The viewer is disabled because this dataset repo requires arbitrary Python code execution. Please consider removing the loading script and relying on automated data support (you can use convert_to_parquet from the datasets library). If this is not possible, please open a discussion for direct help.

YAML Metadata Warning: empty or missing yaml metadata in repo card (



from datasets import load_dataset

# Load entire dataset
kitkat = load_dataset("mapama247/kitkat") # 950 rows

# Load only exemples from a specific category
kitkat_allotjament = load_dataset("mapama247/kitkat", "allotjament") # 90 rows


- allotjament: 90
- banca: 120
- menjar_domicili: 80
- comerc: 119
- lloguer_vehicles: 67
- transports: 95
- assegurances: 120
- ajuntament: 120
- clinica: 59
- telefonia: 80


Using the first example as a reference:

  "id": 'ed3f7ae9-baaf-46ed-b51f-e3b4344d05ac',
  "category": 'allotjament',
  "conversation": [
    {'role': 'usuari', 'text': 'Hola, bones', 'intent': 'greetings', 'slots': []},
    {'role': 'agent', 'text': 'Hola, bon dia.', 'intent': None, 'slots': None},
    {'role': 'usuari', 'text': 'Voldria reservar una de les vostres cases rurals per una setmana, durant el Nadal', 'intent': 'new_booking', 'slots': [...]},
    {'role': 'agent', 'text': 'Perfecte. Em podria dir els dies exactes que voldria reservar?', 'intent': None, 'slots': None},
    {'role': 'usuari', 'text': 'Doncs del 22 al 27, si pot ser', 'intent': 'response', 'slots': [...]},

The field slots is a list of dictionaries with the following keys: text, tag, Start_char, End_char

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