\chapter{Application of cohomology} In this final chapter on topology, I'll state (mostly without proof) some nice properties of cohomology groups, and in particular introduce the so-called cup product. For an actual treatise on the cup product, see \cite{ref:hatcher} or \cite{ref:maxim752}. \section{Poincar\'e duality} First cool result: you may have noticed symmetry in the (co)homology groups of ``nice'' spaces like the torus or $S^n$. In fact this is predicted by: \begin{theorem} [Poincar\'e duality] If $M$ is a smooth oriented compact $n$-manifold, then we have a natural isomorphism \[ H^k(M; \ZZ) \cong H_{n-k}(M) \] for every $k$. In particular, $H^k(M) = 0$ for $k > n$. \end{theorem} So for smooth oriented compact manifolds, cohomology and homology groups are not so different. From this follows the symmetry that we mentioned when we first defined the Betti numbers: \begin{corollary} [Symmetry of Betti numbers] Let $M$ be a smooth oriented compact $n$-manifold, and let $b_k$ denote its Betti number. Then \[ b_k = b_{n-k}. \] \end{corollary} \begin{proof} \Cref{prob:betti}. \end{proof} \section{de Rham cohomology} We now reveal the connection between differential forms and singular cohomology. Let $M$ be a smooth manifold. We are interested in the homology and cohomology groups of $M$. We specialize to the case $G = \RR$, the additive group of real numbers. \begin{ques} Check that $\Ext(H, \RR) = 0$ for any finitely generated abelian group $H$. \end{ques} Thus, with real coefficients the universal coefficient theorem says that \[ H^k(M; \RR) \cong \Hom(H_k(M), \RR) = \left( H_k(M) \right)^\vee \] where we view $H_k(X)$ as a real vector space. So, we'd like to get a handle on either $H_k(M$) or $H^k(M; \RR)$. Consider the cochain complex \[ 0 \to \Omega^0(M) \taking d \Omega^1(M) \taking d \Omega^2(M) \taking d \Omega^3(M) \taking d \dots \] and let $\HdR^k(M)$ denote its cohomology groups. Thus the de Rham cohomology is the closed forms modulo the exact forms. \[ \text{Cochain} : \text{Cocycle} : \text{Coboundary} = \text{$k$-form} : \text{Closed form} : \text{Exact form}. \] The whole punch line is: \begin{theorem} [de Rham's theorem] For any smooth manifold $M$, we have a natural isomorphism \[ H^k(M; \RR) \cong \HdR^k(M). \] \end{theorem} So the theorem is that the real cohomology groups of manifolds $M$ are actually just given by the behavior of differential forms. Thus, \begin{moral} One can metaphorically think of elements of cohomology groups as $G$-valued differential forms on the space. \end{moral} Why does this happen? In fact, we observed already behavior of differential forms which reflects holes in the space. For example, let $M = S^1$ be a circle and consider the \textbf{angle form} $\alpha$ (see \Cref{ex:angle_form}). The from $\alpha$ is closed, but not exact, because it is possible to run a full circle around $S^1$. So the failure of $\alpha$ to be exact is signaling that $H_1(S^1) \cong \ZZ$. \section{Graded rings} \prototype{Polynomial rings are commutative graded rings, while $\Lambda^\bullet(V)$ is anticommutative.} In the de Rham cohomology, the differential forms can interact in another way: given a $k$-form $\alpha$ and an $\ell$-form $\beta$, we can consider a $(k+\ell)$-form \[ \alpha \wedge \beta. \] So we can equip the set of forms with a ``product'', satisfying $\beta \wedge \alpha = (-1)^{k\ell} \alpha \wedge \beta$ This is a special case of a more general structure: \begin{definition} A \vocab{graded pseudo-ring} $R$ is an abelian group \[ R = \bigoplus_{d \ge 0} R^d \] where $R^0$, $R^1$, \dots, are abelian groups, with an additional associative binary operation $\times : R \to R$. We require that if $r \in R^d$ and $s \in R^e$, we have $rs \in R^{d+e}$. Elements of an $R^d$ are called \vocab{homogeneous elements}; if $r \in R^d$ and $r \neq 0$, we write $|r| = d$. \end{definition} Note that we do \emph{not} assume commutativity. In fact, these ``rings'' may not even have an identity $1$. We use other words if there are additional properties: \begin{definition} A \vocab{graded ring} is a graded pseudo-ring with $1$. If it is commutative we say it is a \vocab{commutative graded ring}. \end{definition} \begin{definition} A graded (pseudo-)ring $R$ is \vocab{anticommutative} if for any homogeneous $r$ and $s$ we have \[ rs = (-1)^{|r| |s|} sr. \] \end{definition} To summarize: \begin{center} \small \begin{tabular}[h]{|c|cc|} \hline \textbf{Flavors of graded rings} & Need not have $1$ & Must have a $1$ \\ \hline No Assumption & graded pseudo-ring & graded ring \\ Anticommutative & anticommutative pseudo-ring & anticommutative ring \\ Commutative & & commutative graded ring \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \begin{example}[Examples of graded rings] \listhack \begin{enumerate}[(a)] \ii The ring $R = \ZZ[x]$ is a \textbf{commutative graded ring}, with the $d$th component being the multiples of $x^d$. \ii The ring $R = \ZZ[x,y,z]$ is a \textbf{commutative graded ring}, with the $d$th component being the abelian group of homogeneous degree $d$ polynomials (and $0$). \ii Let $V$ be a vector space, and consider the abelian group \[ \Lambda^\bullet(V) = \bigoplus_{d \ge 0} \Lambda^d(V). \] For example, $e_1 + (e_2 \wedge e_3) \in \Lambda^\bullet(V)$, say. We endow $\Lambda^\bullet(V)$ with the product $\wedge$, which makes it into an \textbf{anticommutative ring}. \ii Consider the set of differential forms of a manifold $M$, say \[ \Omega^\bullet(M) = \bigoplus_{d \ge 0} \Omega^d(M) \] endowed with the product $\wedge$. This is an \textbf{anticommutative ring}. \end{enumerate} All four examples have a multiplicative identity. \end{example} Let's return to the situation of $\Omega^\bullet(M)$. Consider again the de Rham cohomology groups $\HdR^k(M)$, whose elements are closed forms modulo exact forms. We claim that: \begin{lemma} [Wedge product respects de Rham cohomology] The wedge product induces a map \[ \wedge : \HdR^k(M) \times \HdR^\ell(M) \to \HdR^{k+\ell}(M). \] \end{lemma} \begin{proof} First, we recall that the operator $d$ satisfies \[ d(\alpha \wedge \beta) = (d\alpha) \wedge \beta + \alpha \wedge (d\beta). \] Now suppose $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are closed forms. Then from the above, $\alpha \wedge \beta$ is clearly closed. Also if $\alpha$ is closed and $\beta = d\omega$ is exact, then $\alpha \wedge \beta$ is exact, from the identity \[ d(\alpha \wedge \omega) = d\alpha \wedge\omega + \alpha \wedge d\omega = \alpha \wedge \beta. \] Similarly if $\alpha$ is exact and $\beta$ is closed then $\alpha \wedge \beta$ is exact. Thus it makes sense to take the product modulo exact forms, giving the theorem above. \end{proof} Therefore, we can obtain a \emph{anticommutative ring} \[ \HdR^\bullet(M) = \bigoplus_{k \ge 0} \HdR^k(M) \] with $\wedge$ as a product, and $1 \in \Lambda^0(\RR) = \RR$ as the identity \section{Cup products} Inspired by this, we want to see if we can construct a similar product on $\bigoplus_{k \ge 0} H^k(X; R)$ for any topological space $X$ and ring $R$ (where $R$ is commutative with $1$ as always). The way to do this is via the \emph{cup product}. Then this gives us a way to multiply two cochains, as follows. \begin{definition} Suppose $\phi \in C^k(X;R)$ and $\psi \in C^\ell(X;R)$. Then we can define their \vocab{cup product} $\phi\smile\psi \in C^{k+\ell}(X;R)$ to be \[ (\phi\smile\psi)([v_0, \dots, v_{k+\ell}]) = \phi\left( [v_0, \dots, v_k] \right) \cdot \psi\left( [v_k, \dots, v_{k+\ell}] \right) \] where the multiplication is in $R$. \end{definition} \begin{ques} Assuming $R$ has a $1$, which $0$-cochain is the identity for $\smile$? \end{ques} First, we prove an analogous result as before: \begin{lemma}[$\delta$ with cup products] We have $\delta(\phi\smile\psi) = \delta\phi\smile\psi + (-1)^k\phi\smile\delta\psi$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Direct $\sum$ computations. \end{proof} Thus, by the same routine we used for de Rham cohomology, we get an induced map \[ \smile : H^k(X;R) \times H^\ell(X;R) \to H^{k+\ell}(X;R). \] We then define the \vocab{singular cohomology ring} whose elements are finite sums in \[ H^\bullet(X;R) = \bigoplus_{k \ge 0} H^k(X;R) \] and with multiplication given by $\smile$. Thus it is a graded ring (with $1_R \in R$ the identity) and is in fact anticommutative: \begin{proposition}[Cohomology is anticommutative] $H^\bullet(X; R)$ is an anticommutative ring, meaning $\phi \smile \psi = (-1)^{k\ell} \psi \smile \phi$. \end{proposition} For a proof, see \cite[Theorem 3.11, pages 210-212]{ref:hatcher}. Moreover, we have the de Rham isomorphism \begin{theorem} [de Rham extends to ring isomorphism] For any smooth manifold $M$, the isomorphism of de Rham cohomology groups to singular cohomology groups in facts gives an isomorphism \[ H^\bullet(M; \RR) \cong \HdR^\bullet(M) \] of anticommutative rings. \end{theorem} Therefore, if ``differential forms'' are the way to visualize the elements of a cohomology group, the wedge product is the correct way to visualize the cup product. We now present (mostly without proof) the cohomology rings of some common spaces. \begin{example} [Cohomology of torus] The cohomology ring $H^\bullet(S^1 \times S^1; \ZZ)$ of the torus is generated by elements $|\alpha| = |\beta| = 1$ which satisfy the relations $\alpha \smile \alpha = \beta \smile \beta = 0$, and $\alpha \smile \beta = -\beta \smile \alpha$. (It also includes an identity $1$.) Thus as a $\ZZ$-module it is \[ H^\bullet(S^1 \times S^1; \ZZ) \cong \ZZ \oplus \left[ \alpha \ZZ \oplus \beta \ZZ \right] \oplus (\alpha \smile \beta) \ZZ. \] This gives the expected dimensions $1+2+1=4$. It is anti-commutative. \end{example} \begin{example}[Cohomology ring of $S^n$] Consider $S^n$ for $n \ge 1$. The nontrivial cohomology groups are given by $H^0(S^n; \ZZ) \cong H^n(S^n; \ZZ) \cong \ZZ$. So as an abelian group \[ H^\bullet(S^n; \ZZ) \cong \ZZ \oplus \alpha \ZZ \] where $\alpha$ is the generator of $H^n(S^n, \ZZ)$. Now, observe that $|\alpha\smile\alpha| = 2n$, but since $H^{2n}(S^n; \ZZ) = 0$ we must have $\alpha\smile\alpha=0$. So even more succinctly, \[ H^\bullet(S^n; \ZZ) \cong \ZZ[\alpha]/(\alpha^2). \] Confusingly enough, this graded ring is both commutative \emph{and} anti-commutative. The reason is that $\alpha \smile \alpha = 0 = -(\alpha \smile \alpha)$. \end{example} \begin{example}[Cohmology ring of real and complex projective space] It turns out that \begin{align*} H^\bullet(\RP^n; \Zc2) &\cong \Zc2[\alpha]/(\alpha^{n+1}) \\ H^\bullet(\CP^n; \ZZ) &\cong \ZZ[\beta]/(\beta^{n+1}) \end{align*} where $|\alpha| = 1$ is a generator of $H^1(\RP^n; \Zc2)$ and $|\beta| = 2$ is a generator of $H^2(\CP^n; \ZZ)$. Confusingly enough, both graded rings are commutative \emph{and} anti-commutative. In the first case it is because we work in $\Zc 2$, for which $1 = -1$, so anticommutative is actually equivalent to commutative. In the second case, all nonzero homogeneous elements have degree $2$. \end{example} \section{Relative cohomology pseudo-rings} For $A \subseteq X$, one can also define a relative cup product \[ H^k(X,A;R) \times H^\ell(X,A;R) \to H^{k+\ell}(X,A;R). \] After all, if either cochain vanishes on chains in $A$, then so does their cup product. This lets us define \vocab{relative cohomology pseudo-ring} and \vocab{reduced cohomology pseudo-ring} (by $A = \{\ast\}$), say \begin{align*} H^\bullet(X,A;R) &= \bigoplus_{k \ge 0} H^k(X,A; R) \\ \wt H^\bullet(X;R) &= \bigoplus_{k \ge 0} \wt H^k(X;R). \end{align*} These are both \textbf{anticommutative pseudo-rings}. Indeed, often we have $\wt H^0(X;R) = 0$ and thus there is no identity at all. Once again we have functoriality: \begin{theorem} [Cohomology (pseudo-)rings are functorial] Fix a ring $R$ (commutative with $1$). Then we have functors \begin{align*} H^\bullet(-; R) &: \catname{hTop}\op \to \catname{GradedRings} \\ H^\bullet(-,-; R) &: \catname{hPairTop}\op \to \catname{GradedPseudoRings}. \end{align*} \end{theorem} Unfortunately, unlike with (co)homology groups, it is a nontrivial task to determine the cup product for even nice spaces like CW complexes. So we will not do much in the way of computation. However, there is a little progress we can make. \section{Wedge sums} Our goal is to now compute $\wt H^\bullet(X \vee Y)$. To do this, we need to define the product of two graded pseudo-rings: \begin{definition} Let $R$ and $S$ be two graded pseudo-rings. The \vocab{product pseudo-ring} $R \times S$ is the graded pseudo-ring defined by taking the underlying abelian group as \[ R \oplus S = \bigoplus_{d \ge 0} (R^d \oplus S^d). \] Multiplication comes from $R$ and $S$, followed by declaring $r \cdot s = 0$ for $r \in R$, $s \in S$. \end{definition} Note that this is just graded version of the product ring defined in \Cref{ex:product_ring}. \begin{exercise} Show that if $R$ and $S$ are graded rings (meaning they have $1_R$ and $1_S$), then so is $R \times S$. \end{exercise} Now, the theorem is that: \begin{theorem} [Cohomology pseudo-rings of wedge sums] We have \[ \wt H^\bullet(X \vee Y; R) \cong \wt H^\bullet(X;R) \times \wt H^\bullet(Y;R) \] as graded pseudo-rings. \end{theorem} This allows us to resolve the first question posed at the beginning. Let $X = \CP^2$ and $Y = S^2 \vee S^4$. We have that \[ H^\bullet(\CP^2; \ZZ) \cong \ZZ[\alpha] / (\alpha^3). \] Hence this is a graded ring generated by there elements: \begin{itemize} \ii $1$, in dimension $0$. \ii $\alpha$, in dimension $2$. \ii $\alpha^2$, in dimension $4$. \end{itemize} Next, consider the reduced cohomology pseudo-ring \[ \wt H^\bullet(S^2 \vee S^4; \ZZ) \cong \wt H^\bullet(S^2; \ZZ) \oplus \wt H^\bullet(S^4 ; \ZZ). \] Thus the absolute cohomology ring $H^\bullet(S^2 \vee S^4 ; \ZZ)$ is a graded ring also generated by three elements. \begin{itemize} \ii $1$, in dimension $0$ (once we add back in the $0$th dimension). \ii $a_2$, in dimension $2$ (from $H^\bullet(S^2 ; \ZZ)$). \ii $a_4$, in dimension $4$ (from $H^\bullet(S^4 ; \ZZ)$). \end{itemize} Each graded component is isomorphic, like we expected. However, in the former, the product of two degree $2$ generators is \[ \alpha \cdot \alpha = \alpha^2. \] In the latter, the product of two degree $2$ generators is \[ a_2 \cdot a_2 = a_2^2 = 0 \] since $a_2 \smile a_2 = 0 \in H^\bullet(S^2; \ZZ)$. Thus $S^2 \vee S^4$ and $\CP^2$ are not homotopy equivalent. \section{K\"unneth formula} We now wish to tell apart the spaces $S^2 \times S^4$ and $\CP^3$. In order to do this, we will need a formula for $H^n(X \times Y; R)$ in terms of $H^n(X;R)$ and $H^n(Y;R)$. Thus formulas are called \vocab{K\"unneth formulas}. In this section we will only use a very special case, which involves the tensor product of two graded rings. \begin{definition} Let $A$ and $B$ be two graded rings which are also $R$-modules (where $R$ is a commutative ring with $1$). We define the \vocab{tensor product} $A \otimes_R B$ as follows. As an abelian group, it is \[ A \otimes_R B = \bigoplus_{d \ge 0} \left( \bigoplus_{k=0}^{d} A^k \otimes_R B^{d-k} \right). \] The multiplication is given on basis elements by \[ \left( a_1 \otimes b_1 \right)\left( a_2 \otimes b_2 \right) = (a_1a_2) \otimes (b_1b_2). \] Of course the multiplicative identity is $1_A \otimes 1_B$. \end{definition} Now let $X$ and $Y$ be topological spaces, and take the product: we have a diagram \begin{center} \begin{tikzcd} & X \times Y \ar[ld, "\pi_X"'] \ar[rd, "\pi_Y"] \\ X && Y \end{tikzcd} \end{center} where $\pi_X$ and $\pi_Y$ are projections. As $H^k(-; R)$ is functorial, this gives induced maps \begin{align*} \pi_X^\ast &: H^k(X \times Y; R) \to H^k(X; R) \\ \pi_Y^\ast &: H^k(X \times Y; R) \to H^k(Y; R) \end{align*} for every $k$. By using this, we can define a so-called cross product. \begin{definition} Let $R$ be a ring, and $X$ and $Y$ spaces. Let $\pi_X$ and $\pi_Y$ be the projections of $X \times Y$ onto $X$ and $Y$. Then the \vocab{cross product} is the map \[ H^\bullet(X; R) \otimes_R H^\bullet(Y;R) \taking{\times} H^\bullet(X \times Y; R) \] acting on cocycles as follows: $\phi \times \psi = \pi_X^\ast(\phi) \smile \pi_Y^\ast(\psi)$. \end{definition} This is just the most natural way to take a $k$-cycle on $X$ and an $\ell$-cycle on $Y$, and create a $(k+\ell)$-cycle on the product space $X \times Y$. \begin{theorem} [K\"unneth formula] Let $X$ and $Y$ be CW complexes such that $H^k(Y;R)$ is a finitely generated free $R$-module for every $k$. Then the cross product is an isomorphism of anticommutative rings \[ H^\bullet(X;R) \otimes_R H^\bullet(Y;R) \to H^\bullet(X \times Y; R). \] \end{theorem} In any case, this finally lets us resolve the question set out at the beginning. We saw that $H_n(\CP^3) \cong H_n(S^2 \times S^4)$ for every $n$, and thus it follows that $H^n(\CP^3; \ZZ) \cong H^n(S^2 \times S^4; \ZZ)$ too. But now let us look at the cohomology rings. First, we have \[ H^\bullet(\CP^3; \ZZ) \cong \ZZ[\alpha] / (\alpha^4) \cong \ZZ \oplus \alpha\ZZ \oplus \alpha^2\ZZ \oplus \alpha^3\ZZ \] where $|\alpha| = 2$; hence this is a graded ring generated by \begin{itemize} \ii $1$, in degree $0$. \ii $\alpha$, in degree $2$. \ii $\alpha^2$, in degree $4$. \ii $\alpha^3$, in degree $6$. \end{itemize} Now let's analyze \[ H^\bullet(S^2 \times S^4; \ZZ) \cong \ZZ[\beta] / (\beta^2) \otimes \ZZ[\gamma] / (\gamma^2). \] It is thus generated thus by the following elements: \begin{itemize} \ii $1 \otimes 1$, in degree $0$. \ii $\beta \otimes 1$, in degree $2$. \ii $1 \otimes \gamma$, in degree $4$. \ii $\beta \otimes \gamma$, in degree $6$. \end{itemize} Again in each dimension we have the same abelian group. But notice that if we square $\beta \otimes 1$ we get \[ (\beta \otimes 1)(\beta \otimes 1) = \beta^2 \otimes 1 = 0. \] Yet the degree $2$ generator of $H^\bullet(\CP^3; \ZZ)$ does not have this property. Hence these two graded rings are not isomorphic. So it follows that $\CP^3$ and $S^2 \times S^4$ are not homotopy equivalent. % Borsuk Ulam \section\problemhead \begin{dproblem} [Symmetry of Betti numbers by Poincar\'e duality] \label{prob:betti} Let $M$ be a smooth oriented compact $n$-manifold, and let $b_k$ denote its Betti number. Prove that $b_k = b_{n-k}$. \begin{hint} Write $H^k(M; \ZZ)$ in terms of $H_k(M)$ using the UCT, and analyze the ranks. \end{hint} \end{dproblem} \begin{problem} Show that $\RP^n$ is not orientable for even $n$. \begin{hint} Use the previous result on Betti numbers. \end{hint} \end{problem} \begin{problem} Show that $\RP^3$ is not homotopy equivalent to $\RP^2 \vee S^3$. \begin{hint} Use the $\Zc2$ cohomologies, and find the cup product. \end{hint} \end{problem} \begin{problem} \gim Show that $S^m \vee S^n$ is not a deformation retract of $S^m \times S^n$ for any $m,n \ge 1$. \begin{hint} Assume that $r : S^m \times S^n \to S^m \vee S^n$ is such a map. Show that the induced map $H^\bullet(S^m \vee S^n; \ZZ) \to H^\bullet(S^m \times S^n; \ZZ)$ between their cohomology rings is monic (since there exists an inverse map $i$). \end{hint} \begin{sol} See \cite[Example 3.3.14, pages 68-69]{ref:maxim752}. \end{sol} \end{problem}