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\begin{document} | |
\title{Quotients of Groupoids} | |
\maketitle | |
\phantomsection | |
\label{section-phantom} | |
\tableofcontents | |
\section{Introduction} | |
\label{section-introduction} | |
\noindent | |
This chapter is devoted to generalities concerning groupoids and their | |
quotients (as far as they exist). | |
There is a lot of literature on this subject, see for example | |
\cite{GIT}, \cite{seshadri_quotients}, \cite{KollarQuotients}, | |
\cite{K-M}, \cite{KollarFinite} and many more. | |
\section{Conventions and notation} | |
\label{section-conventions-notation} | |
\noindent | |
In this chapter the conventions and notation are those introduced in | |
Groupoids in Spaces, Sections \ref{spaces-groupoids-section-conventions} | |
and \ref{spaces-groupoids-section-notation}. | |
\section{Invariant morphisms} | |
\label{section-invariant} | |
\begin{definition} | |
\label{definition-invariant} | |
Let $S$ be a scheme, and let $B$ be an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Let $j = (t, s) : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-relation of algebraic | |
spaces over $B$. We say a morphism $\phi : U \to X$ of algebraic spaces | |
over $B$ is {\it $R$-invariant} if the diagram | |
$$ | |
\xymatrix{ | |
R \ar[r]_s \ar[d]_t & U \ar[d]^\phi \\ | |
U \ar[r]^\phi & X | |
} | |
$$ | |
is commutative. If $j : R \to U \times_B U$ comes from the action | |
of a group algebraic space $G$ on $U$ over $B$ as in | |
Groupoids in Spaces, Lemma \ref{spaces-groupoids-lemma-groupoid-from-action}, | |
then we say that $\phi$ is {\it $G$-invariant}. | |
\end{definition} | |
\noindent | |
In other words, a morphism $U \to X$ is $R$-invariant if it equalizes | |
$s$ and $t$. We can reformulate this in terms of associated quotient | |
sheaves as follows. | |
\begin{lemma} | |
\label{lemma-invariant} | |
Let $S$ be a scheme, and let $B$ be an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Let $j = (t, s) : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-relation of algebraic | |
spaces over $B$. A morphism of algebraic spaces $\phi : U \to X$ is | |
$R$-invariant if and only if it factors as | |
$U \to U/R \to X$. | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
This is clear from the definition of the quotient sheaf in | |
Groupoids in Spaces, Section \ref{spaces-groupoids-section-quotient-sheaves}. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{lemma} | |
\label{lemma-base-change-on-invariant} | |
Let $S$ be a scheme, and let $B$ be an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Let $j = (t, s) : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-relation of algebraic | |
spaces over $B$. Let $U \to X$ be an $R$-invariant morphism of algebraic | |
spaces over $B$. Let $X' \to X$ be any morphism of algebraic spaces. | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item Setting $U' = X' \times_X U$, $R' = X' \times_X R$ we obtain | |
a pre-relation $j' : R' \to U' \times_B U'$. | |
\item If $j$ is a relation, then $j'$ is a relation. | |
\item If $j$ is a pre-equivalence relation, then $j'$ is a | |
pre-equivalence relation. | |
\item If $j$ is an equivalence relation, then $j'$ is an equivalence | |
relation. | |
\item If $j$ comes from a groupoid in algebraic spaces | |
$(U, R, s, t, c)$ over $B$, then | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $(U, R, s, t, c)$ is a groupoid in algebraic spaces over $X$, and | |
\item $j'$ comes from the base change $(U', R', s', t', c')$ | |
of this groupoid to $X'$, see | |
Groupoids in Spaces, Lemma | |
\ref{spaces-groupoids-lemma-base-change-groupoid}. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\item If $j$ comes from the action of a group algebraic space $G/B$ on $U$ | |
as in Groupoids in Spaces, Lemma | |
\ref{spaces-groupoids-lemma-groupoid-from-action} | |
then $j'$ comes from the induced action of $G$ on $U'$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Omitted. Hint: Functorial point of view combined with the picture: | |
$$ | |
\xymatrix{ | |
R' = X' \times_X R \ar[dd] \ar[rr] \ar[rd] & & | |
X' \times_X U = U' \ar'[d][dd] \ar[rd] \\ | |
& R \ar[dd] \ar[rr] & & U \ar[dd] \\ | |
U' = X' \times_X U \ar'[r][rr] \ar[rd] & & X' \ar[rd] \\ | |
& U \ar[rr] & & X | |
} | |
$$ | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{definition} | |
\label{definition-base-change} | |
In the situation of Lemma \ref{lemma-base-change-on-invariant} | |
we call $j' : R' \to U' \times_B U'$ the {\it base change} of the pre-relation | |
$j$ to $X'$. We say it is a {\it flat base change} if $X' \to X$ is a flat | |
morphism of algebraic spaces. | |
\end{definition} | |
\noindent | |
This kind of base change interacts well with taking quotient sheaves | |
and quotient stacks. | |
\begin{lemma} | |
\label{lemma-base-change-quotient-sheaf} | |
In the situation of Lemma \ref{lemma-base-change-on-invariant} | |
there is an isomorphism of sheaves | |
$$ | |
U'/R' = X' \times_X U/R | |
$$ | |
For the construction of quotient sheaves, see | |
Groupoids in Spaces, Section \ref{spaces-groupoids-section-quotient-sheaves}. | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Since $U \to X$ is $R$-invariant, it is clear that the map | |
$U \to X$ factors through the quotient sheaf $U/R$. | |
Recall that by definition | |
$$ | |
\xymatrix{ | |
R \ar@<1ex>[r] \ar@<-1ex>[r] & | |
U \ar[r] & | |
U/R | |
} | |
$$ | |
is a coequalizer diagram in the category $\Sh$ of sheaves of sets on | |
$(\Sch/S)_{fppf}$. In fact, this is a coequalizer diagram in the | |
comma category $\Sh/X$. Since the base change functor | |
$X' \times_X - : \Sh/X \to \Sh/X'$ is exact (true in any topos), | |
we conclude. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{lemma} | |
\label{lemma-base-change-quotient-stack} | |
Let $S$ be a scheme. Let $B$ be an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Let $(U, R, s, t, c)$ be a groupoid in algebraic spaces over $B$. | |
Let $U \to X$ be an $R$-invariant morphism of algebraic spaces over | |
$B$. Let $g : X' \to X$ be a morphism of algebraic spaces over $B$ | |
and let $(U', R', s', t', c')$ be the base change as in | |
Lemma \ref{lemma-base-change-on-invariant}. Then | |
$$ | |
\xymatrix{ | |
[U'/R'] \ar[r] \ar[d] & [U/R] \ar[d] \\ | |
\mathcal{S}_{X'} \ar[r] & \mathcal{S}_X | |
} | |
$$ | |
is a $2$-fibre product of stacks in groupoids over $(\Sch/S)_{fppf}$. | |
For the construction of quotient stacks and the morphisms in this | |
diagram, see | |
Groupoids in Spaces, Section \ref{spaces-groupoids-section-stacks}. | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
We will prove this by using the explicit | |
description of the quotient stacks given in | |
Groupoids in Spaces, Lemma | |
\ref{spaces-groupoids-lemma-quotient-stack-objects}. | |
However, we strongly urge the reader to find their own proof. | |
First, we may view $(U, R, s, t, c)$ as a groupoid in | |
algebraic spaces over $X$, hence we obtain a map | |
$f : [U/R] \to \mathcal{S}_X$, see | |
Groupoids in Spaces, Lemma \ref{spaces-groupoids-lemma-quotient-stack-arrows}. | |
Similarly, we have $f' : [U'/R'] \to X'$. | |
\medskip\noindent | |
An object of the $2$-fibre product | |
$\mathcal{S}_{X'} \times_{\mathcal{S}_X} [U/R]$ over a scheme $T$ over $S$ | |
is the same as a morphism $x' : T \to X'$ and an object $y$ of $[U/R]$ over $T$ | |
such that such that the composition $g \circ x'$ is equal to $f(y)$. | |
This makes sense because objects of $\mathcal{S}_X$ over $T$ | |
are morphisms $T \to X$. By Groupoids in Spaces, Lemma | |
\ref{spaces-groupoids-lemma-quotient-stack-objects} | |
we may assume $y$ is given by a $[U/R]$-descent datum $(u_i, r_{ij})$ | |
relative to an fppf covering $\{T_i \to T\}$. | |
The agreement of $g \circ x' = f(y)$ means that the diagrams | |
$$ | |
\vcenter{ | |
\xymatrix{ | |
T_i \ar[rr]_{u_i} \ar[d] & & U \ar[d] \\ | |
T \ar[r]^{x'} & X' \ar[r]^g & X | |
} | |
} | |
\quad\text{and}\quad | |
\vcenter{ | |
\xymatrix{ | |
T_i \times_T T_j \ar[rr]_{r_{ij}} \ar[d] & & R \ar[d] \\ | |
T \ar[r]^{x'} & X' \ar[r]^g & X | |
} | |
} | |
$$ | |
are commutative. | |
\medskip\noindent | |
On the other hand, an object $y'$ of $[U'/R']$ over a scheme $T$ over $S$ | |
by Groupoids in Spaces, Lemma | |
\ref{spaces-groupoids-lemma-quotient-stack-objects} | |
is given by a $[U'/R']$-descent datum $(u'_i, r'_{ij})$ | |
relative to an fppf covering $\{T_i \to T\}$. | |
Setting $f'(y') = x' : T \to X'$ we see that | |
the diagrams | |
$$ | |
\vcenter{ | |
\xymatrix{ | |
T_i \ar[r]_{u'_i} \ar[d] & U' \ar[d] \\ | |
T \ar[r]^{x'} & X' | |
} | |
} | |
\quad\text{and}\quad | |
\vcenter{ | |
\xymatrix{ | |
T_i \times_T T_j \ar[r]_{r'_{ij}} \ar[d] & U' \ar[d] \\ | |
T \ar[r]^{x'} & X' | |
} | |
} | |
$$ | |
are commutative. | |
\medskip\noindent | |
With this notation in place, we define a functor | |
$$ | |
[U'/R'] \longrightarrow \mathcal{S}_{X'} \times_{\mathcal{S}_X} [U/R] | |
$$ | |
by sending $y' = (u'_i, r'_{ij})$ as above to the object | |
$(x', (u_i, r_{ij}))$ where $x' = f'(y')$, where | |
$u_i$ is the composition $T_i \to U' \to U$, and where | |
$r_{ij}$ is the composition $T_i \times_T T_j \to R' \to R$. | |
Conversely, given an object $(x', (u_i, r_{ij})$ | |
of the right hand side we can send this to the object | |
$((x', u_i), (x', r_{ij}))$ of the left hand side. | |
We omit the discussion of what to do with morphisms (works | |
in exactly the same manner). | |
\end{proof} | |
\section{Categorical quotients} | |
\label{section-categorical} | |
\noindent | |
This is the most basic kind of quotient one can consider. | |
\begin{definition} | |
\label{definition-categorical} | |
Let $S$ be a scheme, and let $B$ be an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Let $j = (t, s) : R \to U \times_B U$ be pre-relation in algebraic spaces | |
over $B$. | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item We say a morphism $\phi : U \to X$ of algebraic spaces over $B$ | |
is a {\it categorical quotient} if it is $R$-invariant, and | |
for every $R$-invariant morphism $\psi : U \to Y$ of algebraic spaces over $B$ | |
there exists a unique morphism $\chi : X \to Y$ such that | |
$\psi = \phi \circ \chi$. | |
\item Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a full subcategory of the category of algebraic | |
spaces over $B$. Assume $U$, $R$ are objects of $\mathcal{C}$. | |
In this situation we say | |
a morphism $\phi : U \to X$ of algebraic spaces over $B$ | |
is a {\it categorical quotient in $\mathcal{C}$} | |
if $X \in \Ob(\mathcal{C})$, and $\phi$ is $R$-invariant, | |
and for every $R$-invariant morphism | |
$\psi : U \to Y$ with $Y \in \Ob(\mathcal{C})$ | |
there exists a unique morphism $\chi : X \to Y$ such | |
that $\psi = \phi \circ \chi$. | |
\item If $B = S$ and $\mathcal{C}$ is the category of schemes over $S$, | |
then we say $U \to X$ is a | |
{\it categorical quotient in the category of schemes}, or simply a | |
{\it categorical quotient in schemes}. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{definition} | |
\noindent | |
We often single out a category $\mathcal{C}$ of algebraic spaces over $B$ | |
by some separation axiom, see | |
Example \ref{example-categories} | |
for some standard cases. | |
Note that $\phi : U \to X$ is a categorical quotient if and only | |
if $U \to X$ is a coequalizer for the | |
morphisms $t, s : R \to U$ in the category. Hence we immediately | |
deduce the following lemma. | |
\begin{lemma} | |
\label{lemma-categorical-unique} | |
Let $S$ be a scheme, and let $B$ be an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Let $j : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-relation in algebraic spaces over $B$. | |
If a categorical quotient in the category of algebraic spaces | |
over $B$ exists, then it is unique up to unique isomorphism. | |
Similarly for categorical quotients in full subcategories of | |
$\textit{Spaces}/B$. | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
See Categories, Section \ref{categories-section-coequalizers}. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{example} | |
\label{example-categories} | |
Let $S$ be a scheme, and let $B$ be an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Here are some standard examples of categories $\mathcal{C}$ | |
that we often come up when applying | |
Definition \ref{definition-categorical}: | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $\mathcal{C}$ is the category of all algebraic spaces over $B$, | |
\item $B$ is separated and $\mathcal{C}$ is the category of all separated | |
algebraic spaces over $B$, | |
\item $B$ is quasi-separated and $\mathcal{C}$ is the category of all | |
quasi-separated algebraic spaces over $B$, | |
\item $B$ is locally separated and $\mathcal{C}$ is the category of all | |
locally separated algebraic spaces over $B$, | |
\item $B$ is decent and $\mathcal{C}$ is the category of all decent algebraic | |
spaces over $B$, and | |
\item $S = B$ and $\mathcal{C}$ is the category of schemes over $S$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
In this case, if $\phi : U \to X$ is a categorical quotient then we say | |
$U \to X$ is | |
(1) a {\it categorical quotient}, | |
(2) a {\it categorical quotient in separated algebraic spaces}, | |
(3) a {\it categorical quotient in quasi-separated algebraic spaces}, | |
(4) a {\it categorical quotient in locally separated algebraic spaces}, | |
(5) a {\it categorical quotient in decent algebraic spaces}, | |
(6) a {\it categorical quotient in schemes}. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{definition} | |
\label{definition-universal-categorical} | |
Let $S$ be a scheme, and let $B$ be an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a full subcategory of the category of algebraic | |
spaces over $B$ closed under fibre products. | |
Let $j = (t, s) : R \to U \times_B U$ be pre-relation in | |
$\mathcal{C}$, and let $U \to X$ be an $R$-invariant morphism with | |
$X \in \Ob(\mathcal{C})$. | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item We say $U \to X$ is a {\it universal categorical quotient} | |
in $\mathcal{C}$ if for every morphism $X' \to X$ in $\mathcal{C}$ | |
the morphism $U' = X' \times_X U \to X'$ is the categorical quotient in | |
$\mathcal{C}$ of the base change $j' : R' \to U'$ of $j$. | |
\item We say $U \to X$ is a {\it uniform categorical quotient} | |
in $\mathcal{C}$ if for every flat morphism $X' \to X$ in $\mathcal{C}$ | |
the morphism $U' = X' \times_X U \to X'$ is the categorical quotient in | |
$\mathcal{C}$ of the base change $j' : R' \to U'$ of $j$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{lemma} | |
\label{lemma-categorical-reduced} | |
In the situation of | |
Definition \ref{definition-categorical}. | |
If $\phi : U \to X$ is a categorical quotient and $U$ is reduced, | |
then $X$ is reduced. The same holds for categorical quotients in | |
a category of spaces $\mathcal{C}$ listed in | |
Example \ref{example-categories}. | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Let $X_{red}$ be the reduction of the algebraic space $X$. | |
Since $U$ is reduced the morphism $\phi : U \to X$ factors through | |
$i : X_{red} \to X$ (Properties of Spaces, Lemma | |
\ref{spaces-properties-lemma-map-into-reduction}). Denote this morphism | |
by $\phi_{red} : U \to X_{red}$. Since $\phi \circ s = \phi \circ t$ we | |
see that also $\phi_{red} \circ s = \phi_{red} \circ t$ (as | |
$i : X_{red} \to X$ is a monomorphism). Hence by the universal property | |
of $\phi$ there exists a morphism $\chi : X \to X_{red}$ such that | |
$\phi_{red} = \phi \circ \chi$. By uniqueness we see that | |
$i \circ \chi = \text{id}_X$ and $\chi \circ i = \text{id}_{X_{red}}$. | |
Hence $i$ is an isomorphism and $X$ is reduced. | |
\medskip\noindent | |
To show that this argument works in a category $\mathcal{C}$ one | |
just needs to show that the reduction of an object of $\mathcal{C}$ | |
is an object of $\mathcal{C}$. We omit the verification that this | |
holds for each of the standard examples. | |
\end{proof} | |
\section{Quotients as orbit spaces} | |
\label{section-orbits} | |
\noindent | |
Let $j = (t, s) : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-relation. | |
If $j$ is a pre-equivalence relation, then loosely speaking | |
the ``orbits'' of $R$ on $U$ | |
are the subsets $t(s^{-1}(\{u\}))$ of $U$. However, if $j$ is just a | |
pre-relation, then we need to take the equivalence relation generated | |
by $R$. | |
\begin{definition} | |
\label{definition-orbit} | |
Let $S$ be a scheme, and let $B$ be an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Let $j : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-relation over $B$. | |
If $u \in |U|$, then the {\it orbit}, or more precisely the | |
{\it $R$-orbit} of $u$ is | |
$$ | |
O_u = | |
\left\{ | |
u' \in |U|\ : | |
\begin{matrix} | |
\exists n \geq 1, \ \exists u_0, \ldots, u_n \in |U|\text{ such that } | |
u_0 = u \text{ and } u_n = u' \\ | |
\text{and for all }i \in \{0, \ldots, n - 1\}\text{ either } | |
u_i = u_{i + 1}\text{ or } \\ | |
\exists r \in |R|, \ s(r) = u_i, t(r) = u_{i + 1} | |
\text{ or } \\ | |
\exists r \in |R|, \ t(r) = u_i, s(r) = u_{i + 1} | |
\end{matrix} | |
\right\} | |
$$ | |
\end{definition} | |
\noindent | |
It is clear that these are the equivalence classes of an equivalence relation, | |
i.e., we have $u' \in O_u$ if and only if $u \in O_{u'}$. The following lemma | |
is a reformulation of | |
Groupoids in Spaces, | |
Lemma \ref{spaces-groupoids-lemma-pre-equivalence-equivalence-relation-points}. | |
\begin{lemma} | |
\label{lemma-pre-equivalence-equivalence-relation-points} | |
Let $B \to S$ as in Section \ref{section-conventions-notation}. | |
Let $j : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-equivalence relation | |
of algebraic spaces over $B$. Then | |
$$ | |
O_u = | |
\{u' \in |U| \text{ such that } \exists r \in |R|, \ s(r) = u, \ t(r) = u'\}. | |
$$ | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
By the aforementioned | |
Groupoids in Spaces, | |
Lemma \ref{spaces-groupoids-lemma-pre-equivalence-equivalence-relation-points} | |
we see that the orbits $O_u$ as defined in the lemma give a disjoint | |
union decomposition of $|U|$. Thus we see they are equal to the | |
orbits as defined in Definition \ref{definition-orbit}. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{lemma} | |
\label{lemma-invariant-map-constant-on-orbit} | |
In the situation of Definition \ref{definition-orbit}. | |
Let $\phi : U \to X$ be an $R$-invariant morphism of algebraic spaces over | |
$B$. Then $|\phi| : |U| \to |X|$ is constant on the orbits. | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
To see this we just have to show that $\phi(u) = \phi(u')$ | |
for all $u, u' \in |U|$ such that | |
there exists an $r \in |R|$ such that $s(r) = u$ and $t(r) = u'$. | |
And this is clear since $\phi$ equalizes $s$ and $t$. | |
\end{proof} | |
\noindent | |
There are several problems with considering the orbits $O_u \subset |U|$ | |
as a tool for singling out properties of quotient maps. One issue is the | |
following. Suppose that $\Spec(k) \to B$ | |
is a geometric point of $B$. Consider the canonical map | |
$$ | |
U(k) \longrightarrow |U|. | |
$$ | |
Then it is usually not the case that the equivalence classes | |
of the equivalence relation generated by $j(R(k)) \subset U(k) \times U(k)$ | |
are the inverse images of the orbits $O_u \subset |U|$. | |
A silly example is to take $S = B = \Spec(\mathbf{Z})$, | |
$U = R = \Spec(k)$ with $s = t = \text{id}_k$. Then $|U| = |R|$ is | |
a single point but $U(k)/R(k)$ is enormous. | |
A more interesting example is to take $S = B = \Spec(\mathbf{Q})$, | |
choose some of number fields $K \subset L$, and set $U = \Spec(L)$ | |
and $R = \Spec(L \otimes_K L)$ with obvious maps $s, t : R \to U$. | |
In this case $|U|$ still has just one point, but the quotient | |
$$ | |
U(k)/R(k) = \Hom(K, k) | |
$$ | |
consists of more than one element. We conclude from both examples | |
that if $U \to X$ is an $R$-invariant map and if we want it to | |
``separate orbits'' we get a much stronger and interesting notion by | |
considering the induced maps $U(k) \to X(k)$ and ask that | |
those maps separate orbits. | |
\medskip\noindent | |
There is an issue with this too. Namely, suppose that | |
$S = B = \Spec(\mathbf{R})$, | |
$U = \Spec(\mathbf{C})$, and | |
$R = \Spec(\mathbf{C}) \amalg \Spec(K)$ | |
for some field extension $\sigma : \mathbf{C} \to K$. | |
Let the maps $s, t$ be given by the identity on the component | |
$\Spec(\mathbf{C})$, but by $\sigma, \sigma \circ \tau$ on the | |
second component where $\tau$ is complex conjugation. If | |
$K$ is a nontrivial extension of $\mathbf{C}$, then the two points | |
$1, \tau \in U(\mathbf{C})$ are not equivalent under | |
$j(R(\mathbf{C}))$. But after choosing an extension $\mathbf{C} \subset \Omega$ | |
of sufficiently large cardinality (for example larger than the cardinality | |
of $K$) then the images of $1, \tau \in U(\mathbf{C})$ in | |
$U(\Omega)$ do become equivalent! It seems intuitively clear that | |
this happens either because $s, t : R \to U$ are not locally of finite type | |
or because the cardinality of the field $k$ is not large enough. | |
\medskip\noindent | |
Keeping this in mind we make the following definition. | |
\begin{definition} | |
\label{definition-geometric-orbits} | |
Let $S$ be a scheme, and let $B$ be an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Let $j : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-relation over $B$. | |
Let $\Spec(k) \to B$ be a geometric point of $B$. | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item We say $\overline{u}, \overline{u}' \in U(k)$ are | |
{\it weakly $R$-equivalent} if they are in the same equivalence class | |
for the equivalence relation generated by the relation | |
$j(R(k)) \subset U(k) \times U(k)$. | |
\item We say $\overline{u}, \overline{u}' \in U(k)$ are | |
{\it $R$-equivalent} if for some overfield $k \subset \Omega$ | |
the images in $U(\Omega)$ are weakly $R$-equivalent. | |
\item The {\it weak orbit}, or more precisely the {\it weak $R$-orbit} | |
of $\overline{u} \in U(k)$ is set of all | |
elements of $U(k)$ which are weakly $R$-equivalent to $\overline{u}$. | |
\item The {\it orbit}, or more precisely the {\it $R$-orbit} | |
of $\overline{u} \in U(k)$ is set of all | |
elements of $U(k)$ which are $R$-equivalent to $\overline{u}$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{definition} | |
\noindent | |
It turns out that in good cases orbits and weak orbits agree, see | |
Lemma \ref{lemma-geometric-orbits}. The following lemma illustrates | |
the difference in the special case of a pre-equivalence relation. | |
\begin{lemma} | |
\label{lemma-weak-orbit-pre-equivalence} | |
Let $S$ be a scheme, and let $B$ be an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Let $\Spec(k) \to B$ be a geometric point of $B$. | |
Let $j : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-equivalence relation over $B$. | |
In this case the weak orbit of $\overline{u} \in U(k)$ is simply | |
$$ | |
\{ | |
\overline{u}' \in U(k) | |
\text{ such that } | |
\exists \overline{r} \in R(k), | |
\ s(\overline{r}) = \overline{u}, | |
\ t(\overline{r}) = \overline{u}' | |
\} | |
$$ | |
and the orbit of $\overline{u} \in U(k)$ is | |
$$ | |
\{ | |
\overline{u}' \in U(k) : | |
\exists\text{ field extension }K/k, \ \exists\ r \in R(K), | |
\ s(r) = \overline{u}, \ t(r) = \overline{u}'\} | |
$$ | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
This is true because by definition of a pre-equivalence relation the image | |
$j(R(k)) \subset U(k) \times U(k)$ is an equivalence relation. | |
\end{proof} | |
\noindent | |
Let us describe the recipe for turning any pre-relation into a | |
pre-equivalence relation. We will use the morphisms | |
\begin{equation} | |
\label{equation-list} | |
\begin{matrix} | |
j_{diag} & | |
: & | |
U & | |
\longrightarrow & | |
U \times_B U, & | |
u & | |
\longmapsto & | |
(u, u) \\ | |
j_{flip} & | |
: & | |
R & | |
\longrightarrow & | |
U \times_B U, & | |
r & | |
\longmapsto & | |
(s(r), t(r)) \\ | |
j_{comp} & | |
: & | |
R \times_{s, U, t} R & | |
\longrightarrow & | |
U \times_B U, & | |
(r, r') & | |
\longmapsto & | |
(t(r), s(r')) | |
\end{matrix} | |
\end{equation} | |
We define $j_1 = (t_1, s_1) : R_1 \to U \times_B U$ to be the morphism | |
$$ | |
j \amalg j_{diag} \amalg j_{flip} : | |
R \amalg U \amalg R | |
\longrightarrow | |
U \times_B U | |
$$ | |
with notation as in | |
Equation (\ref{equation-list}). | |
For $n > 1$ we set | |
$$ | |
j_n = (t_n, s_n) : | |
R_n = R_1 \times_{s_1, U, t_{n - 1}} R_{n - 1} \longrightarrow U \times_B U | |
$$ | |
where $t_n$ comes from $t_1$ precomposed with projection onto $R_1$ and | |
$s_n$ comes from $s_{n - 1}$ precomposed with projection onto $R_{n - 1}$. | |
Finally, we denote | |
$$ | |
j_\infty = (t_\infty, s_\infty) : | |
R_\infty = \coprod\nolimits_{n \geq 1} R_n | |
\longrightarrow | |
U \times_B U. | |
$$ | |
\begin{lemma} | |
\label{lemma-make-pre-equivalence} | |
Let $S$ be a scheme, and let $B$ be an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Let $j : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-relation over $B$. | |
Then $j_\infty : R_\infty \to U \times_B U$ is a | |
pre-equivalence relation over $B$. Moreover | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $\phi : U \to X$ is $R$-invariant if and only if it is | |
$R_\infty$-invariant, | |
\item the canonical map of quotient sheaves $U/R \to U/R_\infty$ (see | |
Groupoids in Spaces, Section \ref{spaces-groupoids-section-quotient-sheaves}) | |
is an isomorphism, | |
\item weak $R$-orbits agree with weak $R_\infty$-orbits, | |
\item $R$-orbits agree with $R_\infty$-orbits, | |
\item if $s, t$ are locally of finite type, then $s_\infty$, $t_\infty$ | |
are locally of finite type, | |
\item add more here as needed. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Omitted. Hint for (5): Any property of $s, t$ which is stable under composition | |
and stable under base change, and Zariski local on the source | |
will be inherited by $s_\infty, t_\infty$. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{lemma} | |
\label{lemma-geometric-orbits} | |
Let $S$ be a scheme, and let $B$ be an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Let $j : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-relation over $B$. | |
Let $\Spec(k) \to B$ be a geometric point of $B$. | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item If $s, t : R \to U$ are locally of finite type | |
then weak $R$-equivalence on $U(k)$ agrees with $R$-equivalence, and | |
weak $R$-orbits agree with $R$-orbits on $U(k)$. | |
\item If $k$ has sufficiently large cardinality then weak $R$-equivalence | |
on $U(k)$ agrees with $R$-equivalence, and weak $R$-orbits agree | |
with $R$-orbits on $U(k)$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
We first prove (1). Assume $s, t$ locally of finite type. By | |
Lemma \ref{lemma-make-pre-equivalence} | |
we may assume that $R$ is a pre-equivalence relation. | |
Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field over $B$. | |
Suppose $\overline{u}, \overline{u}' \in U(k)$ are $R$-equivalent. | |
Then for some extension field $\Omega/k$ there exists | |
a point $\overline{r} \in R(\Omega)$ mapping to | |
$(\overline{u}, \overline{u}') \in (U \times_B U)(\Omega)$, see | |
Lemma \ref{lemma-weak-orbit-pre-equivalence}. | |
Hence | |
$$ | |
Z = R \times_{j, U \times_B U, (\overline{u}, \overline{u}')} \Spec(k) | |
$$ | |
is nonempty. As $s$ is locally of finite type we see that | |
also $j$ is locally of finite type, see | |
Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma \ref{spaces-morphisms-lemma-permanence-finite-type}. | |
This implies $Z$ is a nonempty algebraic space locally of finite type | |
over the algebraically closed field $k$ (use | |
Morphisms of Spaces, | |
Lemma \ref{spaces-morphisms-lemma-base-change-finite-type}). | |
Thus $Z$ has a $k$-valued point, see | |
Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma | |
\ref{spaces-morphisms-lemma-locally-finite-type-surjective-geometric-points}. | |
Hence we conclude there exists a $\overline{r} \in R(k)$ with | |
$j(\overline{r}) = (\overline{u}, \overline{u}')$, and we conclude that | |
$\overline{u}, \overline{u}'$ are $R$-equivalent as desired. | |
\medskip\noindent | |
The proof of part (2) is the same, except that it uses | |
Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma | |
\ref{spaces-morphisms-lemma-large-enough} | |
instead of | |
Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma | |
\ref{spaces-morphisms-lemma-locally-finite-type-surjective-geometric-points}. | |
This shows that the assertion holds as soon as $|k| > \lambda(R)$ with | |
$\lambda(R)$ as introduced just above | |
Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma | |
\ref{spaces-morphisms-lemma-locally-finite-type-surjective-geometric-points}. | |
\end{proof} | |
\noindent | |
In the following definition we use the terminology ``$k$ is a field | |
over $B$'' to mean that $\Spec(k)$ comes equipped with a morphism | |
$\Spec(k) \to B$. | |
\begin{definition} | |
\label{definition-set-theoretically-invariant} | |
Let $S$ be a scheme, and let $B$ be an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Let $j : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-relation over $B$. | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item We say $\phi : U \to X$ is {\it set-theoretically $R$-invariant} | |
if and only if the map $U(k) \to X(k)$ equalizes the two maps | |
$s, t : R(k) \to U(k)$ for every algebraically closed field $k$ | |
over $B$. | |
\item We say $\phi : U \to X$ {\it separates orbits}, or | |
{\it separates $R$-orbits} if it is set-theoretically $R$-invariant and | |
$\phi(\overline{u}) = \phi(\overline{u}')$ in $X(k)$ implies that | |
$\overline{u}, \overline{u}' \in U(k)$ are in the same orbit | |
for every algebraically closed field $k$ over $B$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{definition} | |
\noindent | |
In | |
Example \ref{example-not-invariant} | |
we show that being set-theoretically invariant is ``too weak'' a notion in | |
the category of algebraic spaces. A more geometric reformulation | |
of what it means to be set-theoretically invariant or to separate orbits is in | |
Lemma \ref{lemma-separates-orbits}. | |
\begin{lemma} | |
\label{lemma-set-theoretic-invariant} | |
In the situation of Definition \ref{definition-set-theoretically-invariant}. | |
A morphism $\phi : U \to X$ is set-theoretically $R$-invariant if and | |
only if for any algebraically closed field $k$ over $B$ the map | |
$U(k) \to X(k)$ is constant on orbits. | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
This is true because the condition is supposed to hold for all algebraically | |
closed fields over $B$. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{lemma} | |
\label{lemma-invariant-set-theoretically-invariant} | |
In the situation of Definition \ref{definition-set-theoretically-invariant}. | |
An invariant morphism is set-theoretically invariant. | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
This is immediate from the definitions. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{lemma} | |
\label{lemma-set-theoretically-invariant-invariant-when-reduced} | |
In the situation of Definition \ref{definition-set-theoretically-invariant}. | |
Let $\phi : U \to X$ be a morphism of algebraic spaces over $B$. | |
Assume | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $\phi$ is set-theoretically $R$-invariant, | |
\item $R$ is reduced, and | |
\item $X$ is locally separated over $B$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
Then $\phi$ is $R$-invariant. | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Consider the equalizer | |
$$ | |
Z = R \times_{(\phi, \phi) \circ j, X \times_B X, \Delta_{X/B}} X | |
$$ | |
algebraic space. Then $Z \to R$ is an immersion by assumption (3). | |
By assumption (1) $|Z| \to |R|$ is surjective. This implies that | |
$Z \to R$ is a bijective closed immersion (use | |
Schemes, Lemma \ref{schemes-lemma-immersion-when-closed}) | |
and by assumption (2) we conclude that $Z = R$. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{example} | |
\label{example-not-invariant} | |
There exist reduced quasi-separated algebraic spaces $X$, $Y$ and a pair of | |
morphisms $a, b : Y \to X$ which agree on all $k$-valued points but are not | |
equal. To get an example take $Y = \Spec(k[[x]])$ and | |
$$ | |
X = \mathbf{A}^1_k \Big/ \big(\Delta \amalg \{(x, -x) \mid x \not = 0\}\big) | |
$$ | |
the algebraic space of | |
Spaces, Example \ref{spaces-example-affine-line-involution}. | |
The two morphisms $a, b : Y \to X$ | |
come from the two maps $x \mapsto x$ and $x \mapsto -x$ | |
from $Y$ to $\mathbf{A}^1_k = \Spec(k[x])$. On the generic point | |
the two maps are the same because on the open part $x \not = 0$ of the | |
space $X$ the functions $x$ and $-x$ are equal. On the closed point | |
the maps are obviously the same. It is also true that $a \not = b$. | |
This implies that | |
Lemma \ref{lemma-set-theoretically-invariant-invariant-when-reduced} | |
does not hold with assumption (3) replaced by the assumption that $X$ | |
be quasi-separated. Namely, consider the diagram | |
$$ | |
\xymatrix{ | |
Y \ar[d]_{-1} \ar[r]_1 & Y \ar[d]^a \\ | |
Y \ar[r]^a & X | |
} | |
$$ | |
then the composition $a \circ (-1) = b$. Hence we can set $R = Y$, | |
$U = Y$, $s = 1$, $t = -1$, $\phi = a$ to get an example of a set-theoretically | |
invariant morphism which is not invariant. | |
\end{example} | |
\noindent | |
The example above is instructive because the map $Y \to X$ even separates | |
orbits. It shows that in the category of algebraic spaces there are simply | |
too many set-theoretically invariant morphisms lying around. Next, let us | |
define what it means for $R$ to be a set-theoretic equivalence relation, while | |
remembering that we need to allow for field extensions to make this work | |
correctly. | |
\begin{definition} | |
\label{definition-set-theoretic-equivalence} | |
Let $S$ be a scheme, and let $B$ be an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Let $j : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-relation over $B$. | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item We say $j$ is a {\it set-theoretic pre-equivalence relation} if | |
for all algebraically closed fields $k$ over $B$ the relation | |
$\sim_R$ on $U(k)$ defined by | |
$$ | |
\overline{u} \sim_R \overline{u}' | |
\Leftrightarrow | |
\begin{matrix} | |
\exists\text{ field extension }K/k, \ \exists\ r \in R(K), \\ | |
s(r) = \overline{u}, \ t(r) = \overline{u}' | |
\end{matrix} | |
$$ | |
is an equivalence relation. | |
\item We say $j$ is a {\it set-theoretic equivalence relation} | |
if $j$ is universally injective and a set-theoretic pre-equivalence | |
relation. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{definition} | |
\noindent | |
Let us reformulate this in more geometric terms. | |
\begin{lemma} | |
\label{lemma-set-theoretic-pre-equivalence-geometric} | |
In the situation of Definition \ref{definition-set-theoretic-equivalence}. | |
The following are equivalent: | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item The morphism $j$ is a set-theoretic pre-equivalence relation. | |
\item The subset $j(|R|) \subset |U \times_B U|$ contains the image of | |
$|j'|$ for any of the morphisms $j'$ as in Equation (\ref{equation-list}). | |
\item For every algebraically closed field $k$ over $B$ of sufficiently large | |
cardinality the subset $j(R(k)) \subset U(k) \times U(k)$ is an equivalence | |
relation. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
If $s, t$ are locally of finite type these are also equivalent to | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item[(4)] For every algebraically closed field $k$ over $B$ | |
the subset $j(R(k)) \subset U(k) \times U(k)$ is an equivalence relation. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Assume (2). Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field over $B$. | |
We are going to show that $\sim_R$ is an equivalence relation. | |
Suppose that $\overline{u}_i : \Spec(k) \to U$, $i = 1, 2$ | |
are $k$-valued points of $U$. Suppose that $(\overline{u}_1, \overline{u}_2)$ | |
is the image of a $K$-valued point $r \in R(K)$. Consider the | |
solid commutative diagram | |
$$ | |
\xymatrix{ | |
\Spec(K') \ar@{..>}[r] \ar@{..>}[d] | |
& | |
\Spec(k) \ar[d]_{(\overline{u}_2, \overline{u}_1)} & | |
\Spec(K) \ar[d] \ar[l] \\ | |
R \ar[r]^-j & | |
U \times_B U & | |
R \ar[l]_-{j_{flip}} | |
} | |
$$ | |
We also denote $r \in |R|$ the image of $r$. | |
By assumption the image of $|j_{flip}|$ is contained in the image of | |
$|j|$, in other words there exists a $r' \in |R|$ such that | |
$|j|(r') = |j_{flip}|(r)$. But note that $(\overline{u}_2, \overline{u}_1)$ | |
is in the equivalence class that defines $|j|(r')$ (by the commutativity | |
of the solid part of the diagram). This means there exists a field | |
extension $K'/k$ and a morphism $r' : \Spec(K) \to R$ | |
(abusively denoted $r'$ as well) with | |
$j \circ r' = (\overline{u}_2, \overline{u}_1) \circ i$ | |
where $i : \Spec(K') \to \Spec(K)$ is the obvious map. | |
In other words the dotted part of the diagram commutes. | |
This proves that $\sim_R$ is a symmetric relation on $U(k)$. | |
In the similar way, using that the image of $|j_{diag}|$ is contained | |
in the image of $|j|$ we see that $\sim_R$ is reflexive (details omitted). | |
\medskip\noindent | |
To show that $\sim_R$ is transitive assume given | |
$\overline{u}_i : \Spec(k) \to U$, $i = 1, 2, 3$ | |
and field extensions $K_i/k$ and points | |
$r_i : \Spec(K_i) \to R$, $i = 1, 2$ such that | |
$j(r_1) = (\overline{u}_1, \overline{u}_2)$ and | |
$j(r_1) = (\overline{u}_2, \overline{u}_3)$. Then we may choose a | |
commutative diagram of fields | |
$$ | |
\xymatrix{ | |
K & K_2 \ar[l] \\ | |
K_1 \ar[u] & k \ar[l] \ar[u] | |
} | |
$$ | |
and we may think of $r_1, r_2 \in R(K)$. We consider the | |
commutative solid diagram | |
$$ | |
\xymatrix{ | |
\Spec(K') \ar@{..>}[r] \ar@{..>}[d] | |
& | |
\Spec(k) \ar[d]_{(\overline{u}_1, \overline{u}_3)} & | |
\Spec(K) \ar[d]^{(r_1, r_2)} \ar[l] | |
\\ | |
R \ar[r]^-j & | |
U \times_B U & | |
R \times_{s, U, t} R \ar[l]_-{j_{comp}} | |
} | |
$$ | |
By exactly the same reasoning as in the first part of the proof, but | |
this time using that $|j_{comp}|((r_1, r_2))$ is in the image of $|j|$, | |
we conclude that a field $K'$ and dotted arrows exist making the | |
diagram commute. This proves that $\sim_R$ is transitive and concludes | |
the proof that (2) implies (1). | |
\medskip\noindent | |
Assume (1) and let $k$ be an algebraically closed field over $B$ whose | |
cardinality is larger than $\lambda(R)$, see | |
Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma \ref{spaces-morphisms-lemma-large-enough}. | |
Suppose that $\overline{u} \sim_R \overline{u}'$ with | |
$\overline{u}, \overline{u}' \in U(k)$. By assumption there exists | |
a point in $|R|$ mapping to $(\overline{u}, \overline{u}') \in |U \times_B U|$. | |
Hence by | |
Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma \ref{spaces-morphisms-lemma-large-enough} | |
we conclude there exists an $\overline{r} \in R(k)$ with | |
$j(\overline{r}) = (\overline{u}, \overline{u}')$. In this way we see | |
that (1) implies (3). | |
\medskip\noindent | |
Assume (3). Let us show that | |
$\Im(|j_{comp}|) \subset \Im(|j|)$. Pick any point | |
$c \in |R \times_{s, U, t} R|$. We may represent this by a morphism | |
$\overline{c} : \Spec(k) \to R \times_{s, U, t} R$, with $k$ over $B$ | |
having sufficiently large cardinality. By assumption we see that | |
$j_{comp}(\overline{c}) \in U(k) \times U(k) = (U \times_B U)(k)$ | |
is also the image $j(\overline{r})$ for some $\overline{r} \in R(k)$. | |
Hence $j_{comp}(c) = j(r)$ in $|U \times_B U|$ as desired (with | |
$r \in |R|$ the equivalence class of $\overline{r}$). The same argument | |
shows also that $\Im(|j_{diag}|) \subset \Im(|j|)$ and | |
$\Im(|j_{flip}|) \subset \Im(|j|)$ (details omitted). | |
In this way we see that (3) implies (2). At this point we have | |
shown that (1), (2) and (3) are all equivalent. | |
\medskip\noindent | |
It is clear that (4) implies (3) (without any assumptions on $s$, $t$). | |
To finish the proof of the lemma we show that (1) implies (4) if $s, t$ | |
are locally of finite type. Namely, let $k$ be an algebraically closed | |
field over $B$. Suppose that $\overline{u} \sim_R \overline{u}'$ with | |
$\overline{u}, \overline{u}' \in U(k)$. By assumption the algebraic space | |
$Z = R \times_{j, U \times_B U, (\overline{u}, \overline{u}')} \Spec(k)$ | |
is nonempty. On the other hand, since $j = (t, s)$ is locally of finite type | |
the morphism $Z \to \Spec(k)$ is locally of finite type as well (use | |
Morphisms of Spaces, Lemmas \ref{spaces-morphisms-lemma-permanence-finite-type} | |
and \ref{spaces-morphisms-lemma-base-change-finite-type}). | |
Hence $Z$ has a $k$ point by | |
Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma | |
\ref{spaces-morphisms-lemma-locally-finite-type-surjective-geometric-points} | |
and we conclude that $(\overline{u}, \overline{u}') \in j(R(k))$ | |
as desired. This finishes the proof of the lemma. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{lemma} | |
\label{lemma-set-theoretic-equivalence-geometric} | |
In the situation of Definition \ref{definition-set-theoretic-equivalence}. | |
The following are equivalent: | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item The morphism $j$ is a set-theoretic equivalence relation. | |
\item The morphism $j$ is universally injective and | |
$j(|R|) \subset |U \times_B U|$ contains the image of | |
$|j'|$ for any of the morphisms $j'$ as in Equation (\ref{equation-list}). | |
\item For every algebraically closed field $k$ over $B$ of sufficiently large | |
cardinality the map $j : R(k) \to U(k) \times U(k)$ is injective and | |
its image is an equivalence relation. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
If $j$ is decent, or locally separated, or quasi-separated | |
these are also equivalent to | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item[(4)] For every algebraically closed field $k$ over $B$ | |
the map $j : R(k) \to U(k) \times U(k)$ is injective and its image | |
is an equivalence relation. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
The implications (1) $\Rightarrow$ (2) and (2) $\Rightarrow$ (3) follow from | |
Lemma \ref{lemma-set-theoretic-pre-equivalence-geometric} | |
and the definitions. The same lemma shows that (3) implies | |
$j$ is a set-theoretic pre-equivalence relation. But of course condition | |
(3) also implies that $j$ is universally injective, see | |
Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma \ref{spaces-morphisms-lemma-universally-injective}, | |
so that $j$ is indeed a set-theoretic equivalence relation. | |
At this point we know that (1), (2), (3) are all equivalent. | |
\medskip\noindent | |
Condition (4) implies (3) without any further hypotheses on $j$. Assume $j$ | |
is decent, or locally separated, or quasi-separated and the equivalent | |
conditions (1), (2), (3) hold. By | |
More on Morphisms of Spaces, | |
Lemma \ref{spaces-more-morphisms-lemma-when-universally-injective-radicial} | |
we see that $j$ is radicial. | |
Let $k$ be any algebraically closed field over $B$. Let | |
$\overline{u}, \overline{u}' \in U(k)$ with | |
$\overline{u} \sim_R \overline{u}'$. We see that | |
$R \times_{U \times_B U, (\overline{u}, \overline{u}')} \Spec(k)$ | |
is nonempty. Hence, as $j$ is radicial, its reduction is the spectrum of a | |
field purely inseparable over $k$. As $k = \overline{k}$ we see that | |
it is the spectrum of $k$. Whence a point $\overline{r} \in R(k)$ | |
with $t(\overline{r}) = \overline{u}$ and $s(\overline{r}) = \overline{u}'$ | |
as desired. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{lemma} | |
\label{lemma-set-theoretic-equivalence} | |
Let $S$ be a scheme, and let $B$ be an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Let $j : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-relation over $B$. | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item If $j$ is a pre-equivalence relation, then $j$ is a | |
set-theoretic pre-equivalence relation. This holds in particular | |
when $j$ comes from a groupoid in algebraic spaces, or from an | |
action of a group algebraic space on $U$. | |
\item If $j$ is an equivalence relation, then $j$ is a | |
set-theoretic equivalence relation. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Omitted. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{lemma} | |
\label{lemma-separates-orbits} | |
Let $B \to S$ be as in Section \ref{section-conventions-notation}. | |
Let $j : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-relation. | |
Let $\phi : U \to X$ be a morphism of algebraic spaces over $B$. | |
Consider the diagram | |
$$ | |
\xymatrix{ | |
(U \times_X U) \times_{(U \times_B U)} R \ar[d]^q \ar[r]_-p & R \ar[d]^j \\ | |
U \times_X U \ar[r]^c & U \times_B U | |
} | |
$$ | |
Then we have: | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item The morphism $\phi$ is set-theoretically invariant if and only | |
if $p$ is surjective. | |
\item If $j$ is a set-theoretic pre-equivalence relation then | |
$\phi$ separates orbits if and only if $p$ and $q$ are surjective. | |
\item If $p$ and $q$ are surjective, then $j$ is a set-theoretic | |
pre-equivalence relation (and $\phi$ separates orbits). | |
\item If $\phi$ is $R$-invariant and $j$ is a set-theoretic pre-equivalence | |
relation, then $\phi$ separates orbits if and only if the induced morphism | |
$R \to U \times_X U$ is surjective. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Assume $\phi$ is set-theoretically invariant. This means that for any | |
algebraically closed field $k$ over $B$ and any $\overline{r} \in R(k)$ | |
we have $\phi(s(\overline{r})) = \phi(t(\overline{r}))$. Hence | |
$((\phi(t(\overline{r})), \phi(s(\overline{r}))), \overline{r})$ | |
defines a point in the fibre product mapping to $\overline{r}$ via | |
$p$. This shows that $p$ is surjective. Conversely, assume $p$ is | |
surjective. Pick $\overline{r} \in R(k)$. As $p$ is surjective, we | |
can find a field extension $K/k$ and a $K$-valued point | |
$\tilde r$ of the fibre product with $p(\tilde r) = \overline{r}$. | |
Then $q(\tilde r) \in U \times_X U$ maps to | |
$(t(\overline{r}), s(\overline{r}))$ in $U \times_B U$ and we conclude | |
that $\phi(s(\overline{r})) = \phi(t(\overline{r}))$. This proves | |
that $\phi$ is set-theoretically invariant. | |
\medskip\noindent | |
The proofs of (2), (3), and (4) are omitted. Hint: Assume $k$ is an | |
algebraically closed field over $B$ of large cardinality. Consider the | |
associated diagram of sets | |
$$ | |
\xymatrix{ | |
(U(k) \times_{X(k)} U(k)) \times_{U(k) \times U(k)} R(k) \ar[d]^q \ar[r]_-p & | |
R(k) \ar[d]^j \\ | |
U(k) \times_{X(k)} U(k) \ar[r]^c & U(k) \times U(k) | |
} | |
$$ | |
By the lemmas above the equivalences posed in (2), (3), and (4) become | |
set-theoretic questions related to the diagram we just displayed, using | |
that surjectivity translates into surjectivity on $k$-valued points by | |
Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma \ref{spaces-morphisms-lemma-large-enough}. | |
\end{proof} | |
\noindent | |
Because we have seen above that the notion of a set-theoretically | |
invariant morphism is a rather weak one in the category of algebraic | |
spaces, we define an orbit space for a pre-relation as follows. | |
\begin{definition} | |
\label{definition-orbit-space} | |
Let $B \to S$ as in Section \ref{section-conventions-notation}. | |
Let $j : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-relation. | |
We say $\phi : U \to X$ is an {\it orbit space for $R$} if | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $\phi$ is $R$-invariant, | |
\item $\phi$ separates $R$-orbits, and | |
\item $\phi$ is surjective. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{definition} | |
\noindent | |
The definition of separating $R$-orbits involves a discussion of | |
points with values in algebraically closed fields. But as we've seen | |
in many cases this just corresponds to the surjectivity of certain | |
canonically associated morphisms of algebraic spaces. | |
We summarize some of the discussion above in the following characterization | |
of orbit spaces. | |
\begin{lemma} | |
\label{lemma-orbit-space} | |
Let $B \to S$ as in Section \ref{section-conventions-notation}. | |
Let $j : R \to U \times_B U$ be a set-theoretic pre-equivalence | |
relation. A morphism $\phi : U \to X$ is an orbit space for $R$ if and only if | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $\phi \circ s = \phi \circ t$, i.e., $\phi$ is invariant, | |
\item the induced morphism $(t, s) : R \to U \times_X U$ is surjective, and | |
\item the morphism $\phi : U \to X$ is surjective. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
This characterization applies for example if $j$ is a pre-equivalence relation, | |
or comes from a groupoid in algebraic spaces over $B$, or comes from the action | |
of a group algebraic space over $B$ on $U$. | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Follows immediately from Lemma \ref{lemma-separates-orbits} part (4). | |
\end{proof} | |
\noindent | |
In the following lemma it is (probably) not good enough to assume just that | |
the morphisms $s, t$ are locally of finite type. The reason is that | |
it may happen that some map $\phi : U \to X$ is an orbit space, yet is | |
not locally of finite type. In that case $U(k) \to X(k)$ may not | |
be surjective for all algebraically closed fields $k$ over $B$. | |
\begin{lemma} | |
\label{lemma-orbit-space-locally-finite-type-over-base} | |
Let $B \to S$ as in Section \ref{section-conventions-notation}. | |
Let $j = (t, s) : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-relation. | |
Assume $R, U$ are locally of finite type over $B$. | |
Let $\phi : U \to X$ be an $R$-invariant morphism of algebraic spaces over $B$. | |
Then $\phi$ is an orbit space for $R$ if and only if the natural map | |
$$ | |
U(k)/\big(\text{equivalence relation generated by }j(R(k))\big) | |
\longrightarrow | |
X(k) | |
$$ | |
is bijective for all algebraically closed fields $k$ over $B$. | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Note that since $U$, $R$ are locally of finite type over $B$ all of the | |
morphisms $s, t, j, \phi$ are locally of finite type, see | |
Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma \ref{spaces-morphisms-lemma-permanence-finite-type}. | |
We will also use without further mention | |
Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma | |
\ref{spaces-morphisms-lemma-locally-finite-type-surjective-geometric-points}. | |
Assume $\phi$ is an orbit space. Let $k$ be any algebraically closed | |
field over $B$. Let $\overline{x} \in X(k)$. Consider | |
$U \times_{\phi, X, \overline{x}} \Spec(k)$. | |
This is a nonempty algebraic space | |
which is locally of finite type over $k$. Hence it has a $k$-valued point. | |
This shows the displayed map of the lemma is surjective. | |
Suppose that $\overline{u}, \overline{u}' \in U(k)$ map to the same | |
element of $X(k)$. By | |
Definition \ref{definition-set-theoretically-invariant} | |
this means that $\overline{u}, \overline{u}'$ are in the same | |
$R$-orbit. By Lemma \ref{lemma-geometric-orbits} this means that | |
they are equivalent under the equivalence relation generated by | |
$j(R(k))$. Thus the displayed morphism is injective. | |
\medskip\noindent | |
Conversely, assume the displayed map is bijective for all algebraically | |
closed fields $k$ over $B$. This condition clearly implies that $\phi$ | |
is surjective. We have already assumed that $\phi$ is $R$-invariant. | |
Finally, the injectivity of all the displayed maps implies that | |
$\phi$ separates orbits. Hence $\phi$ is an orbit space. | |
\end{proof} | |
\section{Coarse quotients} | |
\label{section-coarse} | |
\noindent | |
We only add this here so that we can later say that coarse quotients | |
correspond to coarse moduli spaces (or moduli schemes). | |
\begin{definition} | |
\label{definition-coarse} | |
Let $S$ be a scheme and $B$ an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Let $j : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-relation. | |
A morphism $\phi : U \to X$ of algebraic spaces over $B$ | |
is called a {\it coarse quotient} if | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $\phi$ is a categorical quotient, and | |
\item $\phi$ is an orbit space. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
If $S = B$, $U$, $R$ are all schemes, then we say a morphism of schemes | |
$\phi : U \to X$ is a {\it coarse quotient in schemes} if | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $\phi$ is a categorical quotient in schemes, and | |
\item $\phi$ is an orbit space. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{definition} | |
\noindent | |
In many situations the algebraic spaces $R$ and $U$ are locally of finite type | |
over $B$ and the orbit space condition simply means that | |
$$ | |
U(k)/\big(\text{equivalence relation generated by }j(R(k))\big) | |
\cong | |
X(k) | |
$$ | |
for all algebraically closed fields $k$. See | |
Lemma \ref{lemma-orbit-space-locally-finite-type-over-base}. | |
If $j$ is also a (set-theoretic) pre-equivalence relation, then the condition | |
is simply equivalent to $U(k)/j(R(k)) \to X(k)$ being bijective for all | |
algebraically closed fields $k$. | |
\section{Topological properties} | |
\label{section-topological} | |
\noindent | |
Let $S$ be a scheme and $B$ an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Let $j : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-relation. | |
We say a subset $T \subset |U|$ is {\it $R$-invariant} if | |
$s^{-1}(T) = t^{-1}(T)$ as subsets of $|R|$. | |
Note that if $T$ is closed, then it may not be the case that | |
the corresponding reduced closed subspace of $U$ is $R$-invariant | |
(as in | |
Groupoids in Spaces, Definition | |
\ref{spaces-groupoids-definition-invariant-open}) | |
because the pullbacks $s^{-1}(T)$, $t^{-1}(T)$ may not be reduced. | |
Here are some conditions that we can consider for an | |
invariant morphism $\phi : U \to X$. | |
\begin{definition} | |
\label{definition-topological} | |
Let $S$ be a scheme and $B$ an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Let $j : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-relation. | |
Let $\phi : U \to X$ be an $R$-invariant morphism of algebraic spaces over $B$. | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item | |
\label{item-submersive} | |
The morphism $\phi$ is submersive. | |
\item | |
\label{item-invariant-closed} | |
For any $R$-invariant closed subset $Z \subset |U|$ the image | |
$\phi(Z)$ is closed in $|X|$. | |
\item | |
\label{item-intersect-invariant-closed} | |
Condition (\ref{item-invariant-closed}) holds and for any pair of | |
$R$-invariant closed subsets $Z_1, Z_2 \subset |U|$ we have | |
$$ | |
\phi(Z_1 \cap Z_2) = \phi(Z_1) \cap \phi(Z_2) | |
$$ | |
\item The morphism $(t, s) : R \to U \times_X U$ is universally submersive. | |
\label{item-strong} | |
\end{enumerate} | |
For each of these properties we can also require them to hold after any | |
flat base change, or after any base change, see | |
Definition \ref{definition-base-change}. In this case we say condition | |
(\ref{item-submersive}), | |
(\ref{item-invariant-closed}), | |
(\ref{item-intersect-invariant-closed}), or | |
(\ref{item-strong}) holds {\it uniformly} or {\it universally}. | |
\end{definition} | |
\section{Invariant functions} | |
\label{section-functions} | |
\noindent | |
In some cases it is convenient to pin down the structure sheaf | |
of a quotient by requiring any invariant function to be a local | |
section of the structure sheaf of the quotient. | |
\begin{definition} | |
\label{definition-functions} | |
Let $S$ be a scheme and $B$ an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Let $j : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-relation. | |
Let $\phi : U \to X$ be an $R$-invariant morphism. | |
Denote $\phi' = \phi \circ s = \phi \circ t : R \to X$. | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item We denote $(\phi_*\mathcal{O}_U)^R$ the $\mathcal{O}_X$-sub-algebra | |
of $\phi_*\mathcal{O}_U$ which is the equalizer of the two maps | |
$$ | |
\xymatrix{ | |
\phi_*\mathcal{O}_U | |
\ar@<1ex>[rr]^{\phi_*s^\sharp} | |
\ar@<-1ex>[rr]_{\phi_*t^\sharp} | |
& & | |
\phi'_*\mathcal{O}_R | |
} | |
$$ | |
on $X_\etale$. We sometimes call this the | |
{\it sheaf of $R$-invariant functions on $X$}. | |
\item We say {\it the functions on $X$ are the $R$-invariant functions on | |
$U$} if the natural map $\mathcal{O}_X \to (\phi_*\mathcal{O}_U)^R$ | |
is an isomorphism. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{definition} | |
\noindent | |
Of course we can require this property holds after any | |
(flat or any) base change, leading to a (uniform or) universal notion. | |
This condition is often thrown in | |
with other conditions in order to obtain a (more) unique quotient. And of | |
course a good deal of motivation for the whole subject comes from the following | |
special case: $U = \Spec(A)$ is an affine scheme over a field | |
$S = B = \Spec(k)$ and where $R = G \times U$, with | |
$G$ an affine group scheme over $k$. In this case | |
you have the option of taking for the quotient: | |
$$ | |
X = \Spec(A^G) | |
$$ | |
so that at least the condition of the definition above is satisfied. | |
Even though this is a nice thing you can do it is often not the right | |
quotient; for example if $U = \text{GL}_{n, k}$ and $G$ is the group of | |
upper triangular matrices, then the above gives $X = \Spec(k)$, whereas | |
a much better quotient (namely the flag variety) exists. | |
\section{Good quotients} | |
\label{section-good} | |
\noindent | |
Especially when taking quotients by group actions the following definition | |
is useful. | |
\begin{definition} | |
\label{definition-good} | |
Let $S$ be a scheme and $B$ an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Let $j : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-relation. | |
A morphism $\phi : U \to X$ of algebraic spaces over $B$ | |
is called a {\it good quotient} if | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $\phi$ is invariant, | |
\item $\phi$ is affine, | |
\item $\phi$ is surjective, | |
\item condition (\ref{item-intersect-invariant-closed}) holds universally, and | |
\item the functions on $X$ are the $R$-invariant functions on $U$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{definition} | |
\noindent | |
In \cite{seshadri_quotients} Seshadri gives almost the same definition, | |
except that instead of (4) he simply requires the condition | |
(\ref{item-intersect-invariant-closed}) to hold -- he does not require | |
it to hold universally. | |
\section{Geometric quotients} | |
\label{section-geometric} | |
\noindent | |
This is Mumford's definition of a geometric quotient (at least the definition | |
from the first edition of GIT; as far as we can tell later editions | |
changed ``universally submersive'' to ``submersive''). | |
\begin{definition} | |
\label{definition-geometric} | |
Let $S$ be a scheme and $B$ an algebraic space over $S$. | |
Let $j : R \to U \times_B U$ be a pre-relation. | |
A morphism $\phi : U \to X$ of algebraic spaces over $B$ | |
is called a {\it geometric quotient} if | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $\phi$ is an orbit space, | |
\item condition (\ref{item-submersive}) holds universally, i.e., | |
$\phi$ is universally submersive, and | |
\item the functions on $X$ are the $R$-invariant functions on $U$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{definition} | |
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\end{document} | |