How many episodes were written only by William N. Fordes?
SELECT COUNT(series__number) FROM table_12159115_3 WHERE written_by = "William N. Fordes"
CREATE TABLE table_12159115_3 (series__number VARCHAR, written_by VARCHAR)
What was the largest founded year for schools having enrollment of exactly 696?
SELECT MAX(founded) FROM table_2076608_1 WHERE enrollment = "696"
CREATE TABLE table_2076608_1 (founded INTEGER, enrollment VARCHAR)
Which Japanese Title has more than 9 Episodes, and a Romaji Title of haikei, chichiue-sama?
SELECT japanese_title FROM table_name_12 WHERE episodes > 9 AND romaji_title = "haikei, chichiue-sama"
CREATE TABLE table_name_12 (japanese_title VARCHAR, episodes VARCHAR, romaji_title VARCHAR)
What is the average Year Named, when Latitude is 37.9N, and when Diameter (km) is greater than 76?
SELECT AVG(year_named) FROM table_name_70 WHERE latitude = "37.9n" AND diameter__km_ > 76
CREATE TABLE table_name_70 (year_named INTEGER, latitude VARCHAR, diameter__km_ VARCHAR)
What is the total number scored for the team that had 19 points and a position larger than 4?
SELECT COUNT(scored) FROM table_name_48 WHERE position > 4 AND points = 19
CREATE TABLE table_name_48 (scored VARCHAR, position VARCHAR, points VARCHAR)
What was the location of the fight when Gassaway fought kevin knabjian?
SELECT location FROM table_name_66 WHERE opponent = "kevin knabjian"
CREATE TABLE table_name_66 (location VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR)
How many games were played by the player who had 22 penalty minutes?
SELECT games FROM table_name_52 WHERE pen_min = "22"
CREATE TABLE table_name_52 (games VARCHAR, pen_min VARCHAR)
When the team is penske and they start under 9, what's the average finish time?
SELECT AVG(finish) FROM table_name_80 WHERE team = "penske" AND start < 9
CREATE TABLE table_name_80 (finish INTEGER, team VARCHAR, start VARCHAR)
On what date was the opponent in the final Gwinyai Tongoona?
SELECT date FROM table_name_62 WHERE opponent_in_the_final = "gwinyai tongoona"
CREATE TABLE table_name_62 (date VARCHAR, opponent_in_the_final VARCHAR)
What is the address of the Life & Casualty Tower?
SELECT street_address FROM table_name_94 WHERE name = "life & casualty tower"
CREATE TABLE table_name_94 (street_address VARCHAR, name VARCHAR)
What is the Speed for Chris Swallow?
SELECT speed FROM table_name_13 WHERE rider = "chris swallow"
CREATE TABLE table_name_13 (speed VARCHAR, rider VARCHAR)
What year did longwood university leave the conference?
SELECT MIN(left) FROM table_11658094_3 WHERE institution = "Longwood University"
CREATE TABLE table_11658094_3 (left INTEGER, institution VARCHAR)
When is a Roll of 9?
SELECT years FROM table_name_86 WHERE roll = 9
CREATE TABLE table_name_86 (years VARCHAR, roll VARCHAR)
what type over school is Clemson?
SELECT school_type FROM table_28744929_1 WHERE institution = "Clemson"
CREATE TABLE table_28744929_1 (school_type VARCHAR, institution VARCHAR)
Name the percentage of votes for violinist
SELECT percentage_of_votes FROM table_26267849_11 WHERE act = "Violinist"
CREATE TABLE table_26267849_11 (percentage_of_votes VARCHAR, act VARCHAR)
Which club is at the location of kuopio?
SELECT club FROM table_29250534_1 WHERE location = "Kuopio"
CREATE TABLE table_29250534_1 (club VARCHAR, location VARCHAR)
What was the score of the team that played against Fitzroy?
SELECT home_team AS score FROM table_name_97 WHERE away_team = "fitzroy"
CREATE TABLE table_name_97 (home_team VARCHAR, away_team VARCHAR)
What is the maximum memory for the model discontinued in November 2001?
SELECT maximum_memory FROM table_10528691_4 WHERE discontinued = "November 2001"
CREATE TABLE table_10528691_4 (maximum_memory VARCHAR, discontinued VARCHAR)
What is Designation, when Launch Date/Time ( GMT ) is 29 June 1972, 03:47?
SELECT designation FROM table_name_73 WHERE launch_date_time___gmt__ = "29 june 1972, 03:47"
CREATE TABLE table_name_73 (designation VARCHAR, launch_date_time___gmt__ VARCHAR)
What is the highest November date that has a game under 19 and opponents of the Minnesota North Stars?
SELECT MAX(november) FROM table_name_11 WHERE game < 19 AND opponent = "minnesota north stars"
CREATE TABLE table_name_11 (november INTEGER, game VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR)
Where did Geelong play as the away team?
SELECT venue FROM table_name_62 WHERE away_team = "geelong"
CREATE TABLE table_name_62 (venue VARCHAR, away_team VARCHAR)
What is the number of bulls that has oxen larger than 113.8, and a sheep and goats larger than 4533.4, and a cows smaller than 3987, and a total horses larger than 5056.5?
SELECT bulls FROM table_name_58 WHERE oxen > 113.8 AND sheep_and_goats > 4533.4 AND cows < 3987 AND total_horses > 5056.5
CREATE TABLE table_name_58 (bulls VARCHAR, total_horses VARCHAR, cows VARCHAR, oxen VARCHAR, sheep_and_goats VARCHAR)
What is the margin of victory when the tournament is konica san jose classic?
SELECT margin_of_victory FROM table_name_23 WHERE tournament = "konica san jose classic"
CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (margin_of_victory VARCHAR, tournament VARCHAR)
What is the highest played that has a drawn less than 9, 36 as the difference, with a lost greater than 7?
SELECT MAX(played) FROM table_name_60 WHERE drawn < 9 AND difference = "36" AND lost > 7
CREATE TABLE table_name_60 (played INTEGER, lost VARCHAR, drawn VARCHAR, difference VARCHAR)
Find the names of all instructors in the Art department who have taught some course and the course_id.
SELECT name, course_id FROM instructor AS T1 JOIN teaches AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID WHERE T1.dept_name = 'Art'
What regular season did the team reach the conference semifinals in the playoffs?
SELECT regular_season FROM table_name_78 WHERE playoffs = "conference semifinals"
CREATE TABLE table_name_78 (regular_season VARCHAR, playoffs VARCHAR)
What label has cd single as the format?
SELECT label FROM table_name_20 WHERE format = "cd single"
CREATE TABLE table_name_20 (label VARCHAR, format VARCHAR)
How many release dates has Canada had?
SELECT COUNT(release_date) FROM table_name_7 WHERE country = "canada"
CREATE TABLE table_name_7 (release_date VARCHAR, country VARCHAR)
What is Replaced By, when Outgoing Manager is "Ünal Karaman"?
SELECT replaced_by FROM table_name_66 WHERE outgoing_manager = "ünal karaman"
CREATE TABLE table_name_66 (replaced_by VARCHAR, outgoing_manager VARCHAR)
In 1985, how many points were earned by the entrant with the March 85B chassis?
SELECT MAX(points) FROM table_name_77 WHERE year = 1985 AND chassis = "march 85b"
CREATE TABLE table_name_77 (points INTEGER, year VARCHAR, chassis VARCHAR)
How many rounds have School/club team of pan american?
SELECT SUM(round) FROM table_name_91 WHERE school_club_team = "pan american"
CREATE TABLE table_name_91 (round INTEGER, school_club_team VARCHAR)
What is the D 42 √ number when the D 45 √ is r 16?
SELECT d_42_√ FROM table_name_6 WHERE d_45_√ = "r 16"
CREATE TABLE table_name_6 (d_42_√ VARCHAR, d_45_√ VARCHAR)
what is the time/retired when the grid is 9?
SELECT time_retired FROM table_name_77 WHERE grid = 9
CREATE TABLE table_name_77 (time_retired VARCHAR, grid VARCHAR)
Which series # had 0.852 U.S. viewers(millions)?
SELECT MAX(series__number) FROM table_26808178_3 WHERE us_viewers__millions_ = "0.852"
CREATE TABLE table_26808178_3 (series__number INTEGER, us_viewers__millions_ VARCHAR)
Did the round 8 race get reported
SELECT report FROM table_15511178_3 WHERE rd = 8
CREATE TABLE table_15511178_3 (report VARCHAR, rd VARCHAR)
Tell me the highest home runs for cleveland indians years before 1931
SELECT MAX(home_runs) FROM table_name_92 WHERE team = "cleveland indians" AND year < 1931
CREATE TABLE table_name_92 (home_runs INTEGER, team VARCHAR, year VARCHAR)
Name the most conceded when draws is 5 and position is 1
SELECT MAX(conceded) FROM table_14889048_1 WHERE draws = 5 AND position = 1
CREATE TABLE table_14889048_1 (conceded INTEGER, draws VARCHAR, position VARCHAR)
What was the record of the team with head coach Steve Spurrier?
SELECT record FROM table_name_8 WHERE head_coach = "steve spurrier"
CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (record VARCHAR, head_coach VARCHAR)
How many figures for wickets when the strike rate is 54.0?
SELECT COUNT(wickets) FROM table_19662262_6 WHERE strike_rate = "54.0"
CREATE TABLE table_19662262_6 (wickets VARCHAR, strike_rate VARCHAR)
Tell me the launch date/time for payload of gsat-4
SELECT launch_date_time__utc_ FROM table_name_57 WHERE payload = "gsat-4"
CREATE TABLE table_name_57 (launch_date_time__utc_ VARCHAR, payload VARCHAR)
What are the booking start and end dates of the apartments with more than 2 bedrooms?
SELECT T1.booking_start_date, T1.booking_start_date FROM Apartment_Bookings AS T1 JOIN Apartments AS T2 ON T1.apt_id = T2.apt_id WHERE T2.bedroom_count > 2
CREATE TABLE Apartment_Bookings (booking_start_date VARCHAR, apt_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE Apartments (apt_id VARCHAR, bedroom_count INTEGER)
What site has november 30, 2006 as the date?
SELECT site FROM table_name_25 WHERE date = "november 30, 2006"
CREATE TABLE table_name_25 (site VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
Who is in group a when indiana is in group d?
SELECT group_a FROM table_15290638_1 WHERE group_d = "Indiana"
CREATE TABLE table_15290638_1 (group_a VARCHAR, group_d VARCHAR)
What is Country of Origin, when Year of Intro is greater than 1985, and when Primary Cartridge is 125mm?
SELECT country_of_origin FROM table_name_27 WHERE year_of_intro > 1985 AND primary_cartridge = "125mm"
CREATE TABLE table_name_27 (country_of_origin VARCHAR, year_of_intro VARCHAR, primary_cartridge VARCHAR)
Which venue is rank 3?
SELECT venue FROM table_name_38 WHERE rank = "3"
CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (venue VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR)
What was the population fo the township with a Latitude of 48.853051, and a Water (sqmi) smaller than 0.9590000000000001?
SELECT MAX(pop__2010_) FROM table_name_85 WHERE latitude = 48.853051 AND water__sqmi_ < 0.9590000000000001
CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (pop__2010_ INTEGER, latitude VARCHAR, water__sqmi_ VARCHAR)
What is the score of the copa libertadores group 4 competition round on 14 March 1972 with universitario as the away team?
SELECT score FROM table_name_78 WHERE competition_round = "copa libertadores group 4" AND away_team = "universitario" AND date = "14 march 1972"
CREATE TABLE table_name_78 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR, competition_round VARCHAR, away_team VARCHAR)
Find the total number of employees.
What date has high park demons as the away?
SELECT date FROM table_name_15 WHERE away = "high park demons"
CREATE TABLE table_name_15 (date VARCHAR, away VARCHAR)
How man seasons have the air date of October 2, 2001?
SELECT COUNT(season__number) FROM table_2219961_2 WHERE nbc_airdate = "October 2, 2001"
CREATE TABLE table_2219961_2 (season__number VARCHAR, nbc_airdate VARCHAR)
What team played under 52 Reg GP, and picked 130?
SELECT team__league_ FROM table_name_23 WHERE reg_gp < 52 AND pick__number = 130
CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (team__league_ VARCHAR, reg_gp VARCHAR, pick__number VARCHAR)
What is the sum of matches played that has a year of first match before 2000, fewer than 21 lost, and 0 drawn?
SELECT SUM(played) FROM table_name_27 WHERE first_game < 2000 AND lost < 21 AND drawn < 0
CREATE TABLE table_name_27 (played INTEGER, drawn VARCHAR, first_game VARCHAR, lost VARCHAR)
What was the date of the home game for Colorado?
SELECT date FROM table_name_67 WHERE home = "colorado"
CREATE TABLE table_name_67 (date VARCHAR, home VARCHAR)
Who is the Prime Minister of Antoine Wehenkel?
SELECT Prime AS minister FROM table_name_71 WHERE minister = "antoine wehenkel"
CREATE TABLE table_name_71 (Prime VARCHAR, minister VARCHAR)
What side does Clayton Allison Bat/Throw from?
SELECT bats_throws FROM table_name_87 WHERE players = "clayton allison"
CREATE TABLE table_name_87 (bats_throws VARCHAR, players VARCHAR)
What is the round of 32 for fatih keleş?
SELECT round_of_32 FROM table_27294107_11 WHERE athlete = "Fatih Keleş"
CREATE TABLE table_27294107_11 (round_of_32 VARCHAR, athlete VARCHAR)
What is the home city when Mladen Frančić is the manager?
SELECT home_city FROM table_name_36 WHERE manager = "mladen frančić"
CREATE TABLE table_name_36 (home_city VARCHAR, manager VARCHAR)
How many gold medals for Bulgaria (BUL) with 2 silvers and a less than 18 rank?
SELECT SUM(gold) FROM table_name_61 WHERE silver = 2 AND nation = "bulgaria (bul)" AND rank < 18
CREATE TABLE table_name_61 (gold INTEGER, rank VARCHAR, silver VARCHAR, nation VARCHAR)
What is the average bronze for less than 0 gold?
SELECT AVG(bronze) FROM table_name_64 WHERE gold < 0
CREATE TABLE table_name_64 (bronze INTEGER, gold INTEGER)
Which of the airport names contains the word 'international'?
SELECT name FROM airport WHERE name LIKE '%international%'
Name the city of license with resolution of sd 480i and official website of
SELECT city_of_license FROM table_name_34 WHERE resolution = "sd 480i" AND official_website = ""
CREATE TABLE table_name_34 (city_of_license VARCHAR, resolution VARCHAR, official_website VARCHAR)
How many teams have an eagles mascot?
SELECT COUNT(affiliation) FROM table_13456202_1 WHERE mascot = "Eagles"
CREATE TABLE table_13456202_1 (affiliation VARCHAR, mascot VARCHAR)
What is the sum of Evening Gown scores where the swimsuit score is higher than 9.4 and the average score is lower than 9.733?
SELECT SUM(evening_gown) FROM table_name_88 WHERE swimsuit > 9.4 AND average < 9.733
CREATE TABLE table_name_88 (evening_gown INTEGER, swimsuit VARCHAR, average VARCHAR)
Which is the lowest crop total with New South Wales at 42 kilotonnes and Victorian at less than 68 kilotonnes?
SELECT MIN(total) FROM table_name_26 WHERE new_south_wales = 42 AND victoria < 68
CREATE TABLE table_name_26 (total INTEGER, new_south_wales VARCHAR, victoria VARCHAR)
What is the Date of the game with a Record of 8–10–6?
SELECT date FROM table_name_99 WHERE record = "8–10–6"
CREATE TABLE table_name_99 (date VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
What is the largest amount of wins that was before the 2007 season, as well as the Team being silverstone motorsport academy?
SELECT MAX(wins) FROM table_name_92 WHERE season < 2007 AND team = "silverstone motorsport academy"
CREATE TABLE table_name_92 (wins INTEGER, season VARCHAR, team VARCHAR)
What is the first leg score in that match where Marseille was the first team?
SELECT 1 AS st_leg FROM table_name_85 WHERE team_1 = "marseille"
CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (team_1 VARCHAR)
What is the external weapon of knight zeke?
SELECT external_weapon FROM table_name_26 WHERE knight = "zeke"
CREATE TABLE table_name_26 (external_weapon VARCHAR, knight VARCHAR)
Who is the director for the film title Eldra?
SELECT director FROM table_26385848_1 WHERE film_title = "Eldra"
CREATE TABLE table_26385848_1 (director VARCHAR, film_title VARCHAR)
What was the mens 45 when mens 40 was Sunwest Razorbacks def Sydney Mets?
SELECT mens_45 FROM table_16724844_1 WHERE mens_40 = "SunWest Razorbacks def Sydney Mets"
CREATE TABLE table_16724844_1 (mens_45 VARCHAR, mens_40 VARCHAR)
What is the athlete muna lee lowest time?
SELECT MIN(time) FROM table_name_45 WHERE athlete = "muna lee"
CREATE TABLE table_name_45 (time INTEGER, athlete VARCHAR)
What is the sum of Year, when Publication is "VH1", and when Rank is greater than 11?
SELECT SUM(year) FROM table_name_65 WHERE publication = "vh1" AND rank > 11
CREATE TABLE table_name_65 (year INTEGER, publication VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR)
What is the percentage of literate people where india is andaman and Nicobar Islands?
SELECT literate_persons___percentage_ FROM table_14598_9 WHERE india_state_ut = "Andaman and Nicobar Islands"
CREATE TABLE table_14598_9 (literate_persons___percentage_ VARCHAR, india_state_ut VARCHAR)
Who was the deceased spouse who was married for 4 years?
SELECT deceased_spouse FROM table_24143253_5 WHERE length_of_marriage = "4 years"
CREATE TABLE table_24143253_5 (deceased_spouse VARCHAR, length_of_marriage VARCHAR)
What year did Tom Watson win?
SELECT year_s__won FROM table_name_87 WHERE player = "tom watson"
CREATE TABLE table_name_87 (year_s__won VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
What was the country for Sam Snead?
SELECT country FROM table_name_58 WHERE player = "sam snead"
CREATE TABLE table_name_58 (country VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
What is the score of the away team that played at Kardinia Park?
SELECT away_team AS score FROM table_name_33 WHERE venue = "kardinia park"
CREATE TABLE table_name_33 (away_team VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR)
Which circuit did winfield team nissan win for the tooheys 1000?
SELECT circuit FROM table_name_68 WHERE team = "winfield team nissan" AND series = "tooheys 1000"
CREATE TABLE table_name_68 (circuit VARCHAR, team VARCHAR, series VARCHAR)
What is Postposition, when Noun Root (Meaning) is "mshobl- (parent)"?
SELECT postposition FROM table_name_75 WHERE noun_root__meaning_ = "mshobl- (parent)"
CREATE TABLE table_name_75 (postposition VARCHAR, noun_root__meaning_ VARCHAR)
What is the career win-loss for the ATP Masters Series?
SELECT career_win_loss FROM table_name_3 WHERE 1995 = "atp masters series"
CREATE TABLE table_name_3 (career_win_loss VARCHAR)
What is the IHSAA class in Batesville?
SELECT ihsaa_class FROM table_name_97 WHERE city = "batesville"
CREATE TABLE table_name_97 (ihsaa_class VARCHAR, city VARCHAR)
Where was the game site for the game that had a packers record of 2-2?
SELECT game_site FROM table_name_37 WHERE record = "2-2"
CREATE TABLE table_name_37 (game_site VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
Name the date of appointment for ascoli
SELECT date_of_appointment FROM table_17275810_7 WHERE team = "Ascoli"
CREATE TABLE table_17275810_7 (date_of_appointment VARCHAR, team VARCHAR)
How many lanes have a Time of 53.61, and a Rank larger than 3?
SELECT SUM(lane) FROM table_name_32 WHERE time = 53.61 AND rank > 3
CREATE TABLE table_name_32 (lane INTEGER, time VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR)
What is Bianka Panova's highest total with lower than place 1?
SELECT MAX(total) FROM table_name_56 WHERE name = "bianka panova" AND place < 1
CREATE TABLE table_name_56 (total INTEGER, name VARCHAR, place VARCHAR)
What was the record for Dec 16?
SELECT record FROM table_name_36 WHERE date = "dec 16"
CREATE TABLE table_name_36 (record VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
How large was the crowd when they played at princes park?
SELECT SUM(crowd) FROM table_name_56 WHERE venue = "princes park"
CREATE TABLE table_name_56 (crowd INTEGER, venue VARCHAR)
When was the Result of 3–2, with a Score of 6–0, 6–4?
SELECT date FROM table_name_72 WHERE result = "3–2" AND score = "6–0, 6–4"
CREATE TABLE table_name_72 (date VARCHAR, result VARCHAR, score VARCHAR)
Which capital has a population of 308,610?
SELECT capital FROM table_name_73 WHERE population = "308,610"
CREATE TABLE table_name_73 (capital VARCHAR, population VARCHAR)
Which Result has a Competition of world cup qualifying, and a Date of march 21, 1954?
SELECT result FROM table_name_85 WHERE competition = "world cup qualifying" AND date = "march 21, 1954"
CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (result VARCHAR, competition VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
What race had Nelson Piquet on the pole and was in Nürburgring?
SELECT race FROM table_1140073_2 WHERE pole_position = "Nelson Piquet" AND location = "Nürburgring"
CREATE TABLE table_1140073_2 (race VARCHAR, pole_position VARCHAR, location VARCHAR)
What year was the team with the nickname pride established?
SELECT COUNT(established) FROM table_name_14 WHERE nickname = "pride"
CREATE TABLE table_name_14 (established VARCHAR, nickname VARCHAR)
/What is Tie No, when Date is 18 February 1956, and when Away Team is Tottenham Hotspur?
SELECT tie_no FROM table_name_44 WHERE date = "18 february 1956" AND away_team = "tottenham hotspur"
CREATE TABLE table_name_44 (tie_no VARCHAR, date VARCHAR, away_team VARCHAR)
Tell me the highest total when the horse is spender s
SELECT MAX(total) FROM table_name_99 WHERE horse = "spender s"
CREATE TABLE table_name_99 (total INTEGER, horse VARCHAR)
How many attended the game that was a Loss of k. gross (1-1)?
SELECT MAX(attendance) FROM table_name_68 WHERE loss = "k. gross (1-1)"
CREATE TABLE table_name_68 (attendance INTEGER, loss VARCHAR)
Name the loss with record of 71-33
SELECT loss FROM table_name_4 WHERE record = "71-33"
CREATE TABLE table_name_4 (loss VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
Which Opponent has a Game of 63?
SELECT opponent FROM table_name_33 WHERE game = 63
CREATE TABLE table_name_33 (opponent VARCHAR, game VARCHAR)
What day does the team play at western oval?
SELECT date FROM table_name_59 WHERE venue = "western oval"
CREATE TABLE table_name_59 (date VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR)
What is the polyunsaturated fat with a smoke point of °c (), a total fat of 100g and 63g of monounsaturated fat?
SELECT polyunsaturated_fat FROM table_name_28 WHERE smoke_point = "°c ()" AND total_fat = "100g" AND monounsaturated_fat = "63g"
CREATE TABLE table_name_28 (polyunsaturated_fat VARCHAR, monounsaturated_fat VARCHAR, smoke_point VARCHAR, total_fat VARCHAR)
What's the record during 1925?
SELECT record FROM table_name_99 WHERE year = 1925
CREATE TABLE table_name_99 (record VARCHAR, year VARCHAR)