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\chapter{Things Galois} | |
%This chapter is mostly optional. | |
%Read the first two sections and then decide | |
%whether you want to read the rest of this chapter. | |
\section{Motivation} | |
\prototype{$\QQ(\sqrt2)$ and $\QQ(\cbrt{2})$.} | |
The key idea in Galois theory is that of \emph{embeddings}, | |
which give us another way to get at the idea of the ``conjugate'' we described earlier. | |
Let $K$ be a number field. | |
An \vocab{embedding} $\sigma \colon K \injto \CC$, | |
is an \emph{injective field homomorphism}: | |
it needs to preserve addition and multiplication, | |
and in particular it should fix $1$. | |
\begin{ques} | |
Show that in this context, $\sigma(q) = q$ for any rational number $q$. | |
\end{ques} | |
\begin{example} | |
[Examples of embeddings] | |
\listhack | |
\begin{enumerate}[(a)] | |
\ii If $K = \QQ(i)$, the two embeddings of $K$ into $\CC$ are | |
$z \mapsto z$ (the identity) and $z \mapsto \ol z$ (complex conjugation). | |
\ii If $K = \QQ(\sqrt 2)$, the two embeddings of $K$ into $\CC$ are | |
$a+b\sqrt 2 \mapsto a+b\sqrt 2$ (the identity) and $a+b\sqrt 2 \mapsto a-b\sqrt 2$ (conjugation). | |
\ii If $K = \QQ(\cbrt 2)$, there are three embeddings: | |
\begin{itemize} | |
\ii The identity embedding, which sends $1 \mapsto 1$ and $\cbrt 2 \mapsto \cbrt 2$. | |
\ii An embedding which sends $1 \mapsto 1$ and $\cbrt 2 \mapsto \omega \cbrt 2$, | |
where $\omega$ is a cube root of unity. | |
Note that this is enough to determine the rest of the embedding. | |
\ii An embedding which sends $1 \mapsto 1$ and $\cbrt 2 \mapsto \omega^2 \cbrt 2$. | |
\end{itemize} | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{example} | |
I want to make several observations about these embeddings, | |
which will form the core ideas of Galois theory. | |
Pay attention here! | |
\begin{itemize} | |
\ii | |
First, you'll notice some duality between roots: in the first example, $i$ gets sent to $\pm i$, | |
$\sqrt 2$ gets sent to $\pm \sqrt 2$, and $\cbrt 2$ gets sent to the other roots of $x^3-2$. | |
This is no coincidence, and one can show this occurs in general. | |
Specifically, suppose $\alpha$ has minimal polynomial | |
\[ 0 = c_n \alpha^n + c_{n-1} \alpha^{n-1} + \dots + c_1\alpha + c_0 \] | |
where the $c_i$ are rational. | |
Then applying any embedding $\sigma$ to both sides gives | |
\begin{align*} | |
0 &= \sigma(c_n \alpha^n + c_{n-1} \alpha^{n-1} + \dots + c_1\alpha + c_0) \\ | |
% &= \sigma(c_n \alpha^n) + \sigma(c_{n-1} \alpha^{n-1}) | |
% + \dots + \sigma(c_1\alpha) + \sigma(c_0) \\ | |
&= \sigma(c_n) \sigma(\alpha)^n + \sigma(c_{n-1}) \sigma(\alpha)^{n-1} | |
+ \dots + \sigma(c_1)\sigma(\alpha) + \sigma(c_0) \\ | |
&= c_n \sigma(\alpha)^n + c_{n-1} \sigma(\alpha)^{n-1} + \dots + c_1\sigma(\alpha) + c_0 | |
\end{align*} | |
where in the last step we have used the fact that $c_i \in \QQ$, so they are fixed by $\sigma$. | |
\emph{So, roots of minimal polynomials go to other roots of that polynomial.} | |
\ii | |
Next, I want to draw out a contrast between the second and third examples. | |
Specifically, in example (b) where we consider embeddings $K = \QQ(\sqrt 2)$ | |
to $\CC$. The image of these embeddings lands entirely in $K$: that is, we | |
could just as well have looked at $K \to K$ rather than looking at $K \to \CC$. | |
However, this is not true in (c): indeed $\QQ(\cbrt 2) \subset \RR$, | |
but the non-identity embeddings have complex outputs! | |
The key difference is to again think about conjugates. | |
Key observation: | |
\begin{moral} | |
The field $K = \QQ(\cbrt 2)$ is ``deficient'' because the minimal polynomial $x^3-2$ | |
has two other roots $\omega \cbrt{2}$ and $\omega^2 \cbrt{2}$ not contained in $K$. | |
\end{moral} | |
On the other hand $K = \QQ(\sqrt 2)$ is just fine because both roots of $x^2-2$ are contained inside $K$. | |
Finally, one can actually fix the deficiency in $K = \QQ(\cbrt 2)$ by completing it to a field $\QQ(\cbrt 2, \omega)$. | |
Fields like $\QQ(i)$ or $\QQ(\sqrt 2)$ which are ``self-contained'' are called | |
\emph{Galois extensions}, as we'll explain shortly. | |
\ii | |
Finally, you'll notice that in the examples above, \emph{the number of embeddings from $K$ to $\CC$ | |
happens to be the degree of $K$}. | |
This is an important theorem, \Cref{thm:n_embeddings}. | |
\end{itemize} | |
In this chapter we'll develop these ideas in full generality, for any field other than $\QQ$. | |
\section{Field extensions, algebraic closures, and splitting fields} | |
\prototype{$\QQ(\cbrt 2)/\QQ$ is an extension, $\CC$ is an algebraic closure of any number field.} | |
First, we define a notion of one field sitting inside another, | |
in order to generalize the notion of a number field. | |
\begin{definition} | |
Let $K$ and $F$ be fields. | |
If $F \subseteq K$, we write $K/F$ and say $K$ is a | |
\vocab{field extension} of $F$. | |
Thus $K$ is automatically an $F$-vector space | |
(just like $\QQ(\sqrt 2)$ is automatically a $\QQ$-vector space). | |
The \vocab{degree} is the dimension of this space, denoted $[K:F]$. | |
If $[K:F]$ is finite, we say $K/F$ is a \vocab{finite (field) extension}. | |
\end{definition} | |
That's really all. There's nothing tricky at all. | |
\begin{ques} | |
What do you call a finite extension of $\QQ$? | |
\end{ques} | |
Degrees of finite extensions are multiplicative. | |
\begin{theorem}[Field extensions have multiplicative degree] | |
Let $F \subseteq K \subseteq L$ be fields with $L/K$, $K/F$ finite. Then | |
\[ [L:K][K:F] = [L:F]. \] | |
\end{theorem} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Basis bash: you can find a basis of $L$ over $K$, | |
and then expand that into a basis $L$ over $F$. | |
(Diligent readers can fill in details.) | |
\end{proof} | |
Next, given a field (like $\QQ(\cbrt2)$) | |
we want something to embed it into (in our case $\CC$). | |
So we just want a field that contains all the roots of all the polynomials: | |
\begin{theorem}[Algebraic closures] | |
Let $F$ be a field. | |
Then there exists a field extension $\ol F$ containing $F$, called an \vocab{algebraic closure}, | |
such that all polynomials in $\ol F[x]$ factor completely. | |
\end{theorem} | |
\begin{example} | |
[$\CC$] | |
$\CC$ is an algebraic closure of $\QQ$, $\RR$ and even itself. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{abuse} | |
Some authors also require the algebraic closure to be \emph{minimal by inclusion}: | |
for example, given $\QQ$ they would want only $\ol\QQ$ (the algebraic numbers). | |
It's a theorem that such a minimal algebraic closure is unique, | |
and so these authors will refer to \emph{the} algebraic closure of $K$. | |
I like $\CC$, so I'll use the looser definition. | |
\end{abuse} | |
\section{Embeddings into algebraic closures for number fields} | |
Now that I've defined all these ingredients, I can prove: | |
\begin{theorem}[The $n$ embeddings of a number field] | |
\label{thm:n_embeddings} | |
Let $K$ be a number field of degree $n$. | |
Then there are exactly $n$ field homomorphisms $K \injto \CC$, | |
say $\sigma_1, \dots, \sigma_n$ which fix $\QQ$. | |
\end{theorem} | |
\begin{remark} | |
Note that a nontrivial homomorphism of fields is necessarily injective | |
(the kernel is an ideal). | |
This justifies the use of ``$\injto$'', and we call each $\sigma_i$ an | |
\vocab{embedding} of $K$ into $\CC$. | |
\end{remark} | |
\begin{proof} | |
This is actually kind of fun! | |
Recall that any irreducible polynomial over $\QQ$ has distinct roots (\Cref{lem:irred_complex}). | |
We'll adjoin elements $\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \dots, \alpha_m$ one at a time to $\QQ$, | |
until we eventually get all of $K$, that is, | |
\[ K = \QQ(\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n). \] | |
Diagrammatically, this is | |
\begin{center} | |
\begin{tikzcd} | |
\QQ \ar[r, hook] \ar[d, hook, "\id"'] | |
& \QQ(\alpha_1) \ar[r, hook] \ar[d, hook, "\tau_1"'] | |
& \QQ(\alpha_1, \alpha_2) \ar[r, hook] \ar[d, hook, "\tau_2"'] | |
& \dots \ar[r, hook] | |
& K \ar[d, hook, "\tau_m=\sigma"] \\ | |
\CC \ar[r] | |
& \CC \ar[r] | |
& \CC \ar[r] | |
& \dots \ar[r] | |
& \CC | |
\end{tikzcd} | |
\end{center} | |
First, we claim there are exactly \[ [\QQ(\alpha_1) : \QQ] \] ways to pick $\tau_1$. | |
Observe that $\tau_1$ is determined by where it sends $\alpha_1$ (since it has to fix $\QQ$). | |
Letting $p_1$ be the minimal polynomial of $\alpha_1$, we see that there are $\deg p_1$ choices for $\tau_1$, | |
one for each (distinct) root of $p_1$. That proves the claim. | |
Similarly, given a choice of $\tau_1$, there are | |
\[ [\QQ(\alpha_1, \alpha_2) : \QQ(\alpha_1)] \] | |
ways to pick $\tau_2$. | |
(It's a little different: $\tau_1$ need not be the identity. | |
But it's still true that $\tau_2$ is determined by where it sends $\alpha_2$, | |
and as before there are $[\QQ(\alpha_1, \alpha_2) : \QQ(\alpha_1)]$ possible ways.) | |
Multiplying these all together gives the desired $[K:\QQ]$. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{remark} | |
The primitive element theorem actually implies that $m = 1$ | |
is sufficient; we don't need to build a whole tower. | |
This simplifies the proof somewhat. | |
\end{remark} | |
It's common to see expressions like ``let $K$ be a number field of degree $n$, | |
and $\sigma_1, \dots, \sigma_n$ its $n$ embeddings'' without further explanation. | |
The relation between these embeddings and the Galois conjugates is given as follows. | |
\begin{theorem}[Embeddings are evenly distributed over conjugates] | |
\label{thm:conj_distrb} | |
Let $K$ be a number field of degree $n$ | |
with $n$ embeddings $\sigma_1$, \dots, $\sigma_n$, | |
and let $\alpha \in K$ have $m$ Galois conjugates over $\QQ$. | |
Then $\sigma_j(\alpha)$ is ``evenly distributed'' | |
over each of these $m$ conjugates: for any Galois conjugate $\beta$, | |
exactly $\frac nm$ of the embeddings send $\alpha$ to $\beta$. | |
\end{theorem} | |
\begin{proof} | |
In the previous proof, adjoin $\alpha_1 = \alpha$ first. | |
\end{proof} | |
So, now we can define the trace and norm over $\QQ$ in a nice way: | |
given a number field $K$, we set | |
\[ | |
\Tr_{K/\QQ}(\alpha) = \sum_{i=1}^n \sigma_i(\alpha) | |
\quad\text{and}\quad | |
\Norm_{K/\QQ}(\alpha) = \prod_{i=1}^n \sigma_i(\alpha) | |
\] | |
where $\sigma_i$ are the $n$ embeddings of $K$ into $\CC$. | |
\section{Everyone hates characteristic 2: separable vs irreducible} | |
\prototype{$\QQ$ has characteristic zero, hence irreducible polynomials are separable.} | |
Now, we want a version of the above theorem for any field $F$. | |
If you read the proof, you'll see that the only thing that ever uses anything about the field $\QQ$ | |
is \Cref{lem:irred_complex}, where we use the fact that | |
\begin{quote} | |
\itshape Irreducible polynomials over $F$ have no double roots. | |
\end{quote} | |
Let's call a polynomial with no double roots \vocab{separable}; | |
thus we want irreducible polynomials to be separable. | |
We did this for $\QQ$ in the last chapter by taking derivatives. | |
Should work for any field, right? | |
Nope. | |
Suppose we took the derivative of some polynomial like $2x^3 + 24x + 9$, | |
namely $6x^2 + 24$. | |
In $\CC$ it's obvious that the derivative of a nonconstant polynomial $f'$ isn't zero. | |
But suppose we considered the above as a polynomial in $\FF_3$, i.e.\ modulo $3$. | |
Then the derivative is zero. | |
Oh, no! | |
We have to impose a condition that prevents something like this from happening. | |
\begin{definition} | |
For a field $F$, the \vocab{characteristic} of $F$ is the smallest | |
positive integer $p$ such that, | |
\[ \underbrace{1_F + \dots + 1_F}_{\text{$p$ times}} = 0 \] | |
or zero if no such integer $p$ exists. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{example}[Field characteristics] | |
Old friends $\RR$, $\QQ$, $\CC$ all have characteristic zero. | |
But $\FF_p$, the integers modulo $p$, is a field of characteristic $p$. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Let $F$ be a field of characteristic $p$. | |
Show that if $p > 0$ then $p$ is a prime number. | |
(A proof is given next chapter.) | |
\end{exercise} | |
With the assumption of characteristic zero, our earlier proof works. | |
\begin{lemma}[Separability in characteristic zero] | |
Any irreducible polynomial in a characteristic zero field is separable. | |
\end{lemma} | |
Unfortunately, this lemma is false if the ``characteristic zero'' condition is dropped. | |
\begin{remark} | |
The reason it's called \emph{separable} is (I think) this picture: | |
I have a polynomial and I want to break it into irreducible parts. | |
Normally, if I have a double root in a polynomial, that means it's not irreducible. | |
But in characteristic $p > 0$ this fails. | |
So inseparable polynomials are strange when you think about them: somehow | |
you have double roots that can't be separated from each other. | |
\end{remark} | |
We can get this to work for any field extension in which separability is not an issue. | |
\begin{definition} | |
A \vocab{separable extension} $K/F$ is one in which every irreducible | |
polynomial in $F$ is separable (for example, if $F$ has characteristic zero). | |
A field $F$ is \vocab{perfect} if any finite field extension $K/F$ is separable. | |
\end{definition} | |
In fact, as we see in the next chapter: | |
\begin{theorem} | |
[Finite fields are perfect] | |
Suppose $F$ is a field with finitely many elements. Then it is perfect. | |
\end{theorem} | |
Thus, we will almost never have to worry about separability | |
since every field we see in the Napkin is either finite or characteristic $0$. | |
So the inclusion of the word ``separable'' is mostly a formality. | |
Proceeding onwards, we obtain | |
\begin{theorem}[The $n$ embeddings of any separable extension] | |
Let $K/F$ be a separable extension of degree $n$ and let $\ol F$ be an algebraic closure of $F$. | |
Then there are exactly $n$ field homomorphisms $K \injto \ol F$, | |
say $\sigma_1, \dots, \sigma_n$, which fix $F$. | |
\end{theorem} | |
In any case, this lets us define the trace for \emph{any} separable normal extension. | |
\begin{definition} | |
Let $K/F$ be a separable extension of degree $n$, and let $\sigma_1$, \dots, $\sigma_n$ | |
be the $n$ embeddings into an algebraic closure of $F$. Then we define | |
\[ | |
\Tr_{K/F}(\alpha) = \sum_{i=1}^n \sigma_i(\alpha) | |
\quad\text{and}\quad | |
\Norm_{K/F}(\alpha) = \prod_{i=1}^n \sigma_i(\alpha). | |
\] | |
When $F = \QQ$ and the algebraic closure is $\CC$, this coincides with our earlier definition! | |
\end{definition} | |
\section{Automorphism groups and Galois extensions} | |
\prototype{$\QQ(\sqrt 2)$ is Galois but $\QQ(\cbrt 2)$ is not.} | |
We now want to get back at the idea we stated at the beginning of | |
this section that $\QQ(\cbrt 2)$ is deficient in a way that $\QQ(\sqrt 2)$ is not. | |
First, we define the ``internal'' automorphisms. | |
\begin{definition} | |
Suppose $K/F$ is a finite extension. | |
Then $\Aut(K/F)$ is the set of \emph{field isomorphisms} $\sigma : K \to K$ which fix $F$. | |
In symbols | |
\[ \Aut(K/F) = | |
\left\{ | |
\sigma : K \to K \mid | |
\text{$\sigma$ is identity on $F$} | |
\right\}. | |
\] | |
This is a group under function composition! | |
\end{definition} | |
Note that this time, we have a condition that $F$ is fixed by $\sigma$. | |
(This was not there before when we considered $F = \QQ$, because we got it for free.) | |
\begin{example}[Old examples of automorphism groups] | |
Reprising the example at the beginning of the chapter in the new notation, we have: | |
\begin{enumerate}[(a)] | |
\ii $\Aut(\QQ(i) / \QQ) \cong \Zc 2$, with elements $z \mapsto z$ and $z \mapsto \ol z$. | |
\ii $\Aut(\QQ(\sqrt 2) / \QQ) \cong \Zc 2$ in the same way. | |
\ii $\Aut(\QQ(\cbrt 2) / \QQ)$ is the trivial group, with only the identity embedding! | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{example}[Automorphism group of $\QQ(\sqrt2,\sqrt3)$] | |
Here's a new example: let $K = \QQ(\sqrt2, \sqrt3)$. | |
It turns out that $\Aut(K/\QQ) = \{1, \sigma, \tau, \sigma\tau\}$, where | |
\[ | |
\sigma : | |
\begin{cases} | |
\sqrt2 &\mapsto -\sqrt2 \\ | |
\sqrt3 &\mapsto \sqrt3 | |
\end{cases} | |
\quad\text{and}\quad | |
\tau : | |
\begin{cases} | |
\sqrt2 &\mapsto \sqrt2 \\ | |
\sqrt3 &\mapsto -\sqrt3. | |
\end{cases} | |
\] | |
In other words, $\Aut(K/\QQ)$ is the Klein Four Group. | |
\end{example} | |
First, let's repeat the proof of the observation that these embeddings shuffle around roots | |
(akin to the first observation in the introduction): | |
\begin{lemma} | |
[Root shuffling in $\Aut(K/F)$] | |
Let $f \in F[x]$, suppose $K/F$ is a finite extension, | |
and assume $\alpha \in K$ is a root of $f$. | |
Then for any $\sigma \in \Aut(K/F)$, $\sigma(\alpha)$ is also a root of $f$. | |
\label{lem:root_shuffle} | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Let $f(x) = c_n x^n + c_{n-1}x^{n-1} + \dots + c_0$, | |
where $c_i \in F$. Thus, | |
\[ 0 = \sigma(f(\alpha)) = \sigma\left( c_n\alpha^n + \dots + c_0 \right) | |
= c_n\sigma(\alpha)^n + \dots + c_0 = f(\sigma(\alpha)). \qedhere \] | |
\end{proof} | |
In particular, taking $f$ to be the minimal polynomial of $\alpha$ we deduce | |
\begin{moral} | |
An embedding $\sigma \in \Aut(K/F)$ sends an $\alpha \in K$ | |
to one of its various Galois conjugates (over $F$). | |
\end{moral} | |
Next, let's look again at the ``deficiency'' of certain fields. | |
Look at $K = \QQ(\cbrt 2)$. | |
So, again $K / \QQ$ is deficient for two reasons. | |
First, while there are three maps $\QQ(\cbrt 2) \injto \CC$, | |
only one of them lives in $\Aut(K/\QQ)$, namely the identity. | |
In other words, $\left\lvert \Aut(K/\QQ) \right\rvert$ is \emph{too small}. | |
Secondly, $K$ is missing some Galois conjugates ($\omega \cbrt 2$ and $\omega^2 \cbrt 2$). | |
The way to capture the fact that there are missing Galois conjugates | |
is the notion of a splitting field. | |
\begin{definition} | |
Let $F$ be a field and $p(x) \in F[x]$ a polynomial of degree $n$. | |
Then $p(x)$ has roots $\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n$ in an algebraic closure of $F$. | |
The \vocab{splitting field} of $F$ is defined as $F(\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n)$. | |
\end{definition} | |
In other words, the splitting field is the smallest field in which $p(x)$ splits. | |
\begin{example}[Examples of splitting fields] | |
\listhack | |
\begin{enumerate}[(a)] | |
\ii The splitting field of $x^2 - 5$ over $\QQ$ is $\QQ(\sqrt 5)$. | |
This is a degree $2$ extension. | |
\ii The splitting field of $x^2+x+1$ over $\QQ$ is $\QQ(\omega)$, | |
where $\omega$ is a cube root of unity. | |
This is a degree $3$ extension. | |
% In particular, the splitting field of $x^3-2$ is a degree \emph{six} extension. | |
\ii The splitting field of $x^2+3x+2 = (x+1)(x+2)$ is just $\QQ$! | |
There's nothing to do. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{example} | |
[Splitting fields: a cautionary tale] | |
The splitting field of $x^3 - 2$ over $\QQ$ is in fact | |
\[ \QQ( \cbrt 2, \omega ) \] | |
and not just $\QQ(\cbrt 2)$! | |
One must really adjoin \emph{all} the roots, and it's not necessarily the case that | |
these roots will generate each other. | |
To be clear: | |
\begin{itemize} | |
\ii For $x^2-5$, we adjoin $\sqrt 5$ and this will automatically include $-\sqrt 5$. | |
\ii For $x^2+x+1$, we adjoin $\omega$ and get the other root $\omega^2$ for free. | |
\ii But for $x^3-2$, if we adjoin $\cbrt 2$, | |
we do NOT get $\omega\cbrt2$ and $\omega^2\cbrt2$ for free. | |
Indeed, $\QQ(\cbrt 2) \subset \RR$! | |
\end{itemize} | |
Note that in particular, the splitting field of | |
$x^3-2$ over $\QQ$ is \emph{degree six}, not just degree three. | |
\end{example} | |
In general, | |
\textbf{the splitting field of a polynomial can be an extension of degree up to $n!$}. | |
The reason is that if $p(x)$ has $n$ roots and none of them are ``related'' to each other, | |
then any permutation of the roots will work. | |
Now, we obtain: | |
\begin{theorem}[Galois extensions are splitting] | |
For finite extensions $K/F$, | |
$\left\lvert \Aut(K/F) \right\rvert$ divides $[K:F]$, | |
with equality if and only if $K$ is the \emph{splitting field} | |
of some separable polynomial with coefficients in $F$. | |
\label{thm:Galois_splitting} | |
\end{theorem} | |
The proof of this is deferred to an optional section at the end of the chapter. | |
If $K/F$ is a finite extension and $\left\lvert \Aut(K/F) \right\rvert = [K:F]$, | |
we say the extension $K/F$ is \vocab{Galois}. | |
In that case, we denote $\Aut(K/F)$ by $\Gal(K/F)$ instead | |
and call this the \vocab{Galois group} of $K/F$. | |
\begin{example} | |
[Examples and non-examples of Galois extensions] | |
\listhack | |
\begin{enumerate}[(a)] | |
\ii The extension $\QQ(\sqrt2) / \QQ$ is Galois, | |
since it's the splitting field of $x^2-2$ over $\QQ$. | |
The Galois group has order two, $\sqrt 2 \mapsto \pm \sqrt 2$. | |
\ii The extension $\QQ(\sqrt2, \sqrt 3) / \QQ$ is Galois, | |
since it's the splitting field of $(x^2-5)^2-6$ over $\QQ$. | |
As discussed before, the Galois group is $\Zc 2 \times \Zc 2$. | |
\ii The extension $\QQ(\cbrt{2}) / \QQ$ is \emph{not} Galois. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{example} | |
%Here is some more intuition on what $[K:F]$ actually measures: suppose $K$ is a splitting field | |
%of some $(x-\alpha_1) \dots (x-\alpha_n)$, meaning $K = F(\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n)$. | |
%Then a permutation $\sigma \in \Aut(K/F)$ is determined by where it sends each $\alpha_i$. | |
%The dimension of $[K:F]$ measures how much ``redundancy'' there is among the $\alpha_i$. | |
%For example, in the case of \[ (x-\sqrt5)(x+\sqrt5) = x^2-5 \]the $\sqrt 5$ and $-\sqrt 5$ were redundant, | |
%in the sense that knowing $\sigma(\sqrt 5)$ tells you $\sigma(-\sqrt 5) = -\sigma(\sqrt 5)$. | |
%But in the $x^3-2$ case, knowing $\sigma(\cbrt{2})$ does \emph{not} tell you where | |
%$\omega\cbrt{2}$ should go; this is reflected in the fact that $[K:F]$ and $\Aut(K/F)$ | |
%are both six rather than three. | |
To explore $\QQ(\cbrt 2)$ one last time: | |
\begin{example} | |
[Galois closures, and the automorphism group of $\QQ(\cbrt2, \omega)$] | |
Let's return to the field $K = \QQ(\cbrt 2, \omega)$, | |
which is a field with $[K:\QQ] = 6$. | |
Consider the two automorphisms: | |
\[ | |
\sigma: | |
\begin{cases} | |
\cbrt 2 &\mapsto \omega \cbrt 2 \\ | |
\omega &\mapsto \omega | |
\end{cases} | |
\quad\text{and}\quad | |
\tau: | |
\begin{cases} | |
\cbrt 2 &\mapsto \cbrt 2 \\ | |
\omega &\mapsto \omega^2. | |
\end{cases} | |
\] | |
Notice that $\sigma^3 = \tau^2 = \id$. | |
From this one can see that the automorphism group of $K$ must have order $6$ | |
(it certainly has order $\le 6$; now use Lagrange's theorem). | |
So, $K/\QQ$ is Galois! Actually one can check explicitly that | |
\[ \Gal(K/\QQ) \cong S_3 \] | |
is the symmetric group on $3$ elements, with order $3! = 6$. | |
\end{example} | |
This example illustrates the fact that | |
given a non-Galois field extension, | |
one can ``add in'' missing conjugates to make it Galois. | |
This is called taking a \vocab{Galois closure}. | |
\section{Fundamental theorem of Galois theory} | |
After all this stuff about Galois Theory, I might as well tell you the fundamental theorem, | |
though I won't prove it. | |
Basically, it says that if $K/F$ is Galois with Galois group $G$, then: | |
\begin{moral} | |
Subgroups of $G$ correspond exactly to fields $E$ with $F \subseteq E \subseteq K$. | |
\end{moral} | |
To tell you how the bijection goes, I have to define a fixed field. | |
\begin{definition} | |
Let $K$ be a field and $H$ a subgroup of $\Aut(K/F)$. | |
We define the \vocab{fixed field} of $H$, denoted $K^H$, as | |
\[ K^H \defeq \left\{ x \in K : \sigma(x)=x \; \forall \sigma \in H \right\}. \] | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{ques} | |
Verify quickly that $K^H$ is actually a field. | |
\end{ques} | |
Now let's look at examples again. | |
Consider $K = \QQ(\sqrt2, \sqrt3)$, | |
where \[ G = \Gal(K/\QQ) = \{\id, \sigma, \tau, \sigma\tau\} \] | |
is the Klein four group | |
(where $\sigma(\sqrt2) = -\sqrt 2$ but $\sigma(\sqrt 3) = \sqrt 3$; $\tau$ goes the other way). | |
\begin{ques} | |
Let $H = \{\id, \sigma\}$. What is $K^H$? | |
\end{ques} | |
In that case, the diagram of fields between $\QQ$ and $K$ | |
matches exactly with the subgroups of $G$, as follows: | |
\begin{center} | |
\begin{tikzcd} | |
& \QQ(\sqrt2, \sqrt3) \ar[ld, dash] \ar[d, dash] \ar[rd, dash] & \\ | |
\QQ(\sqrt2) \ar[rd, dash] & \QQ(\sqrt6) \ar[d, dash] & \QQ(\sqrt3) \ar[ld, dash] \\ | |
& \QQ & | |
\end{tikzcd} | |
\begin{tikzcd} | |
& \{\id\} \ar[ld, dash] \ar[d, dash] \ar[rd, dash] & \\ | |
\{\id,\tau\} \ar[rd, dash] & \{\id,\sigma\tau\} \ar[d, dash] & \{\id,\sigma\} \ar[ld, dash] \\ | |
& G & | |
\end{tikzcd} | |
\end{center} | |
We see that subgroups correspond to fixed fields. | |
That, and much more, holds in general. | |
\begin{theorem}[Fundamental theorem of Galois theory] | |
Let $K/F$ be a Galois extension with Galois group $G = \Gal(K/F)$. | |
\begin{enumerate}[(a)] | |
\ii There is a bijection between field towers $F \subseteq E \subseteq K$ and subgroups $H \subseteq G$: | |
\[ | |
\left\{ | |
\begin{array}{c} | |
K \\ \mid \\ E \\ \mid \\ F | |
\end{array} | |
\right\} | |
\iff | |
\left\{ | |
\begin{array}{c} | |
1 \\ \mid \\ H \\ \mid \\ G | |
\end{array} | |
\right\} | |
\] | |
The bijection sends $H$ to its fixed field $K^H$, and hence is inclusion reversing. | |
\ii Under this bijection, we have $[K:E] = \left\lvert H \right\rvert$ and $[E:F] = [G:H]$. | |
\ii $K/E$ is always Galois, and its Galois group is $\Gal(K/E) = H$. | |
\ii $E/F$ is Galois if and only if $H$ is normal in $G$. If so, $\Gal(E/F) = G/H$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{theorem} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Suppose we apply this theorem for | |
\[ K = \QQ(\cbrt2, \omega). \] | |
Verify that the fact $E = \QQ(\cbrt 2)$ is not Galois | |
corresponds to the fact that $S_3$ does not have normal subgroups of order $2$. | |
\end{exercise} | |
\section\problemhead | |
\begin{sproblem}[Galois group of the cyclotomic field] | |
Let $p$ be an odd rational prime and $\zeta_p$ a primitive $p$th root of unity. | |
Let $K = \QQ(\zeta_p)$. | |
Show that \[ \Gal(K/\QQ) \cong (\ZZ/p\ZZ)^\ast. \] | |
\begin{hint} | |
Look at the image of $\zeta_p$. | |
\end{hint} | |
\begin{sol} | |
It's just $\Zc{p-1}$, since $\zeta_p$ needs to get sent | |
to one (any) of the $p-1$ primitive roots of unity. | |
\end{sol} | |
\end{sproblem} | |
\begin{problem}[Greek constructions] | |
Prove that the three Greek constructions | |
\begin{enumerate}[(a)] | |
\ii doubling the cube, | |
\ii squaring the circle, and | |
\ii trisecting an angle | |
\end{enumerate} | |
are all impossible. | |
(Assume $\pi$ is transcendental.) | |
\begin{hint} | |
Repeated quadratic extensions have degree $2$, so one can | |
only get powers of two. | |
\end{hint} | |
\end{problem} | |
\begin{problem} | |
[China Hong Kong Math Olympiad] | |
\yod | |
Prove that there are no rational numbers $p$, $q$, $r$ satisfying | |
\[ \cos\left( \frac{2\pi}{7} \right) | |
= p + \sqrt{q} + \sqrt[3]{r}. \] | |
\begin{sol} | |
A similar (but not identical) problem is solved here: | |
\url{}. | |
\end{sol} | |
\end{problem} | |
\begin{problem} | |
Show that the only automorphism of $\RR$ is the identity. | |
Hence $\Aut(\RR)$ is the trivial group. | |
\begin{hint} | |
Hint: $\sigma(x^2) = \sigma(x)^2 \ge 0$ plus Cauchy's Functional Equation. | |
\end{hint} | |
\end{problem} | |
\begin{problem}[Artin's primitive element theorem] | |
\yod | |
Let $K$ be a number field. | |
Show that $K \cong \QQ(\gamma)$ for some $\gamma$. | |
\label{prob:artin_primitive_elm} | |
\begin{hint} | |
By induction, suffices to show $\QQ(\alpha, \beta) = \QQ(\gamma)$ | |
for some $\gamma$ in terms of $\alpha$ and $\beta$. | |
For all but finitely many rational $\lambda$, | |
the choice $\gamma = \alpha + \lambda \beta$ will work. | |
\end{hint} | |
\begin{sol} | |
\url{} | |
\end{sol} | |
\end{problem} | |
\section{(Optional) Proof that Galois extensions are splitting} | |
We prove \Cref{thm:Galois_splitting}. | |
First, we extract a useful fragment from the fundamental theorem. | |
\begin{theorem}[Fixed field theorem] | |
\label{thm:fixed_field_theorem} | |
Let $K$ be a field and $G$ a subgroup of $\Aut(K)$. | |
Then $[K:K^G] = \left\lvert G \right\rvert$. | |
\end{theorem} | |
The inequality itself is not difficult: | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Show that $[K:F] \ge |\Aut(K/F)|$, | |
and that equality holds if and only if | |
the set of elements fixed by all $\sigma \in \Aut(K/F)$ | |
is exactly $F$. | |
(Use \Cref{thm:fixed_field_theorem}.) | |
\end{exercise} | |
The equality case is trickier. | |
The easier direction is when $K$ is a splitting field. | |
Assume $K = F(\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n)$ is the splitting field of some separable polynomial $p \in F[x]$ | |
with $n$ distinct roots $\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n$. | |
Adjoin them one by one: | |
\begin{center} | |
\begin{tikzcd} | |
F \ar[r, hook] \ar[d, "\id"'] | |
& F(\alpha_1) \ar[r, hook] \ar[d, "\tau_1"'] | |
& F(\alpha_1, \alpha_2) \ar[r, hook] \ar[d, "\tau_2"'] | |
& \dots \ar[r, hook] | |
& K \ar[d, "\tau_n=\sigma"] \\ | |
F \ar[r, hook] | |
& F(\alpha_1) \ar[r, hook] | |
& F(\alpha_1, \alpha_2) \ar[r, hook] | |
& \dots \ar[r, hook] | |
& K | |
\end{tikzcd} | |
\end{center} | |
(Does this diagram look familiar?) | |
Every map $K \to K$ which fixes $F$ corresponds to an above commutative diagram. | |
As before, there are exactly $[F(\alpha_1) : F]$ ways to pick $\tau_1$. | |
(You need the fact that the minimal polynomial $p_1$ of $\alpha_1$ is separable for this: | |
there need to be exactly $\deg p_1 = [F(\alpha_1) : F]$ distinct roots to nail $p_1$ into.) | |
Similarly, given a choice of $\tau_1$, there are $[F(\alpha_1, \alpha_2) : F(\alpha_1)]$ ways to pick $\tau_2$. | |
Multiplying these all together gives the desired $[K:F]$. | |
\bigskip | |
Now assume $K/F$ is Galois. | |
First, we state: | |
\begin{lemma} | |
Let $K/F$ be Galois, and $p \in F[x]$ irreducible. | |
If any root of $p$ (in $\ol F$) lies in $K$, then all of them do, | |
and in fact $p$ is separable. | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Let $\alpha \in K$ be the prescribed root. | |
Consider the set | |
\[ S = \left\{ \sigma(\alpha) \mid \sigma \in \Gal(K/F) \right\}. \] | |
(Note that $\alpha \in S$ since $\Gal(K/F) \ni \id$.) | |
By construction, any $\tau \in \Gal(K/F)$ fixes $S$. | |
So if we construct | |
\[ \tilde p(x) = \prod_{\beta \in S} (x - \beta), \] | |
then by Vieta's Formulas, we find that all the coefficients of $\tilde p$ are fixed by elements of $\sigma$. | |
By the \emph{equality case} we specified in the exercise, it follows that $\tilde p$ has coefficients in $F$! | |
(This is where we use the condition.) | |
Also, by \Cref{lem:root_shuffle}, $\tilde p$ divides $p$. | |
Yet $p$ was irreducible, so it is the minimal polynomial of $\alpha$ in $F[x]$, | |
and therefore we must have that $p$ divides $\tilde p$. | |
Hence $p = \tilde p$. Since $\tilde p$ was built to be separable, so is $p$. | |
\end{proof} | |
Now we're basically done -- pick a basis $\omega_1$, \dots, $\omega_n$ of $K/F$, | |
and let $p_i$ be their minimal polynomials; by the above, we don't get any roots outside $K$. | |
Consider $P = p_1 \dots p_n$, removing any repeated factors. | |
The roots of $P$ are $\omega_1$, \dots, $\omega_n$ and some other guys in $K$. | |
So $K$ is the splitting field of $P$. | |