RSA and Diffie–Hellman use modular exponentiation.
RSA ən Diffie–Hellman mǎgrǎd exponentiation.modulaire
It is used by the most efficient implementations of polynomial greatest common divisor, exact linear algebra and Gröbner basis algorithms over the integers and the rational numbers.
Taqal ayšɣalan daɣ imɗlémentationtan wi ogarnen aśuhu ən wagaran asirtay daɣ tazune ən ɗolynomial, wən tabarat tan maɗine anilkaman oɣad əd algorithmetan wən santo far entiertan əd maɗinan ətbatnen.
The modulo operation, as implemented in many programming languages and calculators, is an application of modular arithmetic that is often used in this context.
Asəmusudiw wan modulo, atamosan igines daɣ məgridan ajotnen ən almaɣnatan əd alɣisaban, eqalan aytawagen daɣ maɗinan wən adabaratan aqalnen agudiyan amitkalan daɣ almaɣna wen.
The method of casting out nines offers a quick check of decimal arithmetic computations performed by hand.
Daɣ əmik wan agamad daɣ asostanan aynaynen ukisnašak irmaɗan daɣ alɣisab ən maɗinan animawarnen tawaganen safus.
A linear system of congruences can be solved in polynomial time with a form of Gaussian elimination, for details see linear congruence theorem.
Almaɣna anilkaman daɣ awa ilan gar maɗinan sihomiši ikna sund ɗolynomial dər əmik wan ukis ən gaussienne, fal ibaɗan wi ogarne inhiy tanhat tan awa ilan gar maɗinan anilkamnen.
The multiplication of integers (including negative numbers), rational numbers (fractions) and real numbers is defined by a systematic generalization of this basic definition.
Asinmitif ən maɗinan əmdanen (atomosan wi ifnaznen), maɗinan animawarnen (franctintan) əd maɗinan tawanhaynen aqalnen atiwazayan səmik wan atwizay wan təmusne tan santo.
The product of two measurements is a new type of measurement.
Anmitaf nəsin makatan eqal aynayan əmik wan akot.
The inverse operation of multiplication is division.
Alzawaɗ wan amlalay ən ninmitif eqal tazune.
The division of a number other than 0 by itself equals 1.
Tazuner namaɗin iyan winan amos 0 sinta emanes eqal iyandǎɣ.
This implicit usage of multiplication can cause ambiguity when the concatenated variables happen to match the name of another variable, when a variable name in front of a parenthesis can be confused with a function name, or in the correct determination of the order of operations.
Igitan winDǎɣ okayan dǎɣ anmitaf adobat adiqil tabarat naylan gar əsin haratan ugud tə timutuynen amisadawnen dǎɣ əmawan ahanat olahan dǎɣ əsim wan təbiɗawen tiyad, hak əsim ən atimutuyan dat dǎɣ ɗarenthèse eqal sihomiši olahan ən əsim nəšiɣil, meɣ dǎɣ asikin oɣadan ən anilkaman ən tidas.
"The numbers to be multiplied are generally called the ""factors""."
"Maɗinan wi tənmitifnen aqalan intanedǎɣ asitawan ““facteurs””.”
"Also as the result of a multiplication does not depend on the order of the factors, the distinction between ""multiplicand"" and ""multiplier"" is useful only at a very elementary level and in some multiplication algorithms, such as the long multiplication."
"Olahan dadabara wan asinimitaf warilkem ye anilkam ən wi sənmititnen, awa tan ebdan garesan ““multiɗliəande”” et ““way sinmitifan”” wareqel ayfan aswade hadi izwayan əd dǎɣ algorithmetan wən asinmitaf, sund asinmitaf wa zigren.
The result of a multiplication is called a product.
Aljawaban wən asinmitaf as itawanen asirtay.
The slide rule allowed numbers to be quickly multiplied to about three places of accuracy.
Almaɣna wan alɣisab itagu asinmitaf irmaɗan ən maɗinan dər asidutu naywaɗan idagan karaɗ.
The general theory is given by dimensional analysis.
Tanhat tan tətiwazayat ataqal atiwafan səmik wan akotan.
The complex numbers do not have an ordering.
Maɗinan wi asohatnen warilen anilkaman.
Here we have identity 1, as opposed to groups under addition where the identity is typically 0.
Nila diha əsiknitan 1, aybdan dǎɣ tisdaw tən daw asiwid ɣur asikin eqal atamosan 0.
To see this, consider the set of invertible square matrices of a given dimension over a given field.
Dǎɣ təmusne, atiwaga tartit tan matriəetan ogdahan əs tisigwen ən nakot ən huk dǎɣ edag atiwafan.
Another fact worth noticing is that the integers under multiplication is not a group—even if we exclude zero.
Iyan tagu anihagan aɗiqil ayktaban eqalan entiertan wi daw sənmitifan wareqel adiwan, indar tigmaɗ wala.
"In mathematics, a percentage (from Latin per centum ""by a hundred"") is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100."
"Dǎɣ maɗinan, ɗourəentage iyan (wan latin ɗer əentum ““ɗar cent””) eqal amaɗin meɣ iyad ikan asikin ən daw təniɣruf tan anmiwir wan 100.”
Computation with these fractions was equivalent to computing percentages.
Tidas dər anmiwarnasnat eqal ogdahan ən tidas tən pourcentagetan.
Whenever communicating about a percentage, it is important to specify what it is relative to (i.e., what is the total that corresponds to 100%).
Ugud wan salan ən ɗourəentage, ahuskat adisikin nawa amos (atamosan əndeki hadi nawaɗan 100%).
"When speaking of a ""10% rise"" or a ""10% fall"" in a quantity, the usual interpretation is that this is relative to the initial value of that quantity."
“Ugud wa magrad ən “ƭiwaƭ tan 10%"meɣ iyan ““afanaz wan 10%""hadi niyan, iliɣitan ən harkuk eqalan amosan aywadan agudak hadi wendǎɣ.
The same confusion between the different concepts of percent(age) and percentage points can potentially cause a major misunderstanding when journalists report about election results, for example, expressing both new results and differences with earlier results as percentages.
Milahaw wendǎɣ gar təbiɗawen nəmikan wən ɗourəentage (elan) əd dagan wən ɗourəentage adobat śaśahat adagu iba ən faham maqaran ugud wa journalistean aliɣen əsalan ən alzawaban nukis, atamosan, dǎɣ azizgar agudiyan nalɣisaban aynaynen əd təbiɗawen dər alɣisaban namas daw əmik wan ɗourəentagetan.
The term has been attributed to Latin per centum.
Əmik eqal atiwafan dǎɣ latin per centum.
Grammar and style guides often differ as to how percentages are to be written.
Əsanamahalan wen grammaire əd dəmik ebdan agudiyan fal almaɣna nakatab ən ɗourəentagetan.
"When interest rates are very low, the number 0 is included if the interest rate is less than 1%, e.g. ""% Treasury Stock"", not ""% Treasury Stock"".)"
"Ugud wan hadi ən ƭiwaƭ ifnaz, Dǎɣ iha amaɗin wan 0 afal hadi ən təwaƭ taqal amidriyan ye 1%, dǎɣ ololahan ٪""nigitan ən Trésor””,əd babo ““ %igitan wən Trésor””.)”
Likewise, the winning percentage of a team, the fraction of matches that the club has won, is also usually expressed as a decimal proportion; a team that has a .500 winning percentage has won 50% of their matches.
Dǎɣ milahaw, ən ɗourəentage wan agaraw niyan tartit, atamosan anmiwir ən matəhtan wəs əlub igrawan, eqal Dǎɣ amosan aygan daw əmik wan asinihig ən déəimal; iyat tartit taqalat ɗourəentage tan agaraw ən 0,500 har agaraw 50% ən matəhstan nes.
Subtraction also obeys predictable rules concerning related operations, such as addition and multiplication.
Ukusawan asidagan intadǎɣ ye tabaraten tawalaɣatnen aqalnen tidas tədimalanen, atamosnen asiwiɗ əd asinitfas.
Performing subtraction on natural numbers is one of the simplest numerical tasks.
Igi ən nafanaz fal maɗinan wi artaynen aqalan əšiɣil ən numérique wogaran tarɣise.
Formally, the number being subtracted is known as the subtrahend, while the number it is subtracted from is the minuend.
Dǎɣ əmik atiwaslan, amaɗin wa ikas awadəm eqal asitawana anagmad, izar amaɗin wadǎɣ damukas asitawanen anagmaɗ.
"Subtraction"" is an English word derived from the Latin verb subtrahere, which in turn is a compound of sub ""from under"" and trahere ""to pull""."
"Amukas” eqal tanuɣruf nanglais idit tigmaɗat ɣerbe wan latin subtrahere, sinta emanes ertay ən sub “dǎɣ ider”” əd trahere ““arakab””.”
From position 3, it takes no steps to the left to stay at 3, so .
Aruw əmik wan 3, walatigid tekel wala iyad ibret ən tašalmad fal atqaymid har 3, awen.
To represent such an operation, the line must be extended.
Fal asijiyh tidas tindǎɣ, anihaga adizizgrit tasiret.
"The leading digit ""1"" of the result is then discarded."
"Amadine wan aɣaf ““1""ən nalɣisab eqalan adiš aykašanin.”
In the ten's place, 0 is less than 1, so the 0 is increased by 10, and the difference with 1, which is 9, is written down in the ten's place.
Dǎɣ edag wan təmirwen, 0 ogar təmidrit dǎɣ 1. Nisawaɗ adiš dǎɣ 0 əd 10, əd nikatab ƭəbidawen dər 1, eqalan 9, dǎɣ edag wan təmirwen.
The subtraction then proceeds in the hundreds place, where 6 is not less than 5, so the difference is written down in the result's hundred's place.
Əgamaɗan anilkaman agudiyan dǎɣ adag wan ƭəmaɗ, ɣur 6 wartoger 5, sund awendǎɣ as təbiɗawt taqal ayhan edag ən ƭəmaɗ tən alɣisab.
Rather it increases the subtrahend hundred's digit by one.
Dǎɣ təbiɗawt, tiwaɗ niyan haratan ən maɗin wan təmaɗ dǎɣ ukisawan.
The answer is 1, and is written down in the result's hundred's place.
Aliɣi eqal 1, əd aqal ayktaban dǎɣ edag wan təmaɗ tən alɣisab.
This theorem was first conjectured by Pierre de Fermat in 1637 in the margin of a copy of Arithmetica, where he claimed that he had a proof that was too large to fit in the margin.
Dǎɣ awa-d-eqqalǎn isalǎn wi-n-ǎlxisab fǎl aritmetik wǎr atwasǎn asəkkən ən asədətu mashan ɣor tizzarǎt kul, dǎɣ awatay wan 1637, Pierre de Fermat assəkna tamatert maqqarǎt fǎl isalǎn ən a-wen.
The five color theorem, which has a short elementary proof, states that five colors suffice to color a map and was proven in the late 19th century; however, proving that four colors suffice turned out to be significantly harder.
Awa atwasaknǎn dǎɣ initǎn wi-n-səmmos , əs tamatert ənnes jəzzəl , asdatǎt əs initǎn səmmos əgdahǎn-y-asəssihǎɣ ən awa-s-itawanna kart s-ibret ən temeɗe ən awatay ta-s 19 , ijji nes əs əkkoz initǎn , ǎtwanhay, atiwakas ashak dǎɣ a wen as ikna așșuhu hullan .
It was the first major theorem to be proved using a computer.
Wen dǎɣ ǎtwasaknǎn əs amoos a aduten fǎl isalǎn wi asəkna Ordinater.
Additionally, any map that could potentially be a counterexample must have a portion that looks like one of these 1,936 maps.
Fǎl a wen, kart kul war-en taddoobǎt tumast ən ǎlmital , ilzam tǎt ad-təlla ashrut iyyan olahǎn əd-iyyat dǎɣ ti-n 1936.
It was originally formulated in 1908, by Steinitz and Tietze.
Atwəktəb ənnes w-azzarǎn, a-t-ijjan Steiniz id Tietze dǎɣ awatay wan 1908 .
A variety V over a finite field with q elements has a finite number of rational points, as well as points over every finite field with qk elements containing that field.
Dǎɣ awa-d-eqqalan əmməkǎn ən ǎlxisabǎn en tiɣer ti maqqornen , amoosǎn as așșohǎt əmmek ənnes shund as v fǎl harǎt iyyan imdan ,illa amaɗin imdan əd titbaqqa imdanen əd fǎl hak iha əmmək shund wen dǎɣ.
Originally conjectured by Henri Poincaré, the theorem concerns a space that locally looks like ordinary three-dimensional space but is connected, finite in size, and lacks any boundary (a closed 3-manifold).
Dǎɣ iba-n-musnat ən əmmək ən asəkni amoos a wen shund tidət , dǎɣ awa inna Henri Poincare , wen harǎt ad-eqqal a-y-illan aɗəkoɗǎn karaɗ ən banan mashan attiwaja konekte , tebadde timdat wǎr-en təlla samdo( iyyan 3 manifold eɣfalan) .
After nearly a century of effort by mathematicians, Grigori Perelman presented a proof of the conjecture in three papers made available in 2002 and 2003 on arXiv.
Darat a hin ikkan temeɗe ən awatay ən ummaɣ maqqarǎn ən kǎl matematiktan , Grigori Perelman assikna tamatert tan -iba-n-musnǎt ən ammek wan asəkkən dǎɣ ikətban karad ajjihanen ,wan 2002 əd wan 2003.
Perelman completed this portion of the proof.
Perelman asnamawaɗ-in edagg wen ən tamaɣatert .
Informally, it asks whether every problem whose solution can be quickly verified by a computer can also be quickly solved by a computer; it is widely conjectured that the answer is no.
Awa-s war atwassan ammək ən asəkkən ənnes, erha as hak tamayatert as ordinater addoobat azəgəz ənnes , nariket sar-əs ; alzhəwab, addoobat ad ummas a wǎr-en ikna.
It has not been proven which one is false, but it is widely believed that the first conjecture is true and the second one is false.
Wǎr atwakas ashak dǎɣ ta wǎr-en təkna ,mashan ammukən as ta tazzarat təkna , ta-iyyadǎt wǎr t-oɣed.
For instance, the Collatz conjecture, which concerns whether or not certain sequences of integers terminate, has been tested for all integers up to 1.2 × 1012 (over a trillion).
Almital , dǎɣ tənna ta-n Collaz ,a-wen ijja fǎl awa dǎɣ kul ihan samdo, atiwakyadnen iket nasan har 1,2 har 1012 ( a ojjarǎn milliyar ən milliyar).
That evidence may be of various kinds, such as verification of consequences of it or strong interconnections with known results.
Tamatert ten , t-addobat ad təlla isawetǎn ajjootnen , shund akayad əs ukkəs-n-ashak fǎl alɣədədǎn wi atiwasannen.
"One method of proof, applicable when there are only a finite number of cases that could lead to counterexamples, is known as ""brute force"": in this approach, all possible cases are considered and shown not to give counterexamples."
Esawe iyyan ən tamatert , ititwəjjin ǎlwǎq wa-s-təmmalǎn haratǎn əmdanen addoobatnen ukkəs ən melɣaw , atiwasanan əs isəm wan ( ashəhushəl əs ajjaraw ən awa olaɣǎn: dǎɣ esawe wen , haratǎn kul addooben ad təllan təzzar ətwəsəkən as awa saknen , wǎr amoos a wǎr-en illa alfayda .
The continuum hypothesis, which tries to ascertain the relative cardinality of certain infinite sets, was eventually shown to be independent from the generally accepted set of Zermelo–Fraenkel axioms of set theory.
Ille esawe iyyan immaɣǎn awa oharǎn haratǎn iyyaɗ wǎr-en illa samdo , tirəm almud ən awa-t-illan fǎl awa inna Zermelo Fraenkel fal haratǎn wi ǎtwarɗanen.
Few number theorists doubt that the Riemann hypothesis is true.
Wǎr əjjətan kǎl tamusne wi wǎr-en erɗa fǎl tənna tan Riemann.
The logistic map is a polynomial mapping, often cited as an archetypal example of how chaotic behaviour can arise from very simple non-linear dynamical equations.
Karte ən awa ilkaman tattiwaɗkal shund almital ən ammək əs esawe nes addoobat ad aruw tərəɗawt tasisagdahat awa atiwamaɣǎn dǎɣ taraɣse.
Kepler proved that it is the limit of the ratio of consecutive Fibonacci numbers.
Kepler asdatat as t-amoos samdo ən awa oharan harat əd isalan wi ikfa Fibonacci.
For two reasons this representation may cause problems.
Fǎl təsəba ən əssən haratan , esawe wen , addoobat asəkən ən timɣutar.
For example, the two representations 0.999... and 1 are equivalent in the sense that they represent the same number.
Almital, issoknan wi-n əssən 0,999…əd 1 ogdahǎn dihad-as amaɗin iyyan a saknenǎt .
Using computers and supercomputers, some of the mathematical constants, including π, e, and the square root of 2, have been computed to more than one hundred billion digits.
Əs tadhəlt ən ordinatertǎn əd ordinatertǎn wi əknanen melɣaw haratǎn iyyaɗ əd aqqalnen matematiktǎn , shund əd awa-s-itawanna rasin kare ən 2 atwaxsabǎn əs a okkayan temeɗe ən millyar ən imaɗinǎn.
Some constants differ so much from the usual kind that a new notation has been invented to represent them reasonably.
T-iyyaɗ dǎɣ-snǎt əknanǎt bəɗɗaw dǎɣ awa atiwazayǎn har-əd oraw a wen ummǎy ən asəbdəd nasnǎt. Alwaq iyyan, eshwal.
Sometimes, the symbol representing a constant is a whole word.
Alwǎqqǎn iyyǎd, raməs wa ehǎn n constant ǎmos isim əkmǎlǎn
0 (zero) is a number, and the numerical digit used to represent that number in numerals.
Bǎnnǎn amos esǎssǎr tolas iddikud n medǎn wa ehǎn edǎg n iddikud wen daɣ ǎsidin
"Names for the number 0 in English include zero, nought (UK), naught (US; ), nil, or—in contexts where at least one adjacent digit distinguishes it from the letter ""O""—oh or o."
“Ismǎwǎn n esǎssǎr wan bǎnnǎn (0) daɣ tǎngilist ehǎy bǎnnǎn (daɣ rwayon uni) , bǎnnǎn (daɣ amerik), nil - daɣ tǎlɣiwen tiyyǎd ɣur as iddikud ehǎn sider izlay ti i letǎr “”O”” - oh meɣ o”
For the simple notion of lacking, the words nothing and none are often used.
Tifert rǎqqisǎt tan ibǎn, ismǎwǎn win wala d kǎla alwǎq iyyǎn intǎned axdǎmnen
It is often called oh in the context of telephone numbers.
Alwǎq itǎwǎn has Oh daɣ tǎlɣa n isǎssǎrǎn win tǎlǎfon tan
The symbol nfr, meaning beautiful, was also used to indicate the base level in drawings of tombs and pyramids, and distances were measured relative to the base line as being above or below this line.
Mǎris wan nfr s almǎɣna net tihussǎy inta deɣ exǎddǎm i asilmǎd n edǎg daɣ idǎlojǎn n izikwǎn d Piramid tan d wa id ikkǎt nat tišijriten daɣ iyǎka ehǎn afǎlla meɣ sider n iyǎka wen
The Babylonian placeholder was not a true zero because it was not used alone, nor was it used at the end of a number.
Inǎdbǎɣ n terist wan Babylone war eqqel bǎnnǎn s tiditt fal as war exǎddǎm inta ɣas meɣ exǎddǎm daɣ amindi n esǎssǎr.
By AD 150, Ptolemy, influenced by Hipparchus and the Babylonians, was using a symbol for zero in his work on mathematical astronomy called the Syntaxis Mathematica, also known as the Almagest.
ɣur 150 n awǎtǎy data annǎbi ɣisa, Ptolemy,omar Hipparchus d Kel Babylone tan , exǎddǎm s mǎris i bǎnnǎn daɣ alxidmǎt net fal astronomi tan mǎtematik tawǎɣrit s Syntaxis Mathematica, tiwǎssǎnǎt s isim wan Almagest.
"This use was repeated in AD525 in an equivalent table, that was translated via the Latin nulla or ""none"" by Dionysius Exiguus, alongside Roman numerals."
“ Axǎdǎm wen olas iji daɣ awǎtǎy wan 525 dǎta annǎbi ɣisa fal tǎbǎl togdǎhǎt , tǎfǎssǎrǎt s Latin nulla meɣ ‘’kala’’ ija Dionysius Exiguus, edes n asidin””
The Lokavibhāga, a Jain text on cosmology surviving in a medieval Sanskrit translation of the Prakrit original, which is internally dated to AD 458 (Saka era 380), uses a decimal place-value system, including a zero.
Lokavibhāga, akǎtǎb fal kosmoloji iddǎrǎn daɣ azzǎmǎn wan afissǎr n Sanskrist n Prakrit wan alǎsǎl amosǎn a ijan daɣ 458 n awǎtǎy darat annǎbi ɣisa (azzǎmǎn wan saka 380), exdǎm s sistem wan alqim n edǎg wan ifrǎsǎn eha bǎnnǎn
"In 813, al-Khwarizmi used the Hindu numerals in his astronomical tables."""
“Daɣ awǎtǎy wan 813, al-Khwarizmi exdǎm s asidin wan Hindu tan daɣ tabǎl tan net tin astronomi””
This book was later translated into Latin in the 12th century under the title Algoritmi de numero Indorum.
Alkittǎb wen afissǎr darǎt a-wa daɣ Latin daɣ awǎtǎy wan 1200 s eɣaf wan Algoritmi de numero indorum
I pursued my study in depth and learned the give-and-take of disputation.
Okǎyǎɣ daɣ teɣǎre nin hullǎn tolas almǎdǎɣ awa ehǎn unha d armis wan amšikki
I have striven to compose this book in its entirety as understandably as I could, dividing it into fifteen chapters.
Ijjed assǎhǎt i asirtǎy n alkittǎb wen fuk net s immik wa s ila afǎhǎm daɣ as ti azunǎɣ s sammos albǎbǎn
The nine Indian figures are: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1.
Isǎssǎrǎn win tǎza n medǎn win India amosǎn: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 .
254–255 include 0 as a natural number, in which case it is the only natural number that is not positive.
254 har 255 eha 0 amosǎn esǎssǎr n bǎtil daɣ awen amos esǎssǎr n bǎtil war n oleɣ
As a value or a number, zero is not the same as the digit zero, used in numeral systems with positional notation.
As amos alqim meɣ esǎssǎr , bǎnnǎn war olǎh id iddikud wan bǎnnǎn exdǎmǎn daɣ sistem tan win medǎn ilan edǎg daɣ asimil
The number 0 may or may not be considered a natural number, but it is an integer, and hence a rational number and a real number (as well as an algebraic number and a complex number).
Iddikud wan bannan addobat meɣ war addobat ad eqqal iddikud n batil mucham iddikud ikmalan ,daɣ awen iddikud rasyonel d iddikud n tiditt ( hak id iddikud n algebra d iddikud maqqoran)
It cannot be prime because it has an infinite number of factors, and cannot be composite because it cannot be expressed as a product of prime numbers (as 0 must always be one of the factors).
War addobǎt ad ezzǎr fal as ila esǎssǎr andǎrrǎn n ɣǎmil tan tolas war addobǎt tǎrtit fal as war addobǎt ad eqqil asuj n isǎssǎrǎn wi azzǎrnen (fal as bǎnnǎn ilzǎm ti hǎrkuk ad eqqǎl iyyǎd daɣ ɣǎmil tan )
These rules apply for any real or complex number x, unless otherwise stated.
Aššǎreɣa tan tin tǎjin- at i esǎssǎr fuk n x adutten meɣ mǎqqorǎn a fal wǎdden s immik as atwǎn.
The cardinality function, applied to the empty set, returns the empty set as a value, thereby assigning it 0 elements.
Titbǎqet tan anǎtfǎs, tijat i jǎmiɣ war eha hǎrt, suɣil jǎmiɣ war eha hǎrat šund alqim , kuddeɣ as hak 0 titbǎqqa
In abstract algebra, 0 is commonly used to denote a zero element, which is a neutral element for addition (if defined on the structure under consideration) and an absorbing element for multiplication (if defined).
Daɣ abstract algebra, 0 t-axdǎm hǎrkuk i asilmǎd n titbǎqet bǎnnǎn amosǎn titbǎqet n muxid i aziyid ( a fal ijja almǎɣna fal edey eɣbǎlǎn) tolas titbǎqet sas-it i anǎtfǎs ( a fal ija almǎɣna)
For some quantities, the zero level is naturally distinguished from all other levels, whereas for others it is more or less arbitrarily chosen.
Daɣ iddikud tan iyyǎd, edǎg wan bǎnnǎn izlay id ihǎndǎgǎn wi yǎdnen as ijja awen i wi yǎdnen amos nefraǎ n bǎnnǎn.
It has been shown that a cluster of four neutrons may be stable enough to be considered an atom in its own right.
At-wǎssǎn as tǎqqimt n neutron tan akkoz addoben ad aj in azukki tan assoɣǎlǎn atom daɣ alxǎq net
For example, the elements of an array are numbered starting from 0 in C, so that for an array of n items the sequence of array indices runs from 0 to .
Almitǎl, titbǎqqa n mǎjmuɣǎt addun-at s asinti ɣur 0 daɣ C, i as mǎjmuɣǎt tin isuj n ichǎmolǎn n anmilǎy n mǎjmuɣǎt itišil fal 0
In databases, it is possible for a field not to have a value.
Daɣ database tan, addobǎt mǎjal ad war ila alqim
For text fields this is not blank nor the empty string.
I mǎjal tan win akǎtǎb awen war eqqel etǎɣǎs meɣ esǎssǎr war eha hǎrat
Any computation including a null value delivers a null result.
Medǎn fuk eha alqim bǎnnǎn ehak xal n bǎnnǎn
In Formula One, if the reigning World Champion no longer competes in Formula One in the year following their victory in the title race, 0 is given to one of the drivers of the team that the reigning champion won the title with.
Dǎɣ əmik ən 1, afal emarne ən aduniyat dǎɣ salan winan itimaɣ ogaran Əmik ən 1 dǎɣ awatay waylkaman agaraw dǎɣ azal ən salan, 0 eqal atiwafan dǎɣ manahadan ən tartit dər amosan emarn ən salan dǎɣ atiwakalan fal salan.
Typewriters originally made no distinction in shape between O and 0; some models did not even have a separate key for the digit 0.
Dǎɣ santo, maəhinetan ən akatab winan itigu tibidawen ən əmik gar O əd 0; iyad almaɣnatan winan ila wala buton ebdan fal amaɗin 0.
The digit 0 with a dot in the center seems to have originated as an option on IBM 3270 displays and has continued with some modern computer typefaces such as Andalé Mono, and in some airline reservation systems.
Amaɗin 0 dər edag dǎɣ amas olahan adiqil adizgaran sund tabarat fal tiset ən IBM 3270 əd təwa ƭ dər niyad ɗoliəetan ən almaɣnatan ən informatiquetan amutaynen sunk Andalé Mono, əd dǎɣ iyad əmikan ən tawaran ən əomɗagnietan aériennetan.
1 (one, also called unit, and unity) is a number and a numerical digit used to represent that number in numerals.
1 (iyan, deɣkanen sitawana unité, əd unité) eqalan amaɗin əd amaɗin ən numérique amitkalan fal adigišan amaɗin wen dǎɣ imaɗinan.
In conventions of sign where zero is considered neither positive nor negative, 1 is the first and smallest positive integer.
Dǎɣ asostanan ən aliɣi ɣur wala eqalan atiwagan sund winan ahuskat wa dijer, 1 eqal wadazaran əd wogaran təmidrit əmdan ahusken.
Most if not all properties of 1 can be deduced from this.
Iyadak, adiš kul tabaraten ən 1 adoben dǎɣ adiqilan ayfnazan.
It is thus the integer after zero.
Eqal amos amaɗin əmdan darat wala.
It was transmitted to Europe via the Maghreb and Andalusia during the Middle Ages, through scholarly works written in Arabic.
Eqal atiwanan dǎɣ Europe ɣia ən Maghgeb əd Andalousie dǎɣ Moyen Âge, fal anmitaf ən alkitaban isanen akatab dǎɣ tarabt.
Styles that do not use the long upstroke on digit 1 usually do not use the horizontal stroke through the vertical of the digit 7 either.
Əmikan winan idikil wi zagrotnen adriš ədiskaran fal amaɗin 1winan idikil deɣqanen babo ogaran tasiret tan horizontal dǎɣ tabarat toɣadat dǎɣ amaɗin wa 7.
By definition, 1 is the magnitude, absolute value, or norm of a unit complex number, unit vector, and a unit matrix (more usually called an identity matrix).
Dǎɣ aliɣi, 1 eqal magnitude, ən valeur absolue meɣ uqud ən amaɗin aśohen ən unitaire, ən ɣeəteur unitaire əd matriəe unitaire (ogaran deɣqanen sitawana matrice atiwazayan).
In category theory, 1 is sometimes used to denote the terminal object of a category.
Dǎɣ tabarat ən təbidawen, 1 eqal agudiyan amitkalan fal adiqil harat ən santo ən təbiɗawen.