Runtime error
Runtime error
import streamlit as st | |
import random | |
import copy | |
N = 10 | |
state = st.session_state | |
generated_path = 'generated_predictions.txt' | |
ORI_RES = f'DUC/results/{generated_path}' | |
# CONTEXT_SENT_0_h_0_RES = f'/home/nlp/wolhanr/mds_faithfull/data/DUC/output_dir/sent_window_0_h_0_clusters/{generated_path}' | |
CONTEXT_SENT_0_h_1_RES = f'DUC/output_dir/sent_window_0_clusters/{generated_path}' | |
CONTEXT_SENT_1_h_1_RES = f'DUC/output_dir/sent_window_1_h_1_clusters/{generated_path}' | |
source_path = 'DUC/sent_window_1_h_1_clusters/test.source' | |
OPTIONS = ["faithfull", "Not faithfull"] | |
Annotators = ['Ruben', 'Arie'] | |
annotators_dic = {'Ruben':10, 'Arie':60} | |
if "number_button_fill" not in state: | |
state.number_button_fill = 0 | |
def annotate(annotator): | |
state.annotator = annotator | |
if "annotator" not in state: | |
c = st.columns(len(Annotators)) | |
for idx, option in enumerate(Annotators): | |
c[idx].button(f"{option}", on_click=annotate, args=(option,)) | |
if "annotations" not in state and "annotator" in state: | |
state.annotations = {} | |
state.annotations['data_id', 'index', 'output', 'model', 'is_faithfull'] = '' | |
f_0 = open(source_path) | |
source_ ='\n') | |
source = source_[:N] + source_[annotators_dic[state.annotator]:annotators_dic[state.annotator]+50] | |
f_1 = open(ORI_RES) | |
ori_res_ ='\n') | |
ori_res = ori_res_[:N] + ori_res_[annotators_dic[state.annotator]:annotators_dic[state.annotator]+50] | |
# f_2 = open(CONTEXT_SENT_0_h_0_RES) | |
f_3 = open(CONTEXT_SENT_0_h_1_RES) | |
sent_0_h_1_ ='\n') | |
sent_0_h_1 = sent_0_h_1_[:N] + sent_0_h_1_[annotators_dic[state.annotator]:annotators_dic[state.annotator]+50] | |
f_4 = open(CONTEXT_SENT_1_h_1_RES) | |
sent_1_h_1_ ='\n') | |
sent_1_h_1 = sent_1_h_1_[:N] + sent_1_h_1_[annotators_dic[state.annotator]:annotators_dic[state.annotator]+50] | |
state.files = list(zip(source, ori_res, sent_0_h_1, sent_1_h_1)) | |
state.current_file = state.files[0] | |
state.counter = 0 | |
state.submit = 0 | |
def submit(index_0, index_1, index_2): | |
x = [(index_0, state.a),(index_1, state.b), (index_2, state.c)] | |
x = sorted(x, key=lambda x: x[0]) | |
if state.submit == 0: | |
state.annotations[state.counter, x[0][0], state.current_file[1], 'ori_res', x[0][1]] = '' | |
state.annotations[state.counter, x[1][0], state.current_file[2], 'sent_0_h_1', x[1][1]] = '' | |
state.annotations[state.counter, x[2][0], state.current_file[3], 'sent_1_h_1', x[2][1]] = '' | |
state.submit = 1 | |
if state.submit == 1: | |
state.files.remove(state.current_file) | |
random.shuffle(state.indexes) | |
state.current_file = state.files[0] | |
state.counter += 1 | |
state.submit = 0 | |
if 'files' in state and "annotator" in state: | |
st.header("Dataset annotation") | |
st.header(state.annotator) | |
selected_file = state.current_file | |
# source_file = selected_file[0] | |
# ori_file = selected_file[1] | |
# sent_0_h_1_file = selected_file[2] | |
# sent_1_h_1_file = selected_file[3] | |
st.write(f"Source file: {selected_file[0]}") | |
if 'indexes' not in state: | |
state.indexes = [1, 2, 3] | |
random.shuffle(state.indexes) | |
st.write('-'*50) | |
st.write(f"Output: {selected_file[state.indexes[0]]}") | |
# c = st.columns(len(OPTIONS)) | |
state.a ='a', OPTIONS, key=f'{0}') | |
st.write('-'*50) | |
st.write(f"Output: {selected_file[state.indexes[1]]}") | |
state.b ='b', OPTIONS, key=f'{1}') | |
st.write('-'*50) | |
st.write(f"Output: {selected_file[state.indexes[2]]}") | |
state.c ='c', OPTIONS, key=f'{2}') | |
st.write('-'*50) | |
st.button('Submit', on_click=submit, args=(copy.deepcopy(state.indexes))) | |
else: | |"Everything annotated.") | |
if 'annotations' in state and 'files' in state: | |"Annotated: {(len(state.annotations)-1)/3}, Remaining: {len(state.files)}") | |
st.download_button( | |
"Download annotations as CSV", | |
"\n".join([f"{k}\t{v}" for k, v in state.annotations.items()]), | |
file_name="annotations_faithfull.csv", | |
) |