |
Then $\kp$ contains a rational prime $p$. | |
Moreover, $\kp$ is maximal. | |
\end{theorem} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Take any $\alpha \neq 0$ in $\kp$. | |
Its Galois conjugates are algebraic integers | |
so their product $\Norm(\alpha)/\alpha$ is in $\OO_K$ | |
(even though each individual conjugate need not be in $K$). | |
Consequently, $\Norm(\alpha) \in \kp$, | |
and we conclude $\kp$ contains some integer. | |
Then take the smallest positive integer in $\kp$, say $p$. | |
We must have that $p$ is a rational prime, since otherwise $\kp \ni p = xy$ | |
implies one of $x,y \in \kp$. | |
This shows the first part. | |
We now do something pretty tricky to show $\kp$ is maximal. | |
Look at $\OO_K / \kp$; | |
since $\kp$ is prime it's supposed to be an integral domain\dots\ | |
but we claim that it's actually finite! | |
To do this, we forget that we can multiply on $\OO_K$. | |
Recalling that $\OO_K \cong \ZZ^{\oplus n}$ as an abelian group, | |
we obtain a map | |
\[ {\FF_p}^{\oplus n} \cong \OO_K / (p) \surjto \OO_K / \kp. \] | |
Hence $\left\lvert \OO_K / \kp \right\rvert \le p^n$ is \emph{finite}. | |
Since finite integral domains are fields (\Cref{prob:finite_domain_field}) | |
we are done. | |
\end{proof} | |
Since every nonzero prime $\kp$ is maximal, we now know that $\OO_K$ is a Dedekind domain. | |
Note that this tricky proof is essentially inspired by the solution to \Cref{prob:dedekind_sample}. | |
\section{Unique factorization works} | |
Okay, I'll just say it now! | |
\begin{moral} | |
Unique factorization works perfectly in Dedekind domains! | |
\end{moral} | |
\begin{theorem}[Prime factorization works] | |
Let $\ka$ be a nonzero proper ideal of a Dedekind domain $\mathcal A$. | |
Then $\ka$ can be written as a finite product of nonzero prime ideals $\kp_i$, say | |
\[ \ka = \kp_1^{e_1} \kp_2^{e_2} \dots \kp_g^{e_g} \] | |
and this factorization is unique up to the order of the $\kp_i$. | |
Moreover, $\ka$ divides $\kb$ if and only if for every prime ideal $\kp$, | |
the exponent of $\kp$ in $\ka$ is less than the corresponding exponent in $\kb$. | |
\end{theorem} | |
%% Ofer joke | |
% As ideals, you and I are coprime because together we are (1). | |
I won't write out the proof, but I'll describe the basic method of attack. | |
Section 3 of \cite{ref:ullery} does a nice job of explaining it. | |
When we proved the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, the basic plot was: | |
\begin{enumerate}[(1)] | |
\ii Show that if $p$ is a rational prime\footnote{ | |
Note that the kindergarten definition of a prime is | |
that ``$p$ isn't the product of two smaller integers''. | |
This isn't the correct definition of a prime: | |
the definition of a prime is that $p \mid bc$ | |
means $p \mid b$ or $p \mid c$. | |
The kindergarten definition is something called ``irreducible''. | |
Fortunately, in $\ZZ$, primes and irreducibles are the same thing, | |
so no one ever told you that your definition of ``prime'' was wrong.} | |
then $p \mid bc$ means $p \mid b$ or $p \mid c$. (This is called Euclid's Lemma.) | |
\ii Use strong induction to show that every $N > 1$ can be written as the product of primes (easy). | |
\ii Show that if $p_1 \dots p_m = q_1 \dots q_n$ for some primes (not necessarily unique), | |
then $p_1 = q_i$ for some $i$, say $q_1$. | |
\ii Divide both sides by $p_1$ and use induction. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
What happens if we try to repeat the proof here? | |
We get step 1 for free, because we're using a better definition of ``prime''. | |
We can also do step 3, since it follows from step 1. | |
But step 2 doesn't work, | |
because for abstract Dedekind domains | |
we don't really have a notion of size. | |
And step 4 doesn't work because we don't yet have a | |
notion of what the inverse of a prime ideal is. | |
Well, it turns out that we \emph{can} define the inverse $\ka\inv$ of an ideal, | |
and I'll do so by the end of this chapter. | |
You then need to check that $\ka \cdot \ka\inv = (1) = \mathcal A$. | |
In fact, even this isn't easy. | |
You have to check it's true for prime ideals $\kp$, | |
\emph{then} prove prime factorization, | |
and then prove that this is true. | |
Moreover, $\ka\inv$ is not actually an ideal, so you need to | |
work in the field of fractions $K$ instead of $\mathcal A$. | |
So the main steps in the new situation are as follows: | |
\begin{enumerate}[(1)] | |
\ii First, show that every ideal $\ka$ divides $\kp_1 \dots \kp_g$ | |
for some finite collection of primes. | |
(This is an application of Zorn's Lemma.) | |
\ii Define $\kp\inv$ and show that $\kp \kp\inv = (1)$. | |
\ii Show that a factorization exists (again using Zorn's Lemma). | |
\ii Show that it's unique, using the new inverse we've defined. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
Finally, let me comment on how nice this is if $\mathcal A$ is a PID (like $\ZZ$). | |
Thus every element $a \in \mathcal A$ is in direct correspondence with an ideal $(a)$. | |
Now suppose $(a)$ factors as a product of ideals $\kp_i = (p_i)$, say, | |
\[ (a) = (p_1)^{e_1} (p_2)^{e_2} \dots (p_n)^{e_n} . \] | |
This verbatim reads \[ a = u p_1^{e_1} p_2^{e_2} \dots p_n^{e_n} \] | |
where $u$ is some unit (recall \Cref{def:unit}). | |
Hence, Dedekind domains which are PID's satisfy unique factorization | |
for \emph{elements}, just like in $\ZZ$. | |
(In fact, the converse of this is true.) | |
\section{The factoring algorithm} | |
Let's look at some examples from quadratic fields. | |
Recall that if $K = \QQ(\sqrt{d})$, then | |
\[ | |
\OO_K = | |
\begin{cases} | |
\ZZ[\sqrt d] & d \equiv 2,3 \pmod 4 \\ | |
\ZZ\left[ \frac{1+\sqrt d}{2} \right] & d \equiv 1 \pmod 4. | |
\end{cases} | |
\] | |
Also, recall that the norm of $a+b\sqrt{-d}$ is given by $a^2+db^2$. | |
%In what follows, we are going to often use the trick that | |
%\[ \ZZ[\alpha] \cong \ZZ[x] / (f) \] | |
%where $f$ is the minimal polynomial of $\alpha$. | |
\begin{example}[Factoring $6$ in the integers of $\QQ(\sqrt{-5})$] | |
Let $\OO_K = \ZZ[\sqrt{-5}]$ arise from $K = \QQ(\sqrt{-5})$. | |
We've already seen that | |
\[ (6) = (2) \cdot (3) = \left( 1+\sqrt{-5} \right)\left( 1-\sqrt{-5} \right) \] | |
and you can't get any further with these principal ideals. | |
But let | |
\[ \kp = \left( 1+\sqrt{-5}, 2 \right) = \left( 1-\sqrt{-5}, 2 \right) | |
\quad\text{and}\quad \kq_1 = (1+\sqrt{-5},3), | |
\; \kq_2 = (1-\sqrt{-5},3). \] | |
Then it turns out $(6) = \kp^2\kq_1\kq_2$. | |
More specifically, $(2) = \kp^2$, $(3) = \kq_1\kq_2$, | |
and $(1+\sqrt{-5}) = \kp\kq_1$ and $(1-\sqrt{-5}) = \kp\kq_2$. | |
(Proof in just a moment.) | |
\end{example} | |
I want to stress that all our ideals are computed relative to $\OO_K$. | |
So for example, \[ (2) = \left\{ 2x \mid x \in \OO_K \right\}. \] | |
How do we know in this example that $\kp$ is prime/maximal? | |
(Again, these are the same since we're in a Dedekind domain.) | |
Answer: look at $\OO_K / \kp$ and see if it's a field. | |
There is a trick to this: we can express | |
\[ \OO_K = \ZZ[\sqrt{-5}] \cong \ZZ[x] / (x^2+5). \] | |
%\begin{ques} | |
% Convince yourself this is true. | |
% (More generally, if $\theta \in \ol\ZZ$ has minimal polynomial $p$, | |
% then $\ZZ[\theta] \cong \ZZ[x] / (p)$). | |
%\end{ques} | |
So when we take \emph{that} mod $\kp$, we get that | |
\[ \OO_K / \kp = \ZZ[x] / (x^2+5, 2, 1+x) \cong \FF_2[x] / (x^2+5,x+1) \] | |
as rings. | |
\begin{ques} | |
Conclude that $\OO_K / \kp \cong \mathbb F_2$, | |
and satisfy yourself that $\kq_1$ and $\kq_2$ are also maximal. | |
\end{ques} | |
I should give an explicit example of an ideal multiplication: let's compute | |
\begin{align*} | |
\kq_1\kq_2 &= \left( (1+\sqrt{-5})(1-\sqrt{-5}), 3(1+\sqrt{-5}), 3(1-\sqrt{-5}), 9 \right) \\ | |
&= \left( 6, 3+3\sqrt{-5}, 3-3\sqrt{-5}, 9 \right) \\ | |
&= \left( 6, 3+3\sqrt{-5}, 3-3\sqrt{-5}, 3 \right) \\ | |
&= (3) | |
\end{align*} | |
where we first did $9-6=3$ (think Euclidean algorithm!), | |
then noted that all the other generators don't contribute | |
anything we don't already have with the $3$ | |
(again these are ideals computed in $\OO_K$). | |
You can do the computation for $\kp^2$, $\kp\kq_1$, $\kp\kq_2$ in the same way. | |
Finally, it's worth pointing out that we should quickly | |
verify that $\kp \neq (x)$ for some $x$; | |
in other words, that $\kp$ is not principal. | |
Assume for contradiction that it is. | |
Then $x$ divides both $1+\sqrt{-5}$ and $2$, in the sense | |
that $1+\sqrt{-5} = \alpha_1 x$ and $2 = \alpha_2 x$ | |
for some $\alpha_1, \alpha_2 \in \OO_K$. | |
(Principal ideals are exactly the ``multiples'' of $x$, so $(x) = x \OO_K$.) | |
Taking the norms, we find that $\Norm_{K/\QQ}(x)$ divides both | |
\[ \Norm_{K/\QQ}(1+\sqrt{-5}) = 6 \quad\text{and}\quad \Norm_{K/\QQ}(2) = 4. \] | |
Since $\kp \neq (1)$, $x$ cannot be a unit, so its norm must be $2$. | |
But there are no elements of norm $2 = a^2+5b^2$ in $\OO_K$. | |
\begin{example}[Factoring $3$ in the integers of $\QQ(\sqrt{-17})$] | |
Let $\OO_K = \ZZ[\sqrt{-17}]$ arise from $K = \QQ(\sqrt{-17})$. | |
We know $\OO_K \cong \ZZ[x] / (x^2+17)$. | |
Now | |
\[ | |
\OO_K / 3\OO_K \cong \ZZ[x] / (3,x^2+17) | |
\cong \FF_3[x] / (x^2-1). | |
\] | |
This already shows that $(3)$ cannot be a prime (i.e.\ maximal) ideal, | |
since otherwise our result should be a field. | |
Anyways, we have a projection | |
\[ \OO_K \surjto \FF_3[x] / \left( (x-1)(x+1) \right). \] | |
Let $\kq_1$ be the pre-image of $(x-1)$ in the image, that is, | |
\[ \kq_1 = (3, \sqrt{-17}-1). \] | |
Similarly, \[ \kq_2 = (3, \sqrt{-17}+1). \] | |
We have $\OO_K / \kq_1 \cong \FF_3$, so $\kq_1$ is maximal (prime). | |
Similarly $\kq_2$ is prime. | |
Magically, you can check explicitly that | |
\[ \kq_1 \kq_2 = (3). \] | |
Hence this is the factorization of $(3)$ into prime ideals. | |
\end{example} | |
The fact that $\kq_1 \kq_2 = (3)$ looks magical, but it's really true: | |
\begin{align*} | |
\kq_1\kq_2 | |
&= (3, \sqrt{-17}-1) (3, \sqrt{-17}+1) \\ | |
&= (9, 3\sqrt{-17}+3, 3\sqrt{-17}-3, 18) \\ | |
&= (9, 3\sqrt{-17}+3, 6) \\ | |
&= (3, 3\sqrt{-17}+3, 6) \\ | |
&= (3). | |
\end{align*} | |
In fact, it turns out this always works in general: | |
given a rational prime $p$, there is an algorithm | |
to factor $p$ in any $\OO_K$ of the form $\ZZ[\theta]$. | |
\begin{theorem}[Factoring algorithm / Dedekind-Kummer theorem] | |
\label{thm:factor_alg} | |
Let $K$ be a number field. | |
Let $\theta \in \OO_K$ with $[\OO_K : \ZZ[\theta]] = j < \infty$, | |
and let $p$ be a prime not dividing $j$. | |
Then $(p) = p \OO_K$ is factored as follows: | |
\begin{quote} | |
Let $f$ be the minimal polynomial of $\theta$ and | |
factor $\ol f$ mod $p$ as | |
\[ \ol f \equiv \prod_{i=1}^g (\ol f_i)^{e_i} \pmod p. \] | |
Then $\kp_i = (f_i(\theta), p)$ is prime for each $i$ | |
and the factorization of $(p)$ is | |
\[ \OO_K \supseteq (p) = \prod_{i=1}^g \kp_i^{e_i}. \] | |
\end{quote} | |
In particular, if $K$ is monogenic with $\OO_K = \ZZ[\theta]$ then $j=1$ | |
and the theorem applies for all primes $p$. | |
\end{theorem} | |
In almost all our applications in this book, $K$ will be monogenic; i.e.\ $j=1$. | |
Here $\ol \psi$ denotes the image in $\FF_p[x]$ of a polynomial $\psi \in \ZZ[x]$. | |
\begin{ques} | |
There are many possible pre-images $f_i$ we could have chosen | |
(for example if $\ol{f_i} = x^2+1 \pmod 3$, we could pick $f_i = x^2 + 3x + 7$.) | |
Why does this not affect the value of $\kp_i$? | |
\end{ques} | |
Note that earlier, we could check the factorization worked | |
for any particular case. | |
The proof that this works is much the same, but we need one extra tool, the ideal norm. | |
After that we leave the proposition as \Cref{prob:prove_factoring_algorithm}. | |
This algorithm gives us a concrete way to compute prime factorizations of $(p)$ | |
in any monogenic number field with $\OO_K = \ZZ[\theta]$. To summarize the recipe: | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\ii Find the minimal polynomial of $\theta$, say $f \in \ZZ[x]$. | |
\ii Factor $f$ mod $p$ into irreducible polynomials | |
${\ol f_1}^{e_1} {\ol f_2}^{e_2} \dots {\ol f_g}^{e_g}$. | |
\ii Compute $\kp_i = (f_i(\theta), p)$ for each $i$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
Then your $(p) = \kp_1^{e_1} \dots \kp_g^{e_g}$. | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Factor $(29)$ in $\ZZ[i]$ using the above algorithm. | |
\end{exercise} | |
%\begin{remark} | |
% What if $K$ isn't monogenic? | |
% It turns out that we can still apply the | |
% factoring algorithm to ``almost all primes'' as follows. | |
% Suppose $K$ is a number field and $\alpha \in \OO_K$ such that | |
% $[\OO_K : \ZZ[\alpha]] = j < \infty$. | |
% Then as long as $p \nmid j$, we can apply the above algorithm | |
% with $f$ the minimal polynomial of $\alpha$. | |
% The formulation we presented above was the special case where $j=1$. | |
%\end{remark} | |
\section{Fractional ideals} | |
\prototype{Analog to $\QQ$ for $\ZZ$, allowing us to take inverses of ideals. | |
Prime factorization works in the nicest way possible.} | |
We now have a neat theory of factoring ideals of $\mathcal A$, | |
just like factoring the integers. | |
Now note that our factorization of $\ZZ$ naturally gives a way to factor | |
elements of $\QQ$; just factor the numerator and denominator separately. | |
Let's make the analogy clearer. | |
The analogue of a rational number is as follows. | |
\begin{definition} | |
Let $\mathcal A$ be a Dedekind domain with field of fractions $K$. | |
A \vocab{fractional ideal} $J$ of $K$ is a set of the form | |
\[ J = \frac{1}{x} \cdot \ka \quad \text{where $x \in \mathcal A$, and $\ka$ is an integral ideal.} \] | |
For emphasis, ideals of $\mathcal A$ will be sometimes referred to as \vocab{integral ideals}. | |
\end{definition} | |
You might be a little surprised by this definition: | |
one would expect that a fractional ideal should be of the form $\frac{\ka}{\kb}$ | |
for some integral ideals $\ka$, $\kb$. | |
But in fact, it suffices to just take $x \in \mathcal A$ in the denominator. | |
The analogy is that when we looked at $\OO_K$, we found that we only needed | |
integer denominators: $\frac{1}{4-\sqrt3} = \frac{1}{13}(4+\sqrt3)$. | |
Similarly here, it will turn out that we only need to look at $\frac1x \cdot \ka$ | |
rather than $\frac{\ka}{\kb}$, and so we define it this way from the beginning. | |
See \Cref{prob:fractional_ideal_alt_def} for a different equivalent definition. | |
\begin{example}[$\frac52\ZZ$ is a fractional ideal] | |
The set \[ \frac52 \ZZ = \left\{ \frac52n \mid n \in \ZZ \right\} = \half (5) \] | |
is a fractional ideal of $\ZZ$. | |
\end{example} | |
Now, as we prescribed, the fractional ideals form a multiplicative group: | |
\begin{theorem}[Fractional ideals form a group] | |
Let $\mathcal A$ be a Dedekind domain and $K$ its field of fractions. | |
For any integral ideal $\ka$, the set | |
\[ \ka\inv = \left\{ x \in K | |
\mid x\ka \subseteq (1) = \mathcal A \right\} \] | |
is a fractional ideal with $\ka \ka\inv = (1)$. | |
\end{theorem} | |
\begin{definition} | |
Thus nonzero fractional ideals of $K$ form a group under multiplication | |
with identity $(1) = \mathcal A$. | |
This \vocab{ideal group} is denoted $J_K$. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{example}[$(3)\inv$ in $\ZZ$] | |
Please check that in $\ZZ$ we have | |
\[ (3)\inv = \left\{ \frac 13 n \mid n \in \ZZ \right\} = \frac 13 \ZZ. \] | |
\end{example} | |
It follows that every fractional ideal $J$ can be uniquely written as | |
\[ J = \prod_i \kp_i^{n_i} \cdot \prod \kq_i^{-m_i} \] | |
where $n_i$ and $m_i$ are positive integers. | |
In fact, $\ka$ is an integral ideal if and only if all its exponents are nonnegative, | |
just like the case with integers. | |
So, a perhaps better way to think about fractional ideals is | |
as products of prime ideals, possibly with negative exponents. | |
\section{The ideal norm} | |
One last tool is the ideal norm, | |
which gives us a notion of the ``size'' of an ideal. | |
\begin{definition} | |
The \vocab{ideal norm} (or absolute norm) | |
of a nonzero ideal $\ka \subseteq \OO_K$ is defined as | |
$\left\lvert \OO_K / \ka \right\rvert$ and denoted $\Norm(\ka)$. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{example}[Ideal norm of $(5)$ in the Gaussian integers] | |
Let $K = \QQ(i)$, $\OO_K = \ZZ[i]$. | |
Consider the ideal $(5)$ in $\OO_K$. | |
We have that | |
\[ \OO_K / (5) \cong \{ a+bi \mid a,b \in \Zc5 \} \] | |
so $(5)$ has ideal norm $25$, | |
corresponding to the fact that $\OO_K/(5)$ has $5^2=25$ elements. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{example}[Ideal norm of $(2+i)$ in the Gaussian integers] | |
You'll notice that \[ \OO_K / (2+i) \cong \FF_5 \] | |
since mod $2+i$ we have both $5 \equiv 0$ and $i \equiv -2$. | |
(Indeed, since $(2+i)$ is prime we had better get a field!) | |
Thus $\Norm\left( (2+i) \right) = 5$; similarly $\Norm\left( (2-i) \right) = 5$. | |
\end{example} | |
Thus the ideal norm measures how ``roomy'' the ideal is: | |
that is, $(5)$ is a lot more spaced out in $\ZZ[i]$ than it is in $\ZZ$. | |
(This intuition will be important when we will actually view $\OO_K$ as a lattice.) | |
\begin{ques} | |
What are the ideals with ideal norm one? | |
\end{ques} | |
% Regrettably, ideals with more elements have smaller norms. | |
Our example with $(5)$ suggests several properties of the ideal norm | |
which turn out to be true: | |
\begin{lemma}[Properties of the absolute norm] | |
Let $\ka$ be a nonzero ideal of $\OO_K$. | |
\begin{enumerate}[(a)] | |
\ii $\Norm(\ka)$ is finite. | |
\ii For any other nonzero ideal $\kb$, $\Norm(\ka\kb) = \Norm(\ka)\Norm(\kb)$. | |
\ii If $\ka = (a)$ is principal, then $\Norm(\ka) = \Norm_{K/\QQ}(a)$. | |
% \ii The ideal norm $\Norm(\ka)$ equals the GCD of $\Norm_{K/\QQ}(\alpha)$ across | |
% all $\alpha \in \ka$. In particular, if $\ka = (\alpha)$ is principal | |
% then $\Norm(\ka) = \Norm_{K/\QQ}(\alpha)$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{lemma} | |
I unfortunately won't prove these properties, though we already did (a) in our proof that $\OO_K$ | |
was a Dedekind domain. | |
% Anyways, this lemma provides another way to show an ideal isn't principal. | |
%\begin{example}[Example of an Ideal Norm] | |
% Let $K = \QQ(\sqrt 3)$, so $\OO_K = \ZZ[\sqrt 3]$. | |
% % \ii The norm of the principal ideal $(4+\sqrt 3)$ is the norm of the element, $(4+\sqrt3)(4-\sqrt3) = 13$. | |
% % \ii | |
% Consider $\ka = (2, \sqrt3)$. | |
% We need to have | |
% \[ \Norm(\ka) \mid \gcd(\Norm_{K/\QQ}(2), \Norm_{K/\QQ}(3)) = \gcd(4, 3) = 1. \] | |
% So in fact, $\Norm(\ka) = 1$. Surprise! | |
% This actually means $\ka = (1)$, | |
% which in hindsight also follows from the fact that | |
% $\sqrt 3 \in \ka$, thus $\sqrt 3 \cdot \sqrt 3 \in \ka$ and $3 \in \ka$; | |
% but $2 \in \ka$ so $1 \in \ka$. | |
%\end{example} | |
The fact that $\Norm$ is completely multiplicative lets us also consider the norm | |
of a fractional ideal $J$ by the natural extension | |
\[ J = \prod_i \kp_i^{n_i} \cdot \prod_i \kq_i^{-m_i} | |
\quad \implies \quad | |
\Norm(J) \defeq \frac{\prod_i \Norm(\kp_i)^{n_i}}{\prod_i \Norm(\kq_i)^{m_i}}. \] | |
Thus $\Norm$ is a natural group homomorphism $J_K \to \QQ \setminus \{0\}$. | |
\section\problemhead | |
\begin{problem} | |
Show that there are three different factorizations of $77$ in $\OO_K$, | |
where $K = \QQ(\sqrt{-13})$. | |
\end{problem} | |
\begin{problem} | |
Let $K = \QQ(\cbrt 2)$; | |
take for granted that $\OO_K = \ZZ[\cbrt 2]$. | |
Find the factorization of $(5)$ in $\OO_K$. | |
\end{problem} | |
\begin{problem} | |
[Fermat's little theorem] | |
Let $\kp$ be a prime ideal in some ring of integers $\OO_K$. | |
Show that for $\alpha \in \OO_K$, | |
\[ \alpha^{\Norm(\kp)} \equiv \alpha \pmod{\kp}. \] | |
\begin{hint} | |
Copy the proof of the usual Fermat's little theorem. | |
\end{hint} | |
\begin{sol} | |
If $\alpha \equiv 0 \pmod{\kp}$ it's clear, so assume this isn't the case. | |
Then $\OO_K/\kp$ is a finite field with $\Norm(\kp)$ elements. | |
Looking at $(\OO_K/\kp)^\ast$, it's a multiplicative group with $\Norm(\kp)-1$ elements, | |
so $\alpha^{\Norm(\kp)-1} \equiv 1 \pmod{\kp}$, as desired. | |
\end{sol} | |
\end{problem} | |
\begin{dproblem} | |
Let $\mathcal A$ be a Dedekind domain with field of fractions $K$, | |
and pick $J \subseteq K$. | |
Show that $J$ is a fractional ideal if and only if | |
\begin{enumerate}[(i)] | |
\ii $J$ is closed under addition and multiplication | |
by elements of $\mathcal A$, and | |
\ii $J$ is finitely generated as an abelian group. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
More succinctly: $J$ is a fractional ideal $\iff$ $J$ is a finitely generated $\mathcal A$-module. | |
\label{prob:fractional_ideal_alt_def} | |
\begin{hint} | |
Clear denominators! | |
\end{hint} | |
\begin{sol} | |
Suppose it's generated by some elements in $K$; we can write them as | |
$\frac{\beta_i}{\alpha_i}$ for $\alpha_i, \beta_i \in \mathcal A$. | |
Hence | |
\[ J = \left\{ \sum_i \gamma_i \cdot \frac{\beta_i}{\alpha_i} | |
\mid \alpha_i, \beta_i, \gamma_i \in \OO_K \right\}. \] | |
Now ``clear denominators''. Set $\alpha = \alpha_1 \dots \alpha_n$, | |
and show that $\alpha J$ is an integral ideal. | |
\end{sol} | |
\end{dproblem} | |
\begin{problem} | |
\label{prob:prove_factoring_algorithm} | |
In the notation of \Cref{thm:factor_alg}, let $I = \prod_{i=1}^g \kp_i^{e_i}$. | |
Assume for simplicity that $K$ is monogenic, hence $\OO_K = \ZZ[\theta]$. | |
\begin{enumerate}[(a)] | |
\ii Prove that each $\kp_i$ is prime. | |
\ii Show that $(p)$ divides $I$. | |
\ii Use the norm to show that $(p) = I$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\begin{hint} | |
(a) is straightforward. | |
For (b) work mod $p$. | |
For (c) use norms. | |
\end{hint} | |
\begin{sol} | |
For part (a), note that the $\kp_i$ are prime | |
just because | |
\[ \OO_K / \kp_i | |
\cong (\ZZ[x] / f) / (p, f_i) | |
\cong \FF_p[x] / (f_i) \] | |
is a field, since the $f_i$ are irreducible. | |
We check (b). | |
Computing the product modulo $p$ yields\footnote{% | |
For example, suppose we want to know that $(3, 1+\sqrt{7})(3, 1-\sqrt{7})$ is contained in $(3)$. | |
We could do the full computation and get $(9, 3+3\sqrt{7}, 3-3\sqrt{7}, 6)$. | |
But if all we care about is that every element is divisible by $3$, we could have just taken ``mod $3$'' | |
at the beginning and looked at just $(1+\sqrt{7})(1-\sqrt{7}) = (6)$; | |
all the other products we get will obviously have factors of $3$. | |
} | |
\[ \prod_{i=1}^{g} (f_i(\theta))^{e_i} | |
\equiv (f(\theta)) \equiv 0 \pmod p \] | |
so we've shown that $I \subseteq (p)$. | |
Finally, we prove (c) with a size argument. | |
The idea is that $I$ and $(p)$ really should have the same size; | |
to nail this down we'll use the ideal norm. | |
Since $(p)$ divides $I$, we can write | |
$ (p) = \prod_{i=1}^g \kp_i^{e_i'} $ | |
where $e_i' \le e_i$ for each $i$. | |
Remark $\OO_K / (p) \cong \Zc p[x] / (f)$ has size $p^{\deg f}$. | |
Similarly, $\OO_K / (\kp_i)$ has degree $p^{\deg f_i}$ for each $i$. | |
Compute $\Norm( (p) )$ using the $e_i'$ now and compare the results. | |
% Hence | |
% \[ p^{\deg f} = \Norm(p) | |
% = \prod_{i=1}^r \Norm(\kp_i)^{e_i'} | |
% = p^{e_1' \deg f_1 + \dots + e_g' \deg f_g}. \] | |
% Hence | |
% \[ e_1' \deg f_1 + \dots e_g' \deg f_g = \deg f. \] | |
% On the other hand, it's obvious that \[ \deg f = e_1 \deg f_1 + \dots + e_g \deg f_g. \] | |
% As $e_i' \le e_i$ for each $i$, we can only have $e_i = e_i'$. | |
\end{sol} | |
\end{problem} | |