import re import time import gradio as gr from weaviate.client import Client from pypdf import PdfReader from langchain.text_splitter import CharacterTextSplitter import tempfile import pandas as pd from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer ############################ ### Variable Declaration ### ############################ # -- UI Variables # Product ui_product_name=gr.Textbox(placeholder="Product Name, OFSLL",label="Product Name") ui_product_description=gr.Textbox(placeholder="Product Desc, Oracle Financial Lending and Leasing",label="Product Description") ui_product_prompt=gr.Textbox(placeholder="Prompt,what {text} w.r.t OFSLL",label="Prompt") ui_product_um=gr.File(label="Upload User Manual", file_types=[".pdf"]) ui_product_mapping=gr.File(label="Upload Mapping Excel", file_types=[".xlsx"]) # Env Variables ui_model_name=gr.Textbox(placeholder="Semantic Search Model,",label="Semantic Search Model") ui_weaviate_url=gr.Textbox(placeholder="Weaviate URL,",label="Weaviate URL") # Output ui_output=gr.Textbox(lines=22,label="Output") # -- Placeholder Variables p_inputs = [ ui_model_name, ui_weaviate_url, ui_product_name, ui_product_description, ui_product_prompt, ui_product_um, ui_product_mapping ] # -- Global variables g_ui_model_name="" g_product_name="" g_product_description="" g_product_prompt="" g_output="" g_weaviate_url="" g_client=None ############################ ###### Generic Code ####### ############################ # -- Updating global variables def update_global_variables(ui_model_name, ui_weaviate_url, ui_product_name, ui_product_description, ui_product_prompt): global g_ui_model_name global g_weaviate_url global g_product_name global g_product_description global g_product_prompt global g_output # Reset values to defaults g_ui_model_name="" g_weaviate_url="" g_product_name="" g_product_description="" g_product_prompt="" print("started function - update_global_variables") try: # Setting g_ui_model_name if ui_model_name != "": print('Setting g_ui_model_name - '+ui_model_name) g_ui_model_name=ui_model_name g_output=g_output+'Setting g_ui_model_name - '+ui_model_name else: print("exception in function - update_global_variables") raise ValueError('Required Sbert Model Name') # Setting g_weaviate_url if ui_weaviate_url != "": print('Setting g_weaviate_url - '+ui_weaviate_url) g_weaviate_url=ui_weaviate_url g_output=g_output+'\nSetting g_weaviate_url - '+ui_weaviate_url else: print("exception in function - update_global_variables") raise ValueError('Required Weaviate VectorDB URL') # Setting g_product_name if ui_product_name != "": print('Setting g_product_name - '+ui_product_name) g_product_name=ui_product_name g_output=g_output+'\nSetting g_product_name - '+ui_product_name else: print("exception in function - update_global_variables") raise ValueError('Required Product Name') # Setting g_product_description if ui_product_description != "": print('Setting g_product_description - '+ui_product_description) g_product_description=ui_product_description g_output=g_output+'\nSetting g_product_description - '+ui_product_description else: print("exception in function - update_global_variables") raise ValueError('Required Product Description') # Setting g_product_prompt if ui_product_prompt != "": print('Setting g_product_prompt - '+ui_product_prompt) g_product_prompt=ui_product_prompt g_output=g_output+'\nSetting g_product_prompt - '+ui_product_prompt else: print("No prompting specified") g_output=g_output+'\nNo values set for g_product_prompt' finally: print("completed function - update_global_variables") # -- Create Weaviate Connection def weaviate_client(): global g_client global g_output global g_weaviate_url try: g_client = Client(url=g_weaviate_url, timeout_config=(3.05, 9.1)) print("Weaviate client connected successfully!") g_output=g_output+"Weaviate client connected successfully!" except Exception as e: print("Failed to connect to the Weaviate instance."+str(e)) raise ValueError('Failed to connect to the Weaviate instance.') # -- Convert input to CamelCase def convert_to_camel_case(string): words = string.split('_') camel_case_words = [word.capitalize() for word in words] return ''.join(camel_case_words) # -- Create Sbert Embedding def creating_embeddings(sentences): global g_ui_model_name # print("Creating embedding for text"+ sentences) # Create OpenAI embeddings model = SentenceTransformer(g_ui_model_name) embeddings = model.encode(sentences) # for sentence, embedding in zip(sentences, embeddings): # print(embedding) # numpy.ndarray # print(embeddings.shape) return embeddings # -- Generate OpenAI Description def generate_openAI_description(key,prompt): text = prompt.replace('{text}', key) # Generate text using the OpenAI model response = openai.Completion.create( engine='text-davinci-003', prompt=text, max_tokens=1000 ) openai_data = response.choices[0].text.strip() # Extract text from HTML using BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup(openai_data, 'html.parser') clean_text = soup.get_text(separator=' ') return clean_text ############################ ##### Create Product DB #### ############################ # -- Check for Product Class/Table def create_product_class(): global g_client global g_output print("started function - create_product_class") # Define the class "Product" with properties name,description product_class = { "classes": [{ "class": "Product", "description": "Store Product Names and Description", "vectorizer": "none", "properties": [ { "name": "name", "dataType": ["text"], "description": "Product Name" }, { "name": "description", "dataType": ["text"], "description": "Product Description" }, { "name": "prompt", "dataType": ["text"], "description": "Prompt variable to store mapping description. This is non-mandatory" }, { "name": "um_indicator", "dataType": ["text"], "description": "Indicator to check in User Manual exist" } ] }] } # Create the class in Weaviate try: response = g_client.schema.create(product_class) g_output=g_output+"Class 'Product' created successfully!\n" print("Class 'Product' created successfully!") except Exception as e: g_output=g_output+f"Failed to create class 'Product': {e}"+"\n" print(f"Failed to create class 'Product': {e}") raise ValueError(str(e)) finally: print("completed function - create_product_class") # -- Check for Product Object/Row def validate_product_object_exist(): global g_client global g_product_name global g_output print("started function - validate_product_object_exist") # Check if data exists based on input - product_name where_filter = { "path": ["name"], "operator": "Equal", "valueString": g_product_name } query_result = ( g_client.query .get("Product", "name") .with_where(where_filter) .do() ) print("Product Table Query Result - "+str(query_result)) if len(query_result['data']['Get']['Product']) == 0: g_output=g_output+"Product object does not exists\n" print("completed function - validate_product_object_exist") return True else: g_output=g_output+"Product object already exists\n" print("completed function - validate_product_object_exist") return False # -- Create new Product Object/Row def create_new_product_object(): global g_client global g_product_name global g_product_description global g_product_prompt global g_output print("started function - create_new_product_object") try: data_object = { "name": g_product_name, "description": g_product_description, "prompt": g_product_prompt, "um_indicator": 'N' } g_client.data_object.create(data_object, class_name="Product") print("Product object Created Successfully") g_output=g_output+"Product object Created Successfully\n" except Exception as e: raise ValueError("Creating Product Object"+str(e)) finally: print("completed function - create_new_product_object") # -- Add Product Object/Row def add_product_data(): global g_product_name global g_product_description global g_client global g_output print("started function - add_product_data") # -- Check if Product Table Exist try: g_client.schema.get("Product") print("Class 'Product' already exists!") g_output=g_output+"Class 'Product' already exists!\n" except Exception as e: print(f"Error Verifying Class Product : {e}") create_product_class() # -- Check & Create new Product Object if validate_product_object_exist(): create_new_product_object() print("completed function - add_product_data") ############################ ##### Create Product UM #### ############################ # -- Check for User Manual Class/Table def create_um_class(): global g_product_name global g_client global g_output print("started function - create_um_class") product_class_name_camel_case = convert_to_camel_case(str(g_product_name+"_um")) print("Creating UM Artefact of "+product_class_name_camel_case) # Define the class with `ProductUm` to store user manual details product_um = { "classes": [{ "class": product_class_name_camel_case, "description": "Vector store of "+g_product_name+" user manual", "vectorizer": "none", "properties": [ { "name": "content", "dataType": ["text"], "description": "Store product "+g_product_name+" user manual details" }, { "name": "page_no", "dataType": ["int"], "description": "Page number in user manual details" } ] }] } # Create the class in Weaviate try: response = g_client.schema.create(product_um) g_output=g_output+"Class '"+product_class_name_camel_case+"' created successfully!\n" print("Class '"+str(product_um)+"' created successfully!") except Exception as e: g_output=g_output+f"Failed to create class '"+str(product_um)+"': {e}"+"\n" print(f"Failed to create class '"+str(product_um)+"': {e}") raise ValueError(str(e)) finally: print("completed function - create_um_class") # -- Check for User Manual Object/Row def validate_um_object_exist(): global g_client global g_product_name global g_output return_val=False print("started function - validate_um_object_exist") product_class_name_camel_case = convert_to_camel_case(str(g_product_name+"_um")) try: schema = g_client.schema.get() classes = schema['classes'] # Check if the class exists in the schema if any(cls['class'] == product_class_name_camel_case for cls in classes): g_output=g_output+"Class "+product_class_name_camel_case+" exists in Weaviate.\n" print("Class "+product_class_name_camel_case+" exists in Weaviate.") return_val = True else: g_output=g_output+"Class "+product_class_name_camel_case+" does not exists in Weaviate.\n" print("Class "+product_class_name_camel_case+" does not exist in Weaviate.") except Exception as e: g_output=g_output+f"Failed to retrieve schema: {e}"+"\n" print(f"Failed to retrieve schema: {e}"+"\n") raise ValueError(str(e)) finally: print("completed function - validate_um_object_exist") return return_val # -- Delete User Manual Class/Table def delete_um_class(): global g_client global g_product_name global g_output print("started function - delete_um_class") product_class_name_camel_case = convert_to_camel_case(str(g_product_name+"_um")) try: g_client.schema.delete_class(product_class_name_camel_case) print("Class "+product_class_name_camel_case+" deleted successfully.") g_output=g_output+"Class "+product_class_name_camel_case+" deleted successfully.\n" except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to delete class: {e}") g_output=g_output+f"Failed to delete class: {e}"+"\n" raise ValueError(str(e)) finally: print("completed function - delete_um_class") # -- Create new User Manual Object/Row def create_new_um_object(item): global g_client global g_product_name print("started function - create_new_um_object") print("Storing UM chunk data into Weaviate") data_object = { "content": item['text'], 'page_no': item['page_no'] } try: # Add the object to Weaviate g_client.data_object.create(data_object, class_name=convert_to_camel_case(str(g_product_name+"_um")),vector=item['embedding']) except Exception as e: print("Error storing UM chunk") raise ValueError(str(e)) finally: print("completed function - create_new_um_object") # -- Extract text from PDF file def extract_text_from_pdf(file): file_path = print("started function - extract_text_from_pdf") print("Uploaded pdf location - "+file_path) # Text Splitter text_splitter = CharacterTextSplitter( chunk_size = 1000, chunk_overlap = 0, length_function = len, ) # Read the PDF file page by page try: item = {} with open(file_path, "rb") as pdf_file: pdf = PdfReader(pdf_file) for page_no, page in enumerate(pdf.pages, start=1): text = page.extract_text() # Merge hyphenated words text = re.sub(r"(\w+)-\n(\w+)", r"\1\2", text) # Fix newlines in the middle of sentences text = re.sub(r"(?>> Started Training <<<") g_output="" if ui_model_name != "" or ui_product_name != "" or ui_product_description != "": try: # Setting Global Variables g_output=">>> 1 - Setting Variables <<<\n" print(">>> 1 - Setting Variables <<<") update_global_variables(ui_model_name, ui_weaviate_url, ui_product_name, ui_product_description, ui_product_prompt) g_output=g_output+"\n>>> 1 - Completed <<<\n" print(">>> 1 - Completed <<<\n") # Validate Weaviate Connection g_output=g_output+"\n>>> 2 - Validate Weaviate Connection <<<\n" print(">>> 2 - Validate Weaviate Connection <<<") weaviate_client() g_output=g_output+"\n>>> 2 - Completed <<<\n" print(">>> 2 - Completed <<<\n") # Create Product Class & Object g_output=g_output+"\n>>> 3 - Create Product Class & Object <<<\n" print(">>> 3 - Create Product Class & Object <<<") add_product_data() g_output=g_output+">>> 3 - Completed <<<\n" print(">>> 3 - Completed <<<\n") # Create UM Class & Object is file is inputted g_output=g_output+"\n>>> 4 - Create UserManual Class & Object <<<\n" print(">>> 4 - Create UserManual Class & Object <<<") process_um_data(ui_product_um) g_output=g_output+">>> 4 - Completed <<<\n" print(">>> 4 - Completed <<<\n") # Create Mapping Class & Object is file is inputted g_output=g_output+"\n>>> 5 - Create Mapping Class & Object <<<\n" print(">>> 5 - Create Mapping Class & Object <<<") process_mapping_data(ui_product_mapping) g_output=g_output+">>> 5 - Completed <<<\n" print(">>> 5 - Completed <<<\n") except Exception as e: print("Error -> " + str(e)) print(">>> Completed Training <<<\n") return g_output+"Error -> " + str(e) else: print(">>> Completed Training <<<\n") g_output="Welcome to Migration Assistance Training Bot !!!\n" \ "Enter input value to proceed" return g_output # -- Start of Program - Main def main(): global p_inputs global ui_output interface=gr.Interface( fn=submit, inputs=p_inputs, outputs=ui_output, allow_flagging="never" ) tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile = tempfile.TemporaryFile interface.queue().launch(server_name="") # -- Calling Main Function if __name__ == '__main__': main()