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Plants cannot continue the natural ripening or aging process. | Ihiškan ibas addoben tenanɣe meɣ tusare |
The specialty of processing food by ionizing radiation is the fact, that the energy density per atomic transition is very high, it can cleave molecules and induce ionization (hence the name) which cannot be achieved by mere heating. | Taxsus n asammuti n išikša s ioning radiation amos as assahat n enerji s atomic transition fuk ijjit, addobat asafuqqi n molecule tan tolas aru id ionization ( ittus n isim) s war taddobat tukise aggad net |
However, the use of the term, cold pasteurization, to describe irradiated foods is controversial, because pasteurization and irradiation are fundamentally different processes, although the intended end results can in some cases be similar. | Hak id ijja awen, axadam s tifert , cold pasteurization, i afasar n samal n išikša idas radiasyon ehe amšikki fal as pasteurization d irradiation amosan timatikwayen izlaynen , kuddeɣ as ittusan addoben ad alahan daɣ ihandagan iyyad |
Marie Curie died from aplastic anemia which resulted from her high levels of exposure. | Marie Curie enɣet aplastic anemia id erawan aginfi net hullan |
Approximately half of the deaths from Hiroshima and Nagasaki died two to five years afterward from radiation exposure. | A hin ikkan tazune n tamattanen fuk n Hiroshima d Nagasaki ammutan issin har sammos iwityan darat aginfi nasan daɣ radiasyon |
A nuclear meltdown refers to the more serious hazard of releasing nuclear material into the surrounding environment. | Amartay n nuclear eqqal hullan fal xatar n azajor n asuj wan nuclear daɣ ahinzazaɣ |
Military reactors that experienced similar accidents were Windscale in the United Kingdom and SL-1 in the United States. | Reactor tan win militer wi idasan aksidan tan šund win aqqalan Windscale daɣ Rwayon Uni d SL-1 daɣ Amerik |
Another topic of transhumanist research is how to protect humanity against existential risks, such as nuclear war or asteroid collision. | Majal iyyan n farak iktaran amos immik wa s addobat alɣillas n awadim daɣ xatar tan wi it illanen šund akinnas wan nuclear meɣ amuqqis n asteroid |
The assertion would lay the intellectual groundwork for the British philosopher Max More to begin articulating the principles of transhumanism as a futurist philosophy in 1990, and organizing in California a school of thought that has since grown into the worldwide transhumanist movement. | Majrad ad eqqil tadamalut n musnat i filozof wan Britania Max More i asinti išširitan win ikataran šund futurist filozofi daɣ 1990, d amukin daɣ California n lakkol n amedran eqqalan a idwalan daɣ taggayt n kel ikataran daɣ alɣalim |
In the Discourse, Descartes envisioned a new kind of medicine that could grant both physical immortality and stronger minds. | Daɣ asiwal, Descartes addorhan dumu eynayan n medecine addoben ihuk n uɣlal n taɣissa d ta-ite tan assohat nen |
St. Leon may have provided inspiration for his daughter Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein. | St. Leon addobat ihuk n uglay i talyat net Mary Shelley’s Novel Franckenstein |
In particular, he was interested in the development of the science of eugenics, ectogenesis (creating and sustaining life in an artificial environment), and the application of genetics to improve human characteristics, such as health and intelligence. | Eqqal a ehan afor net efe n science tan eugenics, ectogenesis (eɣan d akabal n tamudre daɣ ahinzazaɣ ikna awadim) d aplikasyon n genetics i asammuti n samal n awadim šund assexat d ta-ite |
These ideas have been common transhumanist themes ever since. | Inasjam win oharan tan majal tan n kel ikataran a ijja awen daɣ |
"In the Material and Man section of the manifesto, Noboru Kawazoe suggests that:After several decades, with the rapid progress of communication technology, every one will have a ""brain wave receiver"" in his ear, which conveys directly and exactly what other people think about him and vice versa." | “ Daɣ Material d Man Section n Manifesto, Noboru Kawazoe ijja addabara as: darat timirwen n iwityan ajjotnen, ɣur armud n iki s data wan teknoloji, awadim fuk ad ikriš “”brain wave receiver”” daɣ tamazzuk net isassakayan daɣ aqqud awadim tiɣalan addinat iyyad fal as d s ašrut wa yadan” |
"In 1966, FM-2030 (formerly F. M. Esfandiary), a futurist who taught ""new concepts of the human"" at The New School, in New York City, began to identify people who adopt technologies, lifestyles and world views transitional to posthumanity as ""transhuman""." | “ Daɣ 1966, FM-2030 ( s tizarat F.M Esfandiary) , furutrist wa ijjan medran n “tifir eynaynen n awadim” daɣ lakkol eynayan , daɣ taɣrimt tan New York, issinta afaham n addinat wi axadamnen s teknoloji tan, Iššikilan n tamudre nasan d ikayadan daɣ alɣalim s tilkamat n awadim šund””transhuman”” |
FM-2030 and Vita-More soon began holding gatherings for transhumanists in Los Angeles, which included students from FM-2030's courses and audiences from Vita-More's artistic productions. | FM- 2030 d Vilta-More issintan isidiwan i kel ikataran daɣ Los Angeles , ahan attalaba tan n teɣir d imasajadan n FM-2030 daɣ intaj tan win Vilta-More |
A particular concern is the equal access to human enhancement technologies across classes and borders. | Anasjum iyyan amos tigdaht n ijjuš n teknoloji tan ti sukinen awadim s data daɣ lakkol tan d alxadudan |
This left the World Transhumanist Association as the leading international transhumanist organization. | Awen oyya i World Transhumanist Association tizart n as tamos taggayt n kel ikataran jir ikallan |
The Mormon Transhumanist Association was founded in 2006. | Mormon Transhumanist Association taɣna id daɣ 2006 |
"Transhumanism stresses the evolutionary perspective, including sometimes the creation of a highly intelligent animal species by way of cognitive enhancement (i.e. biological uplift), but clings to a ""posthuman future"" as the final goal of participant evolution." | “” Transhumanism assewal fal akayad s data eha alwaq iyyan eɣan n iššikilan n amudar ilan ta-ite hullan s immik wan asimmuti n musnat ( amos tadhult n efes n ichikilan n imudaran iyyan) mušam osaɣ id “”posthuman future”” as amos ittus n tamattit s iki n data” |
"While such a ""cultural posthumanism"" would offer resources for rethinking the relationships between humans and increasingly sophisticated machines, transhumanism and similar posthumanisms are, in this view, not abandoning obsolete concepts of the ""autonomous liberal subject"", but are expanding its ""prerogatives"" into the realm of the posthuman." | “ Alwaq wa id “”posthumanism n agna”” ehak alfayda tan i uɣil n anasjum fal iharojan jir addinat d maršin tan iknanen milɣaw, transhumanism d posthumanism tan olahnen amosan daɣ akayad , a war hin oyya tifir tin “majal wan teklay n iman net” mušam sawadan “alxaqan” net daɣ ezaraj wan posthuman” |
However, other progressives have argued that posthumanism, whether it be its philosophical or activist forms, amounts to a shift away from concerns about social justice, from the reform of human institutions and from other Enlightenment preoccupations, toward narcissistic longings for a transcendence of the human body in quest of more exquisite ways of being. | Hak id ijja awen, progressive tan iyyad allaɣen as posthumanism , jir ɣas amos a ilan dumu tan n filozofi meɣ activist, iddikud tan s amutti fal xatar tan ijjanen fal aššareɣa n tamazduq, ɣur amutti n tijittawen n awadim d timaɣutar tiyyad n annur , s derhan okayan taɣissa n awadim daɣ asistan n immikan n awadim |
Many transhumanists actively assess the potential for future technologies and innovative social systems to improve the quality of all life, while seeking to make the material reality of the human condition fulfill the promise of legal and political equality by eliminating congenital mental and physical barriers. | Transhumanist tan ajjotnen immiyazan hullan tudabat n sistem tan win teknoloji tan tilkamat d tin amujaš daɣ tamattit n tulaɣay n tamudre fuk daɣ as t ittar a taj tiditt n talɣa n awadim a isitbata tinna n tigdaht daɣ aššareɣa d foliik s amasax n alxadudan n ta-ite d taɣissa |
Some theorists such as Ray Kurzweil think that the pace of technological innovation is accelerating and that the next 50 years may yield not only radical technological advances, but possibly a technological singularity, which may fundamentally change the nature of human beings. | Theorist tan iyyad šund Kurzeil ordah as tikkelt tan amujaš wan teknoloji issewad armud tolas iwityan win 50 n tilkamat war he ay in abara iki tan s data n teknoloji mušam ehamiš d ekfu teknoloji ini iyyan addoben asammutti n annuɣ n addinat |
For example, Bostrom has written extensively on existential risks to humanity's future welfare, including ones that could be created by emerging technologies. | Almital, Bostrom iktab hullan fal xatar tan wi it illanen i alxer n tilkamat n addinat, ahan iyyad addobat nen axalak n teknoloji tan |
To counter this, Hawking emphasizes either self-design of the human genome or mechanical enhancement (e.g., brain-computer interface) to enhance human intelligence and reduce aggression, without which he implies human civilization may be too stupid collectively to survive an increasingly unstable system, resulting in societal collapse. | I medan n awen, Hawking allaɣat s eɣan n genome n awadim meɣ amutti s data n mekanik (almital, brain-computer interface) i amutti n ta-ite n awadim d afanaz n tadlimt, s indar wadden inta allaɣat as sivilizasyon tan awadim a taqqil a ichadan i tamudre daɣ sistem war n azzukat , id za aruwan nihaya n tamazduq |
These thinkers argue that the ability to discuss in a falsification-based way constitutes a threshold that is not arbitrary at which it becomes possible for an individual to speak for themselves in a way that is not dependent on exterior assumptions. | Mufakir tan win allaɣen as tudabat n asiwil s immik ammutayan eqqal kadarka ilkaman i nefran n awadim s addobat awadim asiwil has-an s immik war n ilkam inhajjan win s ajjama |
"In keeping with this, many prominent transhumanist advocates, such as Dan Agin, refer to transhumanism's critics, on the political right and left jointly, as ""bioconservatives"" or ""bioluddites"", the latter term alluding to the 19th century anti-industrialisation social movement that opposed the replacement of human manual labourers by machines." | “Anittaf id awen, transhumanist tan ajjotnen , šund Dan Agin,aɣra n transhumanism’s critics tan, fal achrut n folitik wan aɣil d tišalgay artayan šund ““bioconservatives”” meɣ ““bioluddites””, tifert tan uchray t amos tangalt n taggayt n anti-industrialisation daɣ awatay wan 1900 ta tunjayat s ušray n maršin tan daɣ idagan n inaxdiman daɣ alxidmat” |
The same scenario happens when people have certain neural implants that give them an advantage in the work place and in educational aspects. | Immik šund wen ijja alwaq wa id addinat neural implants tan hakkinen tinfa daɣ edag n alxidmat d titbaqqa n teɣre |
Immortalism, a moral ideology based upon the belief that radical life extension and technological immortality is possible and desirable, and advocating research and development to ensure its realization. | Immortalism amos ta-ite tijjat fal medran as taɣrist n tamudre d aɣlul n teknoloji addobat iji tolas eqqal derhan , tolas eɣra s farak d efes i taxqiq net |
Mathematics (from Greek: ) includes the study of such topics as quantity (number theory), structure (algebra), space (geometry), and change (analysis). | Matematik (daɣ greek: ) ehet teɣare n majal tan šund iddikud (number theory), edey (allgebra), edag (geometry) d amutti (amiyiz) |
When mathematical structures are good models of real phenomena, mathematical reasoning can be used to provide insight or predictions about nature. | Alwaq wa id ikarosan n matematik amosan dumu tan olaɣnen n harat n ditit, ta-ite n matematik addobat ijjuch n ihuk n ikayadan meɣ attawaqqa tan fal ahinzazaɣ |
The research required to solve mathematical problems can take years or even centuries of sustained inquiry. | Farak izilzam amukin n mušakil tan n matematik wi addobat nen ad aj in iwityan meɣ timad n iwityan ijla farak |
Mathematics developed at a relatively slow pace until the Renaissance, when mathematical innovations interacting with new scientific discoveries led to a rapid increase in the rate of mathematical discovery that has continued to the present day. | Matematik ijja efes net s tikkelt tazzayat har Renaissance, alwaq wa id imujašan n matematik anmartay nen id ifukkiran win science eynaynen ewayan id tiw-at tarmadat daɣ iddikud n afukkir n matematik ta tijlat har amarad |
As evidenced by tallies found on bone, in addition to recognizing how to count physical objects, prehistoric peoples may have also recognized how to count abstract quantities, like time—days, seasons, or years. | S imik wa s it issiknan medan tan atijraw nen fal eɣas, daɣ asiwad musnat n immik wan medan n haratan win taɣissa , addinat win data azzaman wa id eɣna akatab addoben intaned deɣ ad issinan medan n iddikud tan war n ila akayad šund alwaq, ichilann, azzamanan meɣ iwityan |
Beginning in the 6th century BC with the Pythagoreans, with Greek mathematics the Ancient Greeks began a systematic study of mathematics as a subject in its own right. | Issintan daɣ awatay wan 600 data annabi ɣisa s Pythagorien tan, s matematik n kel greece Kel greece win aru issintan teɣae matematik as t amos majal daɣ alxaq net |
The greatest mathematician of antiquity is often held to be Archimedes (c. 287–212 BC) of Syracuse. | Matematisien wa maqqoran n aru ittaf ti Archimed (c.287-212) wan Syracuse |
The Hindu–Arabic numeral system and the rules for the use of its operations, in use throughout the world today, evolved over the course of the first millennium AD in India and were transmitted to the Western world via Islamic mathematics. | Sistem n medan wan Indu tan d araban d aššareɣa tan tin alxidmat n imitikwiyan net , axdamnen daɣ alɣalim ašal id, amuttayan daɣ amatikway n efad n awatay darat annabi ɣisa daɣ India tolas okayan s alɣalim wan ataram s matematik tan al-islam |
The most notable achievement of Islamic mathematics was the development of algebra. | Injaz wa ojjaran hullan daɣ matematik tan al-islam t amos efes wan algebra |
During the early modern period, mathematics began to develop at an accelerating pace in Western Europe. | Daɣ azzaman wa ezzaran n ušray, matematik tissinta efes s tikelt tarmadat daɣ Eroba tan ataram |
Perhaps the foremost mathematician of the 19th century was the German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss, who made numerous contributions to fields such as algebra, analysis, differential geometry, matrix theory, number theory, and statistics. | Ehamiš matematisien wan hullan n awatay wan 1900 amos matematisien wan almay Carl Friedrich Gauss ijjan tadhilen ajjotnen i majal tan šund algebra, amiyiz, differential geometry, matrix theory, theory tan iddikud d statistics |
Mathematical discoveries continue to be made today. | Ifukkiran win matematik taj in har amarad |
"In particular, mathēmatikḗ tékhnē meant ""the mathematical art.""" | “ mathēmatikḗ tékhnē amos almaɣna net “”art n matematik”” |
In English, the noun mathematics takes a singular verb. | Daɣ tangilist, isim wan matematik idakkal majrad iyyan |
"However, Aristotle also noted a focus on quantity alone may not distinguish mathematics from sciences like physics; in his view, abstraction and studying quantity as a property ""separable in thought"" from real instances set mathematics apart." | “Hak id ijja awen, Aristote iktab as iddikud ɣas war addobat anamizlay n matematik daɣ science tan chund physics; daɣ akayad net, abstrction d teɣare n iddikud šund tila “”azun daɣ medran”” daɣ almital tan win tiditt ijjan matematik daɣ ašrut” |
A peculiarity of intuitionism is that it rejects some mathematical ideas considered valid according to other definitions. | Saxray n intuitionism amos ankur inasjam n matematik fal tijja tariddawt s almaɣna tan iyyad |
"Haskell Curry defined mathematics simply as ""the science of formal systems""." | “Haskell Curry afassar almaɣna n matematik as t amos ɣas “”sians n sistem tan n rasmiyin”” |
"Popper also noted that ""I shall certainly admit a system as empirical or scientific only if it is capable of being tested by experience.""" | “”Popper inta deɣ iktab as “war eha ach-ak as ad aɣbala sistem n sians ɣas a fal t addobat musnat erem net”” |
Intuition and experimentation also play a role in the formulation of conjectures in both mathematics and the (other) sciences. | Tanufrayt d erem intaned deɣ axdam nat edag daɣ amukin n konjektur tan daɣ matematik d sians tan tiyyad |
For example, the physicist Richard Feynman invented the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics using a combination of mathematical reasoning and physical insight, and today's string theory, a still-developing scientific theory which attempts to unify the four fundamental forces of nature, continues to inspire new mathematics. | Almital, Fizisyen Richard Feynman eɣna abara wan amukin n qantom mekanik s axadam n asirtay n afahamat tan matematik d akayad wan fizik d teori tan aɣan n achal id, teori nsians s ija efes net har ajudi tattar-at asartay n assahaten akkozat n ahinzazaɣ, har ajudi t aqqal a omaran matematik |
A distinction is often made between pure mathematics and applied mathematics. | Tazuzlayt taj alwaq iyyan jir matematik taqwat d matematik aplike |
As in most areas of study, the explosion of knowledge in the scientific age has led to specialization: there are now hundreds of specialized areas in mathematics and the latest Mathematics Subject Classification runs to 46 pages. | Daɣ ijit n ihandagan ajotnen n teɣare, anfizzak n musnat daɣ awatay wan sians eway id teɣare tijat daɣ ezaraj: illan ti amarad timad n ihandagan n matematik tolas amaskat n matematik wan uchray ewad 46 n paj |
Many mathematicians talk about the elegance of mathematics, its intrinsic aesthetics and inner beauty. | Matematisyen tan ajotnen issewalan fal tulaɣay n matematik, milɣaw net d tihussay net |
G. H. Hardy in A Mathematician's Apology expressed the belief that these aesthetic considerations are, in themselves, sufficient to justify the study of pure mathematics. | G.H Hardy daɣ A Apoloji n Matematisyen allaɣen medran as tamɣaren tin n milɣaw amos nat, daɣ iman nasnat, a igdahan ihuk n addalil i teɣare n matematik taqwat |
A theorem expressed as a characterization of the object by these features is the prize. | Teorem s atawan chund samal n majal s samalan win amos alqim |
Euler (1707–1783) was responsible for many of the notations in use today. | Euler (1707 har 1783) annihad i tasnif tan ti axdam nen amarad |
Unlike natural language, where people can often equate a word (such as cow) with the physical object it corresponds to, mathematical symbols are abstract, lacking any physical analog. | A izlayan id awal n batil, s addoben addinat alwaq iyyan asikdi n isim ( chund tas) amosan harat wa dar ogdah, ramis tan win matematik war ilen akayad, odanan in harat fuk dar olahan taɣissa |
Mathematical language also includes many technical terms such as homeomorphism and integrable that have no meaning outside of mathematics. | Awal wan matematik inta deɣ ahan tifir ajotnen chund homeomorfizm d ijich war n ila almaɣna s ajama n matematik |
"Mathematicians refer to this precision of language and logic as ""rigor""." | “Matematisyen tan jan in s aqqud n awal d mantaq s “”qasawat” |
"This is to avoid mistaken ""theorems"", based on fallible intuitions, of which many instances have occurred in the history of the subject." | “ Awen ukdal n “”teorem tan war n oɣed, ijanen fal tinufrayen alɣibnen, s almital tan daɣ sanat ijan daɣ attarex n alɣard” |
Misunderstanding the rigor is a cause for some of the common misconceptions of mathematics. | Iban anfham n qasawat amos addalil n erk ifahaman n matematik |
On the other hand, proof assistants allow verifying all details that cannot be given in a hand-written proof, and provide certainty of the correctness of long proofs such as that of the Feit–Thompson theorem. | Idagan iyad, iməgiha ən tamətert jarawən akayad ən ilaɣitan kul waren adobat atwəhək dǎɣ tamətert təknat as afus, izar hakən assədətu ən tidit ən timtar zəjrətnen sund tin təmkare tan Feit–Thompson . |
In addition to these main concerns, there are also subdivisions dedicated to exploring links from the heart of mathematics to other fields: to logic, to set theory (foundations), to the empirical mathematics of the various sciences (applied mathematics), and more recently to the rigorous study of uncertainty. | Fal idakalan azarnen, eɣlakəd harwa tizunawen hakanen as adakal ən mertayən jar ulh ən imaɗinan ad idagan iyad: tiɣdət,musnat ən mertayən (fondations), imaɗinan… ən təmusnawen ajətnen (imaɗinan atiwəjanen) ad, təkna əntinya,almud assohen ən iban assədətu. |
Some disagreement about the foundations of mathematics continues to the present day. | Tunjiten tiyad fal tizaren ən imaɗinan tihəšulan har ešali. |
As such, it is home to Gödel's incompleteness theorems which (informally) imply that any effective formal system that contains basic arithmetic, if sound (meaning that all theorems that can be proved are true), is necessarily incomplete (meaning that there are true theorems which cannot be proved in that system). | Dǎɣ sund awen, aqalnat eɣaf ən təmkarawen waren imda ən Gödel itajan (as alməɣnat waren ikna)as aratay iknan ajətan ihan imaɗinan azukatnen, as asoɣat (awa dar tidila as timkarawen adobatnen adəkəlnat atwəsəkən aqalnat tidit), eqal tahašilt waren timda (awen dar tidila as əlanəti təmkarawen adutətnen waren adobat atwəsəkən dǎɣ wen mertay. |
Modern logic is divided into recursion theory, model theory, and proof theory, and is closely linked to theoretical computer science, as well as to category theory. | Enahəji išrayan azun as tamusne ən atwəɣar, tamusne ən iritan ad tamusne ən tamatert, izar taqal tahurut anmətaf as alaɣi ən tamusne, as sund tamusne tan iritan. |
Computability theory examines the limitations of various theoretical models of the computer, including the most well-known model—the Turing machine. | Tamusne ən assedən kayad issəmda ən iritan ajətnen ən tamusne tan ordinateur, as iha iri iknan atwəzy maršin wan Turing. |
"Consideration of the natural numbers also leads to the transfinite numbers, which formalize the concept of ""infinity""." | "Tijit ən maɗinan əknanen təwayed deɣ as imaɗinan amindanen,tajanen musnat ən ""waren imədi"."" |
Thus one can study groups, rings, fields and other abstract systems; together such studies (for structures defined by algebraic operations) constitute the domain of abstract algebra. | Nadobat səlməɣa teɣare gruɗtan, iɣləlwayan, idagan ad mertayən iyad əfarnen; mertay ən təɣareten (ye təməkrusen atiwalaɣatnen as issidinən ən aɗinan) eqal edag ən aɗinan ifaran. |
Trigonometry is the branch of mathematics that deals with relationships between the sides and the angles of triangles and with the trigonometric functions. | Trigonométrie taqal ašrut ən imaɗinan itajən mertayən jar išrutən ad tədnaɣen ən triangəlten ad ašəɣəlan ən trigonométriques. |
Convex and discrete geometry were developed to solve problems in number theory and functional analysis but now are pursued with an eye on applications in optimization and computer science. | Géométrie takirəmbayat as géométrie təfarat atwəsamɣarnat ye amukən ən itaraqan ən tamusne ən maɗinan ad akayad ašeɣalən, mašan aqlnat amadǎɣ alkum dǎɣ ahanay ən ijitan dǎɣ assiwəɗ ad dǎɣ alaɣi. |
Lie groups are used to study space, structure, and change. | Gruptan win Lie atiwətkal ye aləmad ən edag, taməkunt ad ašanzi. |
Functions arise here as a central concept describing a changing quantity. | Ašəɣəlan atuwənhayan diha sund musnat namas talaɣet tajute tašənzet. |
One of many applications of functional analysis is quantum mechanics. | Amukən ən harat eqal iyan ijitan ajətnen ən akayad ašeɣalan. |
"Statisticians (working as part of a research project) ""create data that makes sense"" with random sampling and with randomized experiments; the design of a statistical sample or experiment specifies the analysis of the data (before the data becomes available)." | "Iməlaɣitan (ašeɣalan dǎɣ taberat ən aniyat ən umaɣ) "tajən ….lanen alaɣi "tassəbt ən assətkal ən tabaɣort ad as təmusnawen abeɣərnen; təmənhuyt ən assətkal meɣ ən tamusne taɗinat təzlay akayad ən ihukan (dat as war aqelan təlat). " |
Numerical analysis studies methods for problems in analysis using functional analysis and approximation theory; numerical analysis includes the study of approximation and discretisation broadly with special concern for rounding errors. | Akayad naɗin iɣaru timkarawen ye asəbabən ən akayad dǎɣ atkul ən akayad ašeɣalan ad tamusne ən tihza; akayad ən edan ila teɣare ən ihaz ad assusəm as tənna haruwat ad aniyat ebdan ye imrəlitan awednen. |
The Chern Medal was introduced in 2010 to recognize lifetime achievement. | Tasɣəlt tan Chern təgaš ɣor 2010 ye iji nalhak ən tədawt ən ijitan. |
This list achieved great celebrity among mathematicians, and at least nine of the problems have now been solved. | Ismawən iwadən amussan maqaran jar iməssidan, ad ogdahən ad təza tarəqatan atwaqalan amukən amara. |
The value of Pi was first calculated by him. | Eqal wazaran as assedən ən migdahaw ən Pi. |
"It was the Pythagoreans who coined the term ""mathematics"", and with whom the study of mathematics for its own sake begins." | "Aqalan Pythagoriəientan wijanen issəm ""imaɗinan"", ad dǎɣ issənta teɣare ən imaɗinan ye manassən.” |
Because of a political dispute, the Christian community in Alexandria punished her, presuming she was involved, by stripping her naked and scraping off her skin with clamshells (some say roofing tiles). | Dǎɣ assədətu ən akənas ən fulatik, taməte tan əhrétientan ən Alexandrie tassəsnəntat, dǎɣ tənna as tartay. Dǎɣ uzif iness ad ašəšar nelam iness as fokiamən ən ɗalourdes (iyad janen tuilten). |
Funding for translation of scientific texts in other languages was ongoing throughout the reign of certain caliphs, and it turned out that certain scholars became experts in the works they translated and in turn received further support for continuing to develop certain sciences. | Tamazilt ən alaɣi ən ikatabən amusənen dǎɣ iyad magridan tanəlkam ɣor təšəjrit ən təməniya ən kaliftan iyad, izar atwəsan as imusanən iyad aqalan imusanən dǎɣ alkad wi talaɣen izar ijrawən ɣor saɣlay nassən talilt tawedat ye ikuy ən asjət ən təmusnawen tiyad. |
A notable feature of many scholars working under Muslim rule in medieval times is that they were often polymaths. | Tamezlayt maqarat ən imusanən ajətnen ašeɣalnen daw tijra tan inəsləman ɣor azaman taruwat taqal as aqalan agud inəmussanən. |
During this period of transition from a mainly feudal and ecclesiastical culture to a predominantly secular one, many notable mathematicians had other occupations: Luca Pacioli (founder of accounting); Niccolò Fontana Tartaglia (notable engineer and bookkeeper); Gerolamo Cardano (earliest founder of probability and binomial expansion); Robert Recorde (physician) and François Viète (lawyer). | Daɣ azzaman wen ɣur agna wan feodal d ekleziastik har wan ɣalamaniya , matematisyen tan ililan daɣ is alxidmaten tiyyad: Luca Pacioli (amaxlak n medan), Niccolo Fontana Tartaglia (injenieur maqqoran d anaɣlaf n alkittaban); Gerolamo Cardano (amaxlak wan ezzaran n ach-ak d efes n binom); Robert Recorde (fizisien) d Francois Viete (avoka) |
British universities of this period adopted some approaches familiar to the Italian and German universities, but as they already enjoyed substantial freedoms and autonomy the changes there had begun with the Age of Enlightenment, the same influences that inspired Humboldt. | Universiteten tin Britannique ən azaman ten dakalnat ihzawan iyad olahnen ye universiteten tin Italie ad Allemagne, mašan sund ilanət harwa tanoflayt ad tahajit tahusket, išənzitan assətan ad awatay wan ifewan, tijraten tindǎɣ assəflasnen Humboldt. |
Students could conduct research in seminars or laboratories and began to produce doctoral theses with more scientific content. | Iməɣran adoben agay ən umaɣawən dǎɣ séminairtan meɣ ihanan numaɣ izar santen iji ən batutən ən doctorat ən amas iknan musnat. |
Mathematicians and applied mathematicians are considered to be two of the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) careers. | Iməssidan ad iməssidan janen atiwətkalən sund assin dǎɣ tahajit STEM (tamusne, amukən, temašaɣalt ad imaɗinan). |
Actuaries also address financial questions, including those involving the level of pension contributions required to produce a certain retirement income and the way in which a company should invest resources to maximize its return on investments in light of potential risk. | Inəlmadan tajan harwa assestanən ən izərfan,atamosan wi aqalnen edag ən isdawan ən tasunfat tahušalat ye iji ajaraw iyan ən tasunfat ad alməɣna was ehan ad ašəš ən haratan ye asjət ən ajaraw ən išəša iness takətawt ən mahəlat tasohet. |
The hieroglyphic system for Egyptian numerals, like the later Roman numerals, descended from tally marks used for counting. | Tartit hiéroglyphique ən edanən win misratan, sund edanən win romaintan adəmalanen, azizəbat iritan ən idud atiwatkalan yeassedən. |
Early number systems that included positional notation were not decimal, including the sexagesimal (base 60) system for Babylonian numerals, and the vigesimal (base 20) system that defined Maya numerals. | Tartiyen azarnen ən edanən lanen akatab azuken war aqelan déəimaux,atamosan tartit sexagésimal (ider 60) ye edan win Babylontan ad tartit ɣigésimal (ider 20) talaɣet edanən win mayas. |
Prior to the works of Euclid around 300 BC, Greek studies in mathematics overlapped with philosophical and mystical beliefs. | Dat ašəɣəlan win Euclide, ibret 300 dat. J.-C., tiɣaraten grectan dǎɣ imaɗinan timəqussən ad təflas ən məgridən ad ufaran. |
The ancient Greeks lacked a symbol for zero until the Hellenistic period, and they used three separate sets of symbols as digits: one set for the units place, one for the tens place, and one for the hundreds. | Grectan arunen warlen ešwal ye wala dat alwaq ən tanalmut, izar dakalan qarad mertayən azlaynen as ešwəlan ye edanən: mertay ye tabəde ən iyan,iyan ye tabəde tan təmərwen ad iyan ye timad. |
Their long division algorithm was the same, and the digit-by-digit square root algorithm, popularly used as recently as the 20th century, was known to Archimedes (who may have invented it). | Algorithme ən tazunt zəjret eqal iyan, ad algorithme wan racine carrée adin as adin, ajət nətwətkal əar ɣor 20e awatay, atiwazay as Archimède (as ihaməš atijan). |
The ancient Chinese had advanced arithmetic studies dating from the Shang Dynasty and continuing through the Tang Dynasty, from basic numbers to advanced algebra. | Chinoitan arunen ikrašan tiɣareten edanan okaynen assintanen as alɣayal wan Tang, imaɗinan ən azarnen as madin okayan. |
For the hundreds place, they then reused the symbols for the units place, and so on. | Ye edag ən timaɗ, dakalan harwa ešwalan ən edag ən iyan, as dǎɣ amsuɣəl. |
The ancient Chinese were the first to meaningfully discover, understand, and apply negative numbers. | Chinoitan arunen aqalan imizaran ən ajaraw, musnat ad iji ən imaɗinan atəkanen as alməɣna atiwassənan. |
"His contemporary, the Syriac bishop Severus Sebokht (650 AD) said, ""Indians possess a method of calculation that no word can praise enough." | "Aqalan azaran, amənokal ən Syriya Severus Sebokht (650 darat J.-C.) assilmad :" Indutan əkrašən tamkare ən assedən as wala iyat tafert wartəssen atkul". |
The Arabs also learned this new method and called it hesab. | Araban almadən deɣ tamkare taynayat izar aɣrətat as hesab. |
The flourishing of algebra in the medieval Islamic world, and also in Renaissance Europe, was an outgrowth of the enormous simplification of computation through decimal notation. | Ajət ən idan dǎɣ taməte tan inəsləman arunen, mašan deɣ dǎɣ Europe tan išray, taqal asəbab ən tamɣare təfnazat ən assedən as akatab décimale. |
Arithmetic expressions must be evaluated according to the intended sequence of operations. | Tənaten ən maɗinan adəqəlnat atwəkat as amək tazunt ən sidinən atiwəqalnen. |