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\chapter{Functors and natural transformations} | |
\label{ch:functors} | |
Functors are maps between categories; natural transformations are maps between functors. | |
\section{Many examples of functors} | |
\prototype{Forgetful functors; fundamental groups; $\bullet^\vee$.} | |
Here's the point of a functor: | |
\begin{moral} | |
Pretty much any time you make an object out of another object, | |
you get a functor. | |
\end{moral} | |
Before I give you a formal definition, let me list (informally) some examples. | |
(You'll notice some of them have opposite categories $\AA\op$ appearing in places. | |
Don't worry about those for now; you'll see why in a moment.) | |
\begin{itemize} | |
\ii Given a group $G$ (or vector space, field, \dots), we can take its underlying set $S$; | |
this is a functor from $\catname{Grp} \to \catname{Set}$. | |
\ii Given a set $S$ we can consider a vector space with basis $S$; | |
this is a functor from $\catname{Set} \to \catname{Vect}$. | |
\ii Given a vector space $V$ we can consider its dual space $V^\vee$. | |
This is a functor $\catname{Vect}_k\op \to \catname{Vect}_k$. | |
\ii Tensor products give a functor from $\catname{Vect}_k \times \catname{Vect}_k \to \catname{Vect}_k$. | |
\ii Given a set $S$, we can build its power set, giving a functor $\catname{Set} \to \catname{Set}$. | |
\ii In algebraic topology, we take a topological space $X$ and build several groups $H_1(X)$, $\pi_1(X)$, | |
etc.\ associated to it. All these group constructions are functors $\catname{Top} \to \catname{Grp}$. | |
\ii Sets of homomorphisms: let $\AA$ be a category. | |
\begin{itemize} | |
\ii Given two vector spaces $V_1$ and $V_2$ over $k$, | |
we construct the abelian group of linear maps $V_1 \to V_2$. | |
This is a functor from $\catname{Vect}_k\op \times \catname{Vect}_k \to \catname{AbGrp}$. | |
\ii More generally for any category $\AA$ | |
we can take pairs $(A_1, A_2)$ of objects and | |
obtain a set $\Hom_{\AA}(A_1, A_2)$. | |
This turns out to be a functor $\AA\op \times \AA \to \catname{Set}$. | |
\ii The above operation has two ``slots''. | |
If we ``pre-fill'' the first slots, then we get a functor $\AA \to \catname{Set}$. | |
That is, by fixing $A \in \AA$, we obtain a functor (called $H^A$) | |
from $\AA \to \catname{Set}$ by sending $A' \in \AA$ to $\Hom_{\AA} (A, A')$. | |
This is called the covariant Yoneda functor (explained later). | |
\ii As we saw above, | |
for every $A \in \AA$ we obtain a functor $H^A : \AA \to \catname{Set}$. | |
It turns out we can construct a category $[\AA, \catname{Set}]$ | |
whose elements are functors $\AA \to \catname{Set}$; | |
in that case, we now have a functor $\AA\op \to [\AA, \catname{Set}]$. | |
\end{itemize} | |
\end{itemize} | |
\section{Covariant functors} | |
\prototype{Forgetful/free functors, \dots} | |
Category theorists are always asking ``what are the maps?'', | |
and so we can now think about maps between categories. | |
\begin{definition} | |
Let $\AA$ and $\BB$ be categories. | |
Of course, a \vocab{functor} $F$ takes every object of $\AA$ to an object of $\BB$. | |
In addition, though, it must take every arrow $A_1 \taking{f} A_2$ | |
to an arrow $F(A_1) \taking{F(f)} F(A_2)$. | |
You can picture this as follows. | |
\begin{center} | |
\begin{tikzcd} | |
& A_1 \ar[dd, "f"'] && B_1 = F(A_1) \ar[dd, "F(f)"] \\ | |
\AA \ni & \quad \ar[rr, "F", dashed] & & \quad & \in \BB \\ | |
& A_2 && B_2 = F(A_2) | |
\end{tikzcd} | |
\end{center} | |
(I'll try to use dotted arrows for functors, which cross different categories, for emphasis.) | |
It needs to satisfy the ``naturality'' requirements: | |
\begin{itemize} | |
\ii Identity arrows get sent to identity arrows: | |
for each identity arrow $\id_A$, we have $F(\id_A) = \id_{F(A)}$. | |
\ii The functor respects composition: | |
if $A_1 \taking f A_2 \taking g A_3$ are arrows in $\AA$, | |
then $F(g \circ f) = F(g) \circ F(f)$. | |
\end{itemize} | |
\end{definition} | |
So the idea is: | |
\begin{moral} | |
Whenever we naturally make an object $A \in \AA$ into an object of $B \in \BB$, | |
there should usually be a natural way to transform a map $A_1 \to A_2$ into a map $B_1 \to B_2$. | |
\end{moral} | |
Let's see some examples of this. | |
\begin{example} | |
[Free and forgetful functors] | |
Note that these are both informal terms, | |
and don't have a rigid definition. | |
\begin{enumerate}[(a)] | |
\ii We talked about a \vocab{forgetful functor} earlier, | |
which takes the underlying set of a category like $\catname{Vect}_k$. | |
Let's call it $U : \catname{Vect}_k \to \catname{Set}$. | |
Now, given a map $T : V_1 \to V_2$ in $\catname{Vect}_k$, | |
there is an obvious $U(T) : U(V_1) \to U(V_2)$ which is just | |
the set-theoretic map corresponding to $T$. | |
Similarly there are forgetful functors from | |
$\catname{Grp}$, $\catname{CRing}$, etc., to $\catname{Set}$. | |
There is even a forgetful functor $\catname{CRing} \to \catname{Grp}$: | |
send a ring $R$ to the abelian group $(R,+)$. | |
The common theme is that we are ``forgetting'' structure | |
from the original category. | |
\ii We also talked about a \vocab{free functor} in the example. | |
A free functor $F : \catname{Set} \to \catname{Vect}_k$ can be taken by considering | |
$F(S)$ to be the vector space with basis $S$. | |
Now, given a map $f : S \to T$, what is the obvious map $F(S) \to F(T)$? | |
Simple: take each basis element $s \in S$ to the basis element $f(s) \in T$. | |
Similarly, we can define $F : \catname{Set} \to \catname{Grp}$ | |
by taking the free group generated by a set $S$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{remark} | |
There is also a notion of ``injective'' and ``surjective'' | |
for functors (on arrows) as follows. | |
A functor $F \colon \AA \to \BB$ is \vocab{faithful} | |
(resp.\ \vocab{full}) if for any $A_1, A_2$, | |
$F \colon \Hom_\AA(A_1, A_2) \to \Hom_\BB(FA_1, FA_2)$ | |
is injective (resp.\ surjective).\footnote{Again, | |
experts might object that $\Hom_\AA(A_1, A_2)$ | |
or $\Hom_\BB(FA_1, FA_2)$ may be proper classes instead of sets, | |
but I am assuming everything is locally small.} | |
We can use this to give an exact definition of concrete category: | |
it's a category with a faithful (forgetful) functor | |
$U \colon \AA \to \catname{Set}$. | |
\end{remark} | |
\begin{example} | |
[Functors from $\mathcal G$] | |
Let $G$ be a group and $\mathcal G = \{\ast\}$ be the associated one-object category. | |
\begin{enumerate}[(a)] | |
\ii Consider a functor $F : \mathcal G \to \catname{Set}$, and let $S = F(\ast)$. | |
Then the data of $F$ corresponds to putting a \emph{group action} of $G$ on $S$. | |
\ii Consider a functor $F : \mathcal G \to \catname{FDVect}_k$, and let $V = F(\ast)$ have dimension $n$. | |
Then the data of $F$ corresponds to embedding $G$ as a subgroup of the $n \times n$ matrices | |
(i.e.\ the linear maps $V \to V$). | |
This is one way groups historically arose; the theory of viewing groups as matrices | |
forms the field of representation theory. | |
\ii Let $H$ be a group and construct $\mathcal H$ the same way. | |
Then functors $\mathcal G \to \mathcal H$ correspond to homomorphisms $G \to H$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Check the above group-based functors work as advertised. | |
\end{exercise} | |
Here's a more involved example. | |
If you find it confusing, | |
skip it and come back after reading about its contravariant version. | |
\begin{example} | |
[Covariant Yoneda functor] | |
\label{ex:covariant_yoneda} | |
Fix an $A \in \AA$. | |
For a category $\AA$, define the | |
\vocab{covariant Yoneda functor} $H^A \colon \AA \to \catname{Set}$ | |
by defining \[ H^A(A_1) \defeq \Hom_\AA (A, A_1) \in \catname{Set}. \] | |
Hence each $A_1$ is sent to the \emph{arrows from $A$ to $A_1$}; | |
so \textbf{$H^A$ describes how $A$ sees the world}. | |
Now we want to specify how $H^A$ behaves on arrows. | |
For each arrow $A_1 \taking{f} A_2$, we need | |
to specify $\catname{Set}$-map $\Hom_\AA (A, A_1) \to \Hom(A, A_2)$; | |
in other words, we need to send an arrow $A \taking{p} A_1$ to an arrow $A \to A_2$. | |
There's only one reasonable way to do this: take the composition | |
\[ A \taking{p} A_1 \taking{f} A_2. \] | |
In other words, $H_A(f)$ is $p \mapsto f \circ p$. | |
In still other words, $H_A(f) = f \circ -$; | |
the $-$ is a slot for the input to go into. | |
\end{example} | |
As another example: | |
\begin{ques} | |
If $\mathcal P$ and $\mathcal Q$ are posets interpreted as categories, | |
what does a functor from $\mathcal P$ to $\mathcal Q$ represent? | |
\end{ques} | |
Now, let me explain why we might care. | |
Consider the following ``obvious'' fact: | |
if $G$ and $H$ are isomorphic groups, then they have the same size. | |
We can formalize it by saying: if $G \cong H$ in $\catname{Grp}$ | |
and $U \colon \catname{Grp} \to \catname{Set}$ is the forgetful functor | |
(mapping each group to its underlying set), then $U(G) \cong U(H)$. | |
The beauty of category theory shows itself: | |
this in fact works \emph{for any functors and categories}, | |
and the proof is done solely through arrows: | |
\begin{theorem} | |
[Functors preserve isomorphism] | |
\label{thm:functor_isom} | |
If $A_1 \cong A_2$ are isomorphic objects in $\AA$ | |
and $F : \AA \to \BB$ is a functor | |
then $F(A_1) \cong F(A_2)$. | |
\end{theorem} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Try it yourself! The picture is: | |
\begin{center} | |
\begin{tikzcd} | |
& A_1 \ar[dd, "f"', shift right, near start] && B_1 = F(A_1) \ar[dd, "F(f)"', near start, shift right] \\ | |
\AA \ni & \quad \ar[rr, "F", dashed] & & \quad & \in \BB \\ | |
& A_2 \ar[uu, "g"', shift right, near start] && B_2 = F(A_2) \ar[uu, "F(g)"', near start, shift right] | |
\end{tikzcd} | |
\end{center} | |
You'll need to use both key properties of functors: | |
they preserve composition and the identity map. | |
\end{proof} | |
This will give us a great intuition in the future, because | |
\begin{enumerate}[(i)] | |
\ii Almost every operation we do in our lifetime will be a functor, and | |
\ii We now know that functors take isomorphic objects to isomorphic objects. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
Thus, we now automatically know that basically any ``reasonable'' operation | |
we do will preserve isomorphism (where ``reasonable'' means that it's a functor). | |
This is super convenient in algebraic topology, for example; | |
see \Cref{thm:fundgrp_functor}, where we get for free that homotopic | |
spaces have isomorphic fundamental groups. | |
\begin{remark} | |
This lets us construct a category $\catname{Cat}$ | |
whose objects are categories and arrows are functors. | |
\end{remark} | |
% wef why is this here? | |
%While I'm here: | |
%\begin{ques} | |
% Verify this works; figure out the identity and compositions. | |
%\end{ques} | |
\section{Contravariant functors} | |
\prototype{Dual spaces, contravariant Yoneda functor, etc.} | |
Now I have to explain what the opposite categories were doing earlier. | |
In all the previous examples, we took an arrow $A_1 \to A_2$, | |
and it became an arrow $F(A_1) \to F(A_2)$. | |
Sometimes, however, the arrow in fact goes the other way: | |
we get an arrow $F(A_2) \to F(A_1)$ instead. | |
In other words, instead of just getting a functor $\AA \to \BB$ | |
we ended up with a functor $\AA\op \to \BB$. | |
These functors have a name: | |
\begin{definition} | |
A \vocab{contravariant functor} from $\AA$ to $\BB$ | |
is a functor $F : \AA\op \to \BB$. | |
(Note that we do \emph{not} write ``contravariant functor $F: \AA \to \BB$'', | |
since that would be confusing; the function notation will always | |
use the correct domain and codomain.) | |
\end{definition} | |
Pictorially: | |
\begin{center} | |
\begin{tikzcd} | |
& A_1 \ar[dd, "f"'] && B_1 = F(A_1) \\ | |
\AA \ni & \quad \ar[rr, "F", dashed] & & \quad & \in \BB \\ | |
& A_2 && B_2 = F(A_2) \ar[uu, "F(f)"'] | |
\end{tikzcd} | |
\end{center} | |
For emphasis, a usual functor is often called a \vocab{covariant functor}. | |
(The word ``functor'' with no adjective always refers to covariant.) | |
Let's see why this might happen. | |
\begin{example}[$V \mapsto V^\vee$ is contravariant] | |
Consider the functor $\catname{Vect}_k \to \catname{Vect}_k$ by $V \mapsto V^\vee$. | |
If we were trying to specify a covariant functor, | |
we would need, for every linear map $T \colon V_1 \to V_2$, | |
a linear map $T^\vee \colon V_1^\vee \to V_2^\vee$. | |
But recall that $V_1^\vee = \Hom(V_1, k)$ and $V_2^\vee = \Hom(V_2, k)$: | |
there's no easy way to get an obvious map from left to right. | |
However, there \emph{is} an obvious map from right to left: | |
given $\xi_2 \colon V_2 \to k$, we can easily give a map from $V_1 \to k$: | |
just compose with $T$! | |
In other words, there is a very natural map $V_2^\vee \to V_1^\vee$ | |
according to the composition | |
\begin{center} | |
\begin{tikzcd} | |
V_1 \ar[r, "T"] & V_2 \ar[r, "\xi_2"] & k | |
\end{tikzcd} | |
\end{center} | |
In summary, a map $T : V_1 \to V_2$ induces naturally a map | |
$T^\vee \colon V_2^\vee \to V_1^\vee$ in the opposite direction. | |
So the contravariant functor looks like: | |
\begin{center} | |
\begin{tikzcd} | |
V_1 \ar[dd, "T"'] && V_1^\vee \\ | |
\quad \ar[rr, "\bullet^\vee", dashed] & & \quad \\ | |
V_2 && V_2^\vee \ar[uu, "T^\vee"'] | |
\end{tikzcd} | |
\end{center} | |
\end{example} | |
%Contravariant functors come up in a lot in geometric applications. | |
%Here's why. | |
%If $X$ is a geometric object, we'll often consider | |
%the \emph{set of functions} $X \taking\psi A$ for some particular $A$. | |
%For example, if $V$ was a vector space, we could consider the functions $V \to k$, | |
%giving the dual module $V^\vee$. | |
%Or if $X$ was a space, we might consider the continuous | |
%real functions $X \taking{p} \RR$. | |
%As a non-geometric example: for a set $S$, | |
%a function $S \to \{x,y\}$ corresponds to a subset of $S$. | |
We can generalize the example above in any category by | |
replacing the field $k$ with any chosen object $A \in \AA$. | |
\begin{example}[Contravariant Yoneda functor] | |
The \vocab{contravariant Yoneda functor} on $\AA$, | |
denoted $H_A : \AA\op \to \catname{Set}$, | |
is used to describe how objects of $\AA$ see $A$. | |
For each $X \in \AA$ it puts \[ H_A(X) \defeq \Hom_{\AA}(X, A) \in \catname{Set}. \] | |
For $X \taking{f} Y$ in $\AA$, | |
the map $H_A(f)$ sends each arrow $Y \taking{p} A \in \Hom_\AA(Y,A)$ to | |
\[ X \taking{f} Y \taking{p} A \quad \in \Hom_\AA(X,A) \] | |
as we did above. | |
Thus $H_A(f)$ is an arrow from $\Hom_\AA(Y,A) \to \Hom_\AA(X,A)$. | |
(Note the flipping!) | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Check now the claim that $\AA\op \times \AA \to \catname{Set}$ | |
by $(A_1, A_2) \mapsto \Hom(A_1, A_2)$ is in fact a functor. | |
\end{exercise} | |
\section{Equivalence of categories} | |
\todo{fully faithful and essentially surjective} | |
\section{(Optional) Natural transformations} | |
We made categories to keep track of objects and maps, then went a little crazy and asked | |
``what are the maps between categories?'' to get functors. | |
Now we'll ask ``what are the maps between functors?'' to get natural transformations. | |
It might sound terrifying that we're drawing arrows between functors, but this is actually an old idea. | |
Recall that given two paths $\alpha, \beta : [0,1] \to X$, | |
we built a path-homotopy by ``continuously deforming'' the path $\alpha$ to $\beta$; | |
this could be viewed as a function $[0,1] \times [0,1] \to X$. | |
The definition of a natural transformation is similar: we want to pull $F$ to $G$ | |
along a series of arrows in the target space $\BB$. | |
\begin{definition} | |
Let $F, G : \AA \to \BB$ be two functors. | |
A \vocab{natural transformation} $\alpha$ from $F$ to $G$, denoted | |
\[ \nattfm{\AA}{F}{\alpha}{G}{\BB} \] | |
consists of, for each $A \in \AA$ an arrow $\alpha_A \in \Hom_\BB(F(A), G(A))$, which is | |
called the \vocab{component} of $\alpha$ at $A$. | |
Pictorially, it looks like this: | |
\begin{center} | |
\begin{tikzcd} | |
& F(A) \in \BB \ar[dd, "\alpha_A"] \\ | |
\AA \ni A \ar[ru, dashed, "F"] \ar[rd, dashed, "G"'] & \\ | |
& G(A) \in \BB | |
\end{tikzcd} | |
\end{center} | |
These $\alpha_A$ are subject to the ``naturality'' requirement that for any $A_1 \taking{f} A_2$, | |
the diagram | |
\begin{center} | |
\begin{tikzcd} | |
F(A_1) \ar[r, "F(f)"] \ar[d, "\alpha_{A_1}"'] & F(A_2) \ar[d, "\alpha_{A_2}"]\\ | |
G(A_1) \ar[r, "G(f)"'] & G(A_2) | |
\end{tikzcd} | |
\end{center} | |
commutes. | |
\end{definition} | |
The arrow $\alpha_A$ represents the path that $F(A)$ takes to get to $G(A)$ | |
(just as in a path-homotopy from $\alpha$ to $\beta$ | |
each \emph{point} $\alpha(t)$ gets deformed to the \emph{point} $\beta(t)$ continuously). | |
A picture might help: consider | |
\begin{center} | |
\begin{asy} | |
size(14cm); | |
dotfactor *= 1.4; | |
path sparrow(pair X, pair Y) { | |
// Short for "spaced arrow" | |
return (0.9*X+0.1*Y)--(0.1*X+0.9*Y); | |
} | |
pair A1 = Drawing("A_1", dir(210), dir(225)); | |
pair A2 = Drawing("A_2", origin, dir(90)); | |
pair A3 = Drawing("A_3", dir(-30), dir(-45)); | |
path f = Drawing(sparrow(A2, A1), EndArrow); | |
label("$f$", f, dir(90)); | |
path g = Drawing(sparrow(A2, A3), EndArrow); | |
label("$g$", g, dir(90)); | |
label("$\mathcal A$", 0.6*(A1+A3)); | |
pen p = blue; | |
transform FF = shift( (3.5, 0.7) ); | |
dot("$F(A_1)$", FF*A1, dir(225), p); | |
dot("$F(A_2)$", FF*A2, dir(90), p); | |
dot("$F(A_3)$", FF*A3, dir(-45), p); | |
draw(FF*f, p, EndArrow); | |
draw(FF*g, p, EndArrow); | |
label("$F(f)$", FF*f, dir(110), p); | |
label("$F(g)$", FF*g, dir(70), p); | |
draw(FF*f, p+1.4); | |
draw(FF*g, p+1.4); | |
p = deepcyan; | |
transform GG = shift( (3.5, -0.7) ); | |
dot("$G(A_1)$", GG*A1, dir(225), p); | |
dot("$G(A_2)$", GG*A2, 3*dir(-90), p); | |
dot("$G(A_3)$", GG*A3, dir(-45), p); | |
label("$G(f)$", Drawing(GG*f, p, EndArrow), dir(110), p); | |
label("$G(g)$", Drawing(GG*g, p, EndArrow), dir(70), p); | |
draw(GG*f, p+1.4); | |
draw(GG*g, p+1.4); | |
p = lightred; | |
label("$\alpha_{A_1}$", Drawing(sparrow(FF*A1, GG*A1), p, EndArrow), dir(180), p); | |
label("$\alpha_{A_2}$", Drawing(sparrow(FF*A2, GG*A2), p, EndArrow), dir(180), p); | |
label("$\alpha_{A_3}$", Drawing(sparrow(FF*A3, GG*A3), p, EndArrow), dir(0), p); | |
p = magenta + dotted + 0.7; | |
path Fa = (0.5,0)--FF*(-1,-0.2); | |
path Ga = (0.5,-0.6)--GG*(-1,-0.4); | |
label("$F$", Drawing(Fa, p, EndArrow), dir(135), p); | |
label("$G$", Drawing(Ga, p, EndArrow), dir(225), p); | |
p = lightred + 0.7; | |
label("$\alpha$", Drawing(sparrow(midpoint(Fa), midpoint(Ga)), p, EndArrow), dir(180), p); | |
p = grey + dashed; | |
pair B1 = Drawing(midpoint(FF*A2--GG*A1), p); | |
pair B2 = Drawing(0.6 * (FF*A3) + 0.4 * (GG*A2), p); | |
draw(sparrow(FF*A1, B1), p, EndArrow); | |
draw(sparrow(GG*A2, B1), p, EndArrow); | |
draw(sparrow(FF*A3, B2), p, EndArrow); | |
pair B3 = Drawing(FF*A3 + 0.7*dir(100), p); | |
draw(sparrow(B3, FF*A3), p, EndArrow); | |
label("$\mathcal B$", GG*(0.6*(A1+A3))); | |
draw(sparrow(FF*A2, GG*A3), p, EndArrow); | |
pair B4 = Drawing(FF*A1 + 0.5*dir(90), p); | |
draw(sparrow(FF*A1, B4), p, EndArrow); | |
\end{asy} | |
\end{center} | |
Here $\AA$ is the small category with three elements and two non-identity arrows $f$, $g$ | |
(I've omitted the identity arrows for simplicity). | |
The images of $\AA$ under $F$ and $G$ are the blue and green ``subcategories'' of $\BB$. | |
Note that $\BB$ could potentially have many more objects and arrows in it (grey). | |
The natural transformation $\alpha$ (red) selects an arrow of $\BB$ from each $F(A)$ | |
to the corresponding $G(A)$, dragging the entire image of $F$ to the image of $G$. | |
Finally, we require that any diagram formed by the blue, red, and green arrows is commutative (naturality), | |
so the natural transformation is really ``natural''. | |
There is a second equivalent definition that looks much more like the homotopy. | |
\begin{definition} | |
Let $\mathbf 2$ denote the category generated by a poset with two elements $0 \le 1$, that is, | |
\begin{center} | |
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2] | |
\SetVertexMath | |
\Vertices{circle}{1,0} | |
\Edge[style={->}, label={$0 \le 1$}](0)(1) | |
\Loop[dist=12, dir=NO, label={$\id_0$}, labelstyle={above=1pt}](0) | |
\Loop[dist=12, dir=NO, label={$\id_1$}, labelstyle={above=1pt}](1) | |
\end{tikzpicture} | |
\end{center} | |
Then a \emph{natural transformation} | |
$ \nattfm{\AA}{F}{\alpha}{G}{\BB} $ | |
is just a functor $\alpha : \AA \times \mathbf 2 \to \BB$ satisfying | |
\[ \alpha(A,0) = F(A), \;\; \alpha(f,0) = F(f) | |
\quad\text{and}\quad | |
\alpha(A,1) = G(A), \;\; \alpha(f,1) = G(f). \] | |
More succinctly, $\alpha(-,0) = F$, $\alpha(-,1) = G$. | |
\end{definition} | |
The proof that these are equivalent is left as a practice problem. | |
Naturally, two natural transformations $\alpha : F \to G$ and $\beta : G \to H$ can get composed. | |
\begin{center} | |
\begin{tikzcd} | |
& F(A) \ar[d, "\alpha_A"] \\ | |
\AA \ni A \ar[ru, dashed, "F"] \ar[r, dashed, "G"] \ar[rd, dashed, "H"'] & G(A) \ar[d, "\beta_A"] \\ | |
& H(A) | |
\end{tikzcd} | |
\end{center} | |
Now suppose $\alpha$ is a natural transformation such that $\alpha_A$ is an isomorphism for each $A$. | |
In this way, we can construct an inverse arrow $\beta_A$ to it. | |
\begin{center} | |
\begin{tikzcd} | |
& F(A) \in \BB \ar[dd, "\alpha_A"', shift right] \\ | |
\AA \ni A \ar[ru, dashed, "F"] \ar[rd, dashed, "G"'] & \\ | |
& G(A) \in \BB \ar[uu, "\beta_A"', shift right] | |
\end{tikzcd} | |
\end{center} | |
In this case, we say $\alpha$ is a \vocab{natural isomorphism}. | |
We can then say that $F(A) \cong G(A)$ \vocab{naturally} in $A$. | |
(And $\beta$ is an isomorphism too!) | |
This means that the functors $F$ and $G$ are ``really the same'': | |
not only are they isomorphic on the level of objects, | |
but these isomorphisms are ``natural''. | |
As a result of this, we also write $F \cong G$ to mean | |
that the functors are naturally isomorphic. | |
This is what it really means when we say that | |
``there is a natural / canonical isomorphism''. | |
For example, I claimed earlier (in \Cref{prob:double_dual}) | |
that there was a canonical isomorphism $(V^\vee)^\vee \cong V$, | |
and mumbled something about ``not having to pick a basis'' and ``God-given''. | |
Category theory, amazingly, lets us formalize this: | |
it just says that $(V^\vee)^\vee \cong \id(V)$ naturally in $V \in \catname{FDVect}_k$. | |
Really, we have a natural transformation | |
\[ \nattfm{\catname{FDVect}_k}{\id}{\eps}{(\bullet^\vee)^\vee}{\catname{FDVect}_k}. \] | |
where the component $\eps_V$ is given by $v \mapsto \opname{ev}_v$ | |
(as discussed earlier, | |
the fact that it is an isomorphism follows from the fact that $V$ and $(V^\vee)^\vee$ | |
have equal dimensions and $\eps_V$ is injective). | |
\section{(Optional) The Yoneda lemma} | |
Now that I have natural transformations, I can define: | |
\begin{definition} | |
The \vocab{functor category} of two categories $\AA$ and $\BB$, | |
denoted $[\AA, \BB]$, is defined as follows: | |
\begin{itemize} | |
\ii The objects of $[\AA, \BB]$ are (covariant) functors $F : \AA \to \BB$, and | |
\ii The morphisms are natural transformations $\alpha : F \to G$. | |
\end{itemize} | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{ques} | |
When are two objects in the functor category isomorphic? | |
\end{ques} | |
With this, I can make good on the last example I mentioned at the beginning: | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Construct the following functors: | |
\begin{itemize} | |
\ii $\AA \to [\AA\op, \catname{Set}]$ by $A \mapsto H_A$, which we call $H_\bullet$. | |
\ii $\AA\op \to [\AA, \catname{Set}]$ by $A \mapsto H^A$, which we call $H^\bullet$. | |
\end{itemize} | |
\end{exercise} | |
Notice that we have opposite categories either way; even if you like $H^A$ because it is covariant, | |
the map $H^\bullet$ is contravariant. | |
So for what follows, we'll prefer to use $H_\bullet$. | |
The main observation now is that given a category $\AA$, $H_\bullet$ provides some \emph{special} | |
functors $\AA\op \to \catname{Set}$ which are already ``built'' in to the category $A$. | |
In light of this, we define: | |
\begin{definition} | |
A \vocab{presheaf} $X$ is just a contravariant functor $\AA\op \to \catname{Set}$. | |
It is called \vocab{representable} if $X \cong H_A$ for some $A$. | |
\end{definition} | |
In other words, when we think about representable, the question we're asking is: | |
\begin{quote} | |
\itshape | |
What kind of presheaves are already ``built in'' to the category $\AA$? | |
\end{quote} | |
One way to get at this question is: given a presheaf $X$ and a particular $H_A$, | |
we can look at the \emph{set} of natural transformations $\alpha : X \implies H_A$, | |
and see if we can learn anything about it. | |
In fact, this set can be written explicitly: | |
\begin{theorem} | |
[Yoneda lemma] | |
\label{thm:yoneda} | |
Let $\AA$ be a category, | |
pick $A \in \AA$, and let $H_A$ be the contravariant Yoneda functor. | |
Let $X : \AA\op \to \catname{Set}$ be a contravariant functor. | |
Then the map | |
\[ \left\{ \text{Natural transformations } | |
\nattfm{\AA\op}{H_A}{\alpha}{X}{\catname{Set}} \right\} | |
\to X(A) \] | |
defined by $\alpha \mapsto \alpha_A(\id_A) \in X(A)$ | |
is an isomorphism of $\catname{Set}$ (i.e.\ a bijection). | |
Moreover, if we view both sides of the equality as functors | |
\[ \AA\op \times [\AA\op, \catname{Set}] \to \catname{Set} \] | |
then this isomorphism is natural. | |
\end{theorem} | |
This might be startling at first sight. | |
Here's an unsatisfying explanation why this might not be too crazy: | |
in category theory, a rule of thumb is that ``two objects of the same type | |
that are built naturally are probably the same''. | |
You can see this theme when we defined functors and natural transformations, | |
and even just compositions. | |
Now to look at the set of natural transformations, we took a pair of elements $A \in \AA$ | |
and $X \in [\AA\op, \catname{Set}]$ | |
and constructed a \emph{set} of natural transformations. | |
Is there another way we can get a set from these two pieces of information? | |
Yes: just look at $X(A)$. | |
The Yoneda lemma is telling us that our heuristic still holds true here. | |
Some consequences of the Yoneda lemma are recorded in \cite{ref:msci}. | |
Since this chapter is already a bit too long, I'll just write down the statements, | |
and refer you to \cite{ref:msci} for the proofs. | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\ii As we mentioned before, $H^\bullet$ provides a functor | |
\[ \AA \to [\AA\op, \catname{Set}]. \] | |
It turns out this functor is in fact \emph{fully faithful}; | |
it quite literally embeds the category $\AA$ into the functor category on the right | |
(much like Cayley's theorem embeds every group into a permutation group). | |
\ii If $X, Y \in \AA$ then | |
\[ H_X \cong H_Y \iff X \cong Y \iff H^X \cong H^Y. \] | |
To see why this is expected, consider $\AA = \catname{Grp}$ for concreteness. | |
Suppose $A$, $X$, $Y$ are groups such that $H_X(A) \cong H_Y(A)$ for all $A$. | |
For example, | |
\begin{itemize} | |
\ii If $A = \ZZ$, then $\left\lvert X \right\rvert = \left\lvert Y \right\rvert$. | |
\ii If $A = \ZZ / 2\ZZ$, then $X$ and $Y$ have the same number of elements of order $2$. | |
\ii \dots | |
\end{itemize} | |
Each $A$ gives us some information on how $X$ and $Y$ are similar, | |
but the whole natural isomorphism is strong enough to imply $X \cong Y$. | |
\ii Consider the functor $U : \catname{Grp} \to \catname{Set}$. | |
It can be represented by $H^\ZZ$, in the sense that | |
\[ \Hom_{\catname{Grp}}(\ZZ, G) \cong U(G) | |
\qquad\text{ by }\qquad \phi \mapsto \phi(1). \] | |
That is, elements of $G$ are in bijection with maps $\ZZ \to G$, | |
determined by the image of $+1$ (or $-1$ if you prefer). | |
So a representation of $U$ was determined by looking at $\ZZ$ and picking $+1 \in U(\ZZ)$. | |
The generalization of this is a follows: let $\AA$ be a category | |
and $X : \AA \to \catname{Set}$ a covariant functor. | |
Then a representation $H^A \cong X$ consists of an object $A \in \AA$ and | |
an element $u \in X(A)$ satisfying a certain condition. | |
You can read this off the condition\footnote{% | |
Just for completeness, the condition is: | |
For all $A' \in \AA$ and $x \in X(A')$, there's a unique $f : A \to A'$ with $(Xf)(u) = x$. | |
} if you know what the inverse map is in \Cref{thm:yoneda}. | |
In the above situation, $X = U$, $A = \ZZ$ and $u = \pm 1$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\section\problemhead | |
\begin{problem} | |
Show that the two definitions of natural transformation | |
(one in terms of $\AA \times \mathbf 2 \to \BB$ | |
and one in terms of arrows $F(A) \taking{\alpha_A} G(A)$) | |
are equivalent. | |
\begin{hint} | |
The category $\AA \times \mathbf 2$ has ``redundant arrows''. | |
\end{hint} | |
\begin{sol} | |
The main observation is that in $\AA \times \mathbf 2$, | |
you have the arrows in $\AA$ (of the form $(f, \id_{\mathbf 2})$), | |
and then the arrows crossing the two copies of $\AA$ (of the form $(\id_A, 0 \le 1)$). | |
But there are some more arrows $(f, 0 \le 1)$: nonetheless, they can be thought of as compositions | |
\[ (f, 0 \le 1) = (f, \id_{\mathbf 2}) \circ (\id_A, 0 \le 1) = (\id_A, 0 \le 1) \circ (f, \id_{\mathbf 2}). \] | |
Now we want to specify a functor $\alpha : \AA \times \mathbf 2$, we only have to specify | |
where each of these two more basic things goes. | |
The conditions on $\alpha$ already tells us that $(f, \id_{\mathbf 2})$ should be mapped to $F(f)$ or $G(f)$ | |
(depending on whether the arrow above is in $\AA \times \{0\}$ or $\AA \times \{1\}$), | |
and specifying the arrow $(\id_A, 0 \le 1)$ amounts to specifying the $A$th component. | |
Where does naturality come in? | |
The above discussion transfers to products of categories in general: | |
you really only have to think about $(f, \id)$ and $(\id, g)$ arrows | |
to get the general arrow $(f,g) = (f, \id) \circ (\id, g) = (\id, g) \circ (f, \id)$. | |
\end{sol} | |
\end{problem} | |
\begin{problem} | |
Let $\AA$ be the category of finite sets whose arrows are bijections between sets. | |
For $A \in \AA$, | |
let $F(A)$ be the set of \emph{permutations} of $A$ and | |
let $G(A)$ be the set of \emph{orderings} on $A$.\footnote{ | |
A permutation is a bijection $A \to A$, | |
and an ordering is a bijection $\{1, \dots, n\} \to A$, | |
where $n$ is the size of $A$.} | |
\begin{enumerate}[(a)] | |
\ii Extend $F$ and $G$ to functors $\AA \to \catname{Set}$. | |
\ii Show that $F(A) \cong G(A)$ for every $A$, but this isomorphism is \emph{not} natural. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{problem} | |
\begin{problem} | |
[Proving the Yoneda lemma] | |
In the context of \Cref{thm:yoneda}: | |
\begin{enumerate}[(a)] | |
\ii Prove that the map described is in fact a bijection. | |
(To do this, you will probably have to explicitly write down the inverse map.) | |
\ii \yod Prove that the bijection is indeed natural. | |
(This is long-winded, but not difficult; from start to finish, | |
there is only one thing you can possibly do.) | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{problem} | |
% The bijection is defined as follows: | |
% \begin{itemize} | |
% \ii For $\alpha$ on the right-hand side, we take the element $\alpha_A(\id_A) \in X(A)$. | |
% \ii For $x \in X(A)$, its image in the right-hand side is the $\alpha$ | |
% with $\alpha_{A'} : H_A(A') \to X(A')$ by $(A' \taking f A) \mapsto (Xf)(x)$. | |
% \end{itemize} | |