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et de filiis Phaethmoab Edna et Chalal Banaias Maasias Mathanias Beselehel et Bennui et Manasse | And of the sons of Phahath, Moab, Edna, and Chalal, Banaias, and Maasias, Mathanias, Beseleel, Bennui, and Manasse. | 73233 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
quibus quondam Ti. Cannutius, obicientibus sibi quod in re p. administranda potissimum consularis Isaurici sectam sequeretur, malle respondit Isaurici esse discipulum quam Epidi calumniatoris. | And when they once mocked Tiberius Cannutius for choosing to support the political faction of Isauricus, the former consul replied: "I would rather be a follower of Isauricus than of a wrong accuser like Epidius." | 45667 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
cum autem venerit Filius hominis in maiestate sua et omnes angeli cum eo tunc sedebit super sedem maiestatis suae | And when the Son of man shall come in his majesty, and all the angels with him, then shall he sit upon the seat of his majesty. | 81981 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Ita relaxatis mediis intervallis sine inpeditionibus aditus accedentibus erit ad deorum simulacra. | The middle spaces between columns are to be expanded in this manner, so that there can be an unobstructed path for those who are approaching the statues of the gods. | 67019 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
sic demum rapidi venies ad Phasidis amnem; castra ibi iam Scythiae fraternaque surgit Erinys; ipse truces illic Colchos hostemque iuvabis auxiliis. | So at length you shall come to the rapid stream of Phasis; there a Scythian camp already exists, and a war rages between the brothers; you yourself shall assist the fierce Colchians and your enemy with your help. | 55688 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
refugit vero quod aestimat esse fugiendum. | but he runs away from what he thinks is to be avoided. | 13340 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
ast illae diversa metu per litora passim diffugiunt silvasque et sicubi concava furtim saxa petunt; piget incepti lucisque, suosque mutatae agnoscunt, excussaque pectore Iuno est. | But the women scatter in dismay over the shores this way and that, and make their way secretly towards any woods or hollow rocks they can find. They detest the deed and the light of day; with altered thoughts, they recognize their relatives, and Juno is no longer holding a firm grip on their hearts. | 63970 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
dixitque ad eum quid fecisti vox sanguinis fratris tui clamat ad me de terra | And he said to him: What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth to me from the earth. | 74817 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
sed <id egit> ut quod in alea perdiderat beneficio legis dissolveret. | Ah, but his intention was to settle his gambling debts by granting a favor through legislation. | 20850 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
respondit ei Iesus si male locutus sum testimonium perhibe de malo si autem bene quid me caedis | Jesus answered him: If I have spoken evil, give testimony of the evil; but if well, why strikest thou me? | 88919 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Quid quod eundem in annum consulatum nostrum in quem tuum contulisti? Ergo non alia nos pagina quam te consulem accipiet, et nostra quoque nomina addentur fastis, quibus ipse praescriberis. | Nor can I overlook the fact that you granted us a consulship in the same year as you held yours, and thus our consulship will be registered on the same page as yours, and our names will appear in the list led by yours on the calendar. | 27535 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Simili de causa, oleae semen cum sit nuculeus, quod ex eo tardius enascebatur colis quam ex aliis, ideo potius in seminariis taleas, quas dixi, serimus. | For a comparable reason, as the seed of the olive is a nut, we choose to cultivate the described cuttings in our nurseries, as it was established that the stem grows slower from the olive nut than from other nuts. | 60020 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Helvetii, seu quod timore perterritos Romanos discedere a se existimarent, eo magis quod pridie superioribus locis occupatis proelium non commisissent, sive eo quod re frumentaria intercludi posse confiderent, commutato consilio atque itinere converso nostros a novissimo agmine insequi ac lacessere coeperunt. | The Helvetii, either because they thought that the Romans, struck with terror, were retreating from them, the more so, as the day before, though they had seized on the higher grounds, they had not joined battle, or because they flattered themselves that they might be cut off from provisions, altered their plan and changed their route, and began to pursue and annoy our men in the rear. | 14636 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
ipse per arma volans et per iuga summa carinae hortatur supplexque manus intendit Iason nomine quemque premens. | Then Jason, himself, hurrying over the tackle and the uppermost benches of the ship, encourages them, stretching out imploring hands and urging each man by name. | 55701 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Die constituta causae dictionis Orgetorix ad iudicium omnem suam familiam, ad hominum milia decem, undique coegit, et omnes clientes obaeratosque suos, quorum magnum numerum habebat, eodem conduxit; per eos ne causam diceret se eripuit. | On the day scheduled for his trial, Orgetorix gathered to the court from all directions all his vassals, totaling ten thousand; and he also brought all his dependents and debtor-bondsmen, of whom he had many; by their aid, he freed himself from having to defend his case. | 14541 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Principio externa corpus de parte necessum est, aeriis quoniam vicinum tangitur auris, tundier atque eius crebro pulsarier ictu; proptereaque fere res omnes aut corio sunt aut etiam conchis aut callo aut cortice tectae. | In the first place, it is necessary that since the body is touched by the breezes of the neighboring air, the outer part of the body must be thumped and buffeted by the frequent blows of the air; and that is why nearly all things are protected by skin, or even shells, or a callosity or bark. | 24449 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Huius Hercyniae silvae, quae supra demonstrata est, latitudo novem dierum iter expedito patet: non enim aliter finiri potest, neque mensuras itinerum noverunt. | The extent of this Hercynian forest, mentioned earlier, takes a quick traveler nine days to cross. It cannot be measured in any other way, as they are unfamiliar with standard lengths of roads. | 15799 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
omnibus eximium formae decus, omnibus idem cultus et expleto teneri iam fine pudoris virginitas matura toris annique tumentes. | All of them had an exceptional beauty, and they were all dressed identically. They had reached the age of tender modesty, their youth and their blooming years were ready for the sacred institution of matrimony. | 41698 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Oppidani enim loco superiore decurrunt et eminus sine periculo proeliantur multosque pertinaciter succedentes vulnerant; non deterrentur tamen milites nostri vineas proferre et labore atque operibus locorum vincere difficultates. | For the townsmen ran down from the high ground, and fought without any risk, and wounded several of our men, yet they obstinately pushed on and were not deterred from moving forward the vineae, and from surmounting by their assiduity the difficulties of situation. | 16602 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
XXIV. Vinum Graecum hoc modo fieri oportet. | XXIV. Directions for making Greek wine: | 17450 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
et erat ibi usque ad obitum Herodis ut adimpleretur quod dictum est a Domino per prophetam dicentem ex Aegypto vocavi filium meum | That it might be fulfilled which the Lord spoke by the prophet, saying: Out of Egypt have I called my son. | 79225 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Unde ad id tempus reges eiusdem gentis praetumidi, appellari se patiuntur Solis fratres et Lunae, utque imperatoribus nostris Augusta nuncupatio amabilis est et optata, ita regibus Parthicis abiectis et ignobilibus antea, incrementa dignitatum felicibus Arsacis auspiciis accessere vel maxima. | Hence, the kings of that lineage who were excessively boastful in the past still refer to themselves as brothers of the Sun and Moon. Similarly, just as the title of Augustus is beloved and desired by our emperors, the Parthian kings, who were once insignificant and unknown, gained the greatest increase in prestige under the favorable auspices of Arsaces. | 2257 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
victori David ad recordandum | in finem David in rememoratione eo quod salvum me fecit Dominus | 85438 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Dareus id quod Parmenio suaserat hostem facturum esse coniectans, frenatos equos stare magnamque exercitus partem in armis esse ac vigilias intentiore cura servari iusserat; ergo ignibus tota eius castra fulgebant. | Darius had assumed that the enemy would follow Parmenion's advice. As a result, he commanded his troops to keep their horses bridled, armed a large portion of his army, and enforced increased vigilance during night watch. Consequently, his entire camp was illuminated with the glow of the many fires. | 31230 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Igitur huc intendit, missis ad census Galliarum P. Vitellio et C. Antio. Silius et Caecina fabricandae classi praeponuntur. | To this course, then, he directed his focus. Publius Vitellius and Gaius Antius were dispatched to evaluate the Gallic tribute: Silius and Caecina were assigned to oversee the building of a navy. | 48317 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Detrahe Atheniensibus Thesea, nullae aut non tam clarae Athenae erunt, si quidem ille vicatim dispersos cives suos in suam unam urbem contraxit, separatimque et agresti more viventi populo amplissimae civitatis formam atque imaginem imposuit. | Take Theseus away from the Athenians, and Athens will not exist, or not be so famous, for it was he who brought his countrymen scattered in villages into a single city of their own and gave the form and semblance of a great community to a people living separately and in rustic fashion. | 57978 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Primum ergo diem azymorum appellat eum in quo exercitum eorum esset educturus de Aegypto. | He called that day the first day of unleavened bread on which he was to bring their army out of Egypt. | 11584 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Et sicut aetate par erat regi, ita corporis habitu praestabat. | And even though Hephaestion was of the same age as the king, he still surpassed him in physical size. | 30707 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
et misit ei fibulam auream sicuti est consuetudo dari cognatis regum et dedit ei Accaron et omnes fines eius in possessionem | And he sent him a buckle of gold, as the custom is, to be given to such as are of the royal blood. And he gave him Accaron, and all the borders thereof, in possession. | 83039 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
At ille confestim veniens ad reginam Eanfledam, quia notus erat ei, eiusque consilio et suffragiis praefato fuerat monasterio sociatus, indicavit ei desiderium sibi inesse beatorum apostolorum limina visitandi: quae delectata bono adolescentis proposito, misit eum Cantiam ad regem Erconberctum, qui erat filius avunculi sui, postulans ut eum honorifice Romam transmitteret. | Whereupon, he immediately went to queen Eanfled. As she knew him well and had recommended him to the monastery, he expressed his desire to visit the churches of the blessed apostles. The young man's good intentions delighted her, so she sent him to Kent to meet her uncle's son, King Erconbert, and requested him to treat the young man with respect and send him to Rome. | 11508 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
noctem adeo placidasque operi iunxere tenebras, certamenque immane viris, quo concita tendunt agmina, quis visas proclamet ab aggere Thebas, cuius in Ogygio stet princeps lancea muro. | Night also adds darkness to their work, and a fierce competition arises among the warriors as to who will be the first to sight Thebes from a hillock. The city is the objective of their rapid columns, and they hope to be the first to make their lances stick in an Ogygian wall. | 43849 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Maroboduus, genere nobilis, corpore praevalens, animo ferox, natione magis quam ratione barbarus, non tumultuarium neque fortuitum neque mobilem et ex voluntate parentium constantem inter suos occupavit principatum, sed certum imperium vimque regiam complexus animo statuit avocata procul a Romanis gente sua eo progredi, ubi cum propter potentiora arma refugisset, sua faceret potentissima. | A man of noble family, strong in body and courageous in mind, a barbarian by birth but not in intelligence, he achieved among his countrymen no mere chiefs position gained as the result of internal disorders or chance or liable to change and dependent upon the caprice of his subjects. But, conceiving in his mind the idea of a definite empire and royal powers, he resolved to remove his own race far away from the Romans and to migrate to a place where, inasmuch as he had fled before the strength of more powerful arms, he might make his own all powerful. | 61913 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
denique non eum aliquando cecidisse sed tam diu stetisse plus miror. | In brief, I am amazed not so much by his recent downfall, but rather by the fact that he managed to remain in his position for such a lengthy period of time. | 35713 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Dein, quia pluribus adversum Tacfarinatem expeditionibus cognitum, non gravi nec uno incursu consectandum hostem vagum, excito cum popularibus rege Ptolemaeo quattuor agmina parat, quae legatis aut tribunis data; et praedatorias manus delecti Maurorum duxere: ipse consultor aderat omnibus. | Then, since many military campaigns against Tacfarinas had proven that it was not possible to defeat a mobile enemy with just one attack carried out by heavily equipped soldiers, he called upon King Ptolemy and his fellow citizens. He formed four groups under the leadership of legates or tribunes, and select groups of raiders were led by skilled Moors. He himself was present as an advisor to all four groups. | 49327 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
et nos tela, pater, ferrumque haud debile dextra spargimus, et nostro sequitur de vulnere sanguis. | I, father, am also capable of throwing darts and my right hand is not weak. Blood also flows from my strikes. | 62822 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
ut deleret omnes inimicos tuos coram te sicut locutus est | That he would destroy all thy enemies before thee, as he hath spoken. | 70694 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
timebunt me audientes reges horrendi in multitudine videbor bonus et in bello fortis | Terrible kings hearing, shall be afraid of me: among the multitude I shall be found good, and valiant in war. | 97357 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
anne bibam superest quodcumque cruoris Inachii et vestris etiamnum mortibus utar? vidi ego me propter ruptos telluris hiatus, nec subii; vidi exanimum fecique nocentem Tydea; me Tegee regem indefensa reposcit, orbaque Parrhasiis ululat mihi mater in antris. | Or should I drink what is left of Inachian blood and still use your deaths? I saw the earth gape and yawn on my account and I did not go in. I saw Tydeus lifeless and convicted him. Tegea, which is undefended, claims back her king from me, and his bereaved mother keens at me in Parrhasian glens. | 43519 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
tela simul variamque ferunt contra aspera ponti rerum ad tempus opem. | Weapons also were brought on board, and much else to help them against the dangers of the sea in time of need. | 40875 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
At ille ita conclusit: Et ego vobis dico, quia hic est ostiarius ille cui ego contradicere nolo; sed in quantum novi vel valeo, huius cupio in omnibus obedire statutis; ne forte me adveniente ad fores regni caelorum, non sit qui reserat, averso illo qui claves tenere probatur. | And the King concluded in this manner, 'I declare to you that I will not contradict a porter as good as this one; since I have knowledge and authority, it is my desire to fully follow his rules; for fear that when I approach the gates of heaven, I discover no one to open them for me, due to him having been displeased and proven to hold the keys." | 10481 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Praefectos alacriores faciendum praemiis dandaque opera ut habeant peculium et coniunctas conservas, e quibus habeant filios. | The foremen are to be motivated through incentives, and it is necessary to ensure that they possess some personal property as well as female slaves as partners to conceive offspring for them. | 59812 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
post eos aedificavit Seddo filius Emmer contra domum suam et post eum aedificavit Semeia filius Secheniae custos portae orientalis | After them built Sadoc the son of Emmer over against his house. And after him built Semaia the son of Sechenias, keeper of the east gate. | 92468 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
volvitur ipse tibi, qui continet omnia, Phoebus eque tuis ortos in tua condit equos. | For you, the Sun-God himself who holds everything together, revolves; he puts his steeds that rise in your domains to rest in your domains. | 33901 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Sed illo post non multum temporis, prae inopia rerum, ab episcopatu decedente, atque ad alia loca secedente, Gebmundum pro eo substituit antistitem. | But, when he soon left the bishopric due to lack of necessary things, and went somewhere else, Theodore designated Gebmund as his successor. | 10786 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
revertere Domine erue animam meam salva me propter misericordiam tuam | convertere Domine eripe animam meam salvum me fac propter misericordiam tuam | 80086 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Commius incensum calcaribus equum coniungit equo Quadrati lanceaque infesta magnis viribus medium femur traicit Voluseni. | Comius, while clapping spurs to his horse, approached Volusenus, and, using his lance, forcefully pierced him in the thigh. | 16638 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
nam simul ac fessis dederit fors copiam Achivis urbis Dardaniae Neptunia solvere vincla, alta Polyxenia madefient caede sepulcra, quae, velut ancipiti succumbens victima ferro, proiciet truncum submisso poplite corpus. | For as soon as the tired Achaens are given the power by Fortune to untie the Neptune-forged crown of the Trojan city, Polyxena's blood shall wet the high tomb. She, like a sacrifice falling under a double-edged sword, shall bend her knee and bow her headless body. | 18940 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
non post multum autem misit se contra ipsam ventus typhonicus qui vocatur euroaquilo | But not long after, there arose against it a tempestuous wind, called Euroaquilo. | 83674 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
a crudele genus nec fidum femina nomen! a pereat, didicit fallere si qua virum. | O cruel sex! Woman, a treacherous race! Away with her who has learned to play her husband false! | 54708 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
quibus suppliciis compressi ex deformibus Pyrrhi munusculis acerrimi hostes exstiterunt. | Daunted by these punishments, Pyrrhus' unattractive small gifts transformed into his most enthusiastic adversaries. | 57009 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
et vidi tamquam mare vitreum mixtum igne et eos qui vicerunt bestiam et imaginem illius et numerum nominis eius stantes supra mare vitreum habentes citharas Dei | And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had overcome the beast and his image and the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, having the harps of God: | 87891 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Sed cuius parentes ignoti erant, facile fuit eorum filium dici quorum et omnes possumus videri. | But if a man's parents were unknown, it was simple to consider him as the child of the sky and the earth; all of us must be regarded as their offspring. | 53151 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Audiit exanimis, trepidoque exterrita cursu unguibus ora soror foedans et pectora pugnis per medios ruit ac morientem nomine clamat: hoc illud, germana, fuit? me fraude petebas? hoc rogus iste mihi, hoc ignes araeque parabant? quid primum deserta querar? comitemne sororem sprevisti moriens? eadem me ad fata vocasses; idem ambas ferro dolor atque eadem hora tulisset. | Swooning, her sister heard, and rushed through the crowd in dismay. She tore her face with her nails and beat her breast with her fists as she called on the dying woman by name. "Was this your purpose, sister? Did you aim to deceive me? Was this the reason for your pyre and fires? What should I lament first? Did you reject your sister's company in death? You should have called me to share your fate. We would have been taken by the same sword stroke at the same moment!" | 63765 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
quare dies diem superat et iterum lux lucem et annus annum a sole | Why doth one day excel another, and one light another, and one year another year, when all come of the sun? | 70761 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Placitum dehinc, quia commeantibus in vicem nuntiis nihil in summam pacis proficiebatur, conloquio ipsorum tempus locumque destinari. | Then, since these messages and counter-messages were not leading to a final peace agreement, it was determined to establish the specific time and location for a face-to-face meeting. | 47233 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
sin autem dixerit nolo egredi eo quod diligat te et domum tuam et bene sibi apud te esse sentiat | But if he say: I will not depart: because he loveth thee, and thy house, and findeth that he is well with thee: | 100292 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
tum senior Nautes, unum Tritonia Pallas quem docuit multaque insignem reddidit arte, (haec responsa dabat, vel quae portenderet ira magna deum vel quae fatorum posceret ordo), isque his Aenean solatus vocibus infit: nate dea, quo fata trahunt retrahuntque sequamur; quidquid erit, superanda omnis fortuna ferendo est. | Then elderly Nautes, whom Tritonian Pallas taught above all others and who became famous with deep knowledge - it was she who provided him with answers, telling him either about the great anger of the gods or what was required of fate - attempts to console Aeneas with these words: "Let us go, born of a goddess, where the Fates lead us in their ebb and flow; whatever happens, endurance must overcome every destiny." | 63975 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Num immunitates datae? | Had any exemptions from taxes been granted? | 19221 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
et divisit universis per singulos a viro usque ad mulierem tortam panis et partem assae carnis bubulae et frixam oleo similam | And he divided to all and every one, both men and women, a loaf of bread, and a piece of roasted beef, and flour fried with oil. | 93579 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
at mihi si credas, illam sequar unus ad aras; tunc mihi non oculis sit timuisse meis. | But trust her to my keeping; and I, I only, will attend her to that altar. Then for my eyes need I have no fear. | 54396 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Nec multo post Vestricius Spurinna iussu Othonis, relicto Placentiae modico praesidio, cum cohortibus subvenit. | Shortly after, upon Otho's command, Vestricius Spurinna departed Placentia leaving behind a small garrison, and arrived with his auxiliary cohorts. | 51197 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
rogo ergo vos imitatores mei estote | Wherefore, I beseech you, be ye followers of me as I also am of Christ. | 68350 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
heu rebus facies inhonora sinistris! non aquilae, non signa viris, non consulis altum imperium, non subnixae lictore secures. | How pitiful was the appearance of that defeated army, lacking eagles and standards, having no consul as commander-in-chief, and with no axes being carried before him by lictors! | 38145 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Cuius acerbitati uxor grave accesserat incentivum, germanitate Augusti turgida supra modum, quam Hanniballiano regi fratris filio antehac Constantinus iunxerat pater, Megaera quaedam mortalis, inflammatrix saevientis assidua, humani cruoris avida nihil mitius quam maritus. | To his cruelty his wife was besides a serious incentive, a woman beyond measure presumptuous because of her kinship to the emperor, and previously joined in marriage by her father Constantine with his brothers son, King Hanniballianus. She, a Megaera in mortal guise, constantly aroused the savagery of Gallus, being as insatiable as he in her thirst for human blood. | 3 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
pro! quanto levius mortalibus aegra subire servitia atque hiemes aestusque fugamque fretumque atque famem, quam posse mori! post Itala bella Assyrio famulus regi falsusque cupiti Ausoniae motus, dubio petet aequora velo, donec, Prusiacas delatus segniter oras, altera servitia imbelli patietur in aevo et latebram munus regni. | Ah, how much simpler it is for men to endure the cold and heat, hunger, harsh enslavement, exile, and dangers of the sea than to confront death! After the war in Italy, he will become a servant to a Syrian king. Deprived of the hope to wage war against Rome, he will embark on a voyage without a clear destination and eventually drift aimlessly to the land of Prusias. There, being too old to continue fighting, he will experience a second period of enslavement and take refuge through the king's kindness. | 38950 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Donicum solutum erit aut ita satis datum erit, quae in fundo inlata erunt, pigneri sunto; nequid eorum de fundo deportato; siquid deportaverit, domini esto. | Until payment is made, or such security has been given, all property of the purchaser on the place will be held in pledge, and none of it shall be removed from the place; whatever is so removed becomes the property of the owner. | 18155 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
quia sicut caeli novi et terra nova quae ego facio stare coram me dicit Dominus sic stabit semen vestrum et nomen vestrum | For as the new heavens, and the new earth, which I will make to stand before me, saith the Lord: so shall your seed stand, and your name. | 82657 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Universis egi initio quantum potui: satis ornate agere nullo modo possum. | At the beginning, I expressed my gratitude to all of you as best I could; I am incapable of thanking you with the proper eloquence for this occasion. | 22571 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Finis sermonis in eo ut quina milia nummum singulis militibus numerarentur: tum Otho ingredi castra ausus. | They concluded by announcing that every soldier would receive payment of five thousand sesterces. Only after this announcement did Otho feel courageous enough to enter the camp. | 50955 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
at vero ex Madian ortus est Epha et Opher et Enoch et Abida et Eldaa omnes hii filii Cetthurae | But of Madian was born Epha, and Opher, and Henoch, and Abida, and Eldaa: all these were the children of Cetura. | 74694 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Et Galba quidem haec ac talia, tamquam principem faceret, ceteri tamquam cum facto loquebantur. | Galba continued to speak with the same purpose, as though he were appointing an emperor. However, everyone else talked to Piso as if he had already been appointed. | 50606 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Dixerat et niveis hinc atque hinc diva lacertis cunctantem amplexu molli fovet. | The goddess ceased, and as he falters throws her snowy arms round him and fondles him in soft embrace. | 64643 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
senis ergo unius eculeo impositi non supplex vox nec miserabilis eiulatus sed fortis cohortatio totius urbis animum fortunamque mutavit. | So one elderly man on the rack transformed the opinion and fate of an entire city, not through begging or pleading, but through brave encouragement. | 57279 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
intrepide volate, versus, et nidum in gremio fovete tuto. | Take wing without a fear, my verses, and nestle safely in his bosom. | 6068 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Nolo et ritus vestros recensere: non dico quales sitis in sacrificando, cum enecta et tabidosa et scabiosa quaeque mactatis, cum de opimis et integris supervacua quaeque truncatis, capitula et ungulas, quae domi quoque pueris vel canibus destinassetis, cum de decima Herculis nec tertiam partem in aram eius inponitis. | I am unwilling to review your rituals. I say nothing of your ways as to sacrifice, in offering the worn out, the decaying, the scabrous; nor how you lop from the choice and sound all that is useless,heads and hoofs,which at home you would have destined for the slaves and the dogs; nor of the tithe of Hercules, of which you do not put one third on his altar. | 53227 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
provocaverunt eum in diis alienis et in abominationibus ad iracundiam concitaverunt | They provoked him by strange gods, and stirred him up to anger, with their abominations. | 83998 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Quoniam omne quod in mundo est, concupiscentia carnis est, et concupiscentia oculorum et superbia vitae, quae non est ex Patre, sed ex mundo est. | For every desire that exists in the world, whether it be the craving of the physical body, the longing of the eyes, or the arrogant pride in one's possessions, none of this originates from our Father in heaven, but rather, it comes from the world itself. | 11955 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
non nuntia tantum fama refert: ipsum iuvenem tam saeva gementem, ipsum ego, cum serus fessos sopor alligat artus, aspicio, lacera adsiduis meque illius umbra questibus et magni numen maris excitat Helle. | This is not just a rumor. I see the young man himself, groaning pitifully with my own eyes, when finally sleep binds my tired limbs. His mangled shade and Helle, the goddess of the wide sea, trouble my sleep with their ceaseless complaints. | 54897 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
si oblatio tua fuerit de sartagine similae conspersae oleo et absque fermento | If thy oblation be from the fryingpan, of flour tempered with oil, and without leaven: | 95438 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
iamque capilli eius renasci coeperant | And now his hair began to grow again, | 93567 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
quippe Lupercus, equi dum saucia protegit ora, heu sibi prolapso non bene cavit equum; Gallus at in castris, dum credita signa tuetur, concidit ante aquilae rostra cruenta suae: fatales pueri, duo funera matris avarae! vera, sed invito, contigit ista fides. | For Lupercus, he slipped while protecting the wounded face of his horse and, unfortunately, failed to pay attention to his own safety. Additionally, Gallus was looking after the standards that were entrusted to him at the camp, and he ended up falling in front of his own eagle. As a result, he stained its beak with his blood. Both of these unfortunate young men were brought to their deaths by their mothers greed. Even though I wish it had not, my prophecy about them was fulfilled. | 28436 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Non philosophi sane studio, sed mimi convicio digni ista sententia est. | Though the theory is more like a pantomime joke than serious philosophy. | 25695 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Domino excellenti filio Osuio regi Saxonum, Vitalianus episcopus, servus servorum Dei. | To the superb lord, our son Oswy, King of the Saxons, Vitalian, a bishop and a servant of God's servants. | 10541 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
et tua nunc suboles morem sectata parentis Narbonem ac Romam nobilitat studiis; | And now your sons are imitating their father's behavior and increasing the fame of Narbo and Rome with their acquisition of knowledge. | 5920 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
iamque omnes luctus omnesque e pectore curas dispulerat, Phrygiis nec iam amplius advena tectis illa videbatur. | Soon she had placed all grief and sorrow out of her heart, and she appeared no longer like a stranger in the palace of the Trojans. | 41277 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
quis dabit me in solitudine diversorium viatorum et derelinquam populum meum et recedam ab eis quia omnes adulteri sunt coetus praevaricatorum | Who will give me in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men, and I will leave my people, and depart from them? because they are all adulterers, an assembly of transgressors. | 100073 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
nam remeans longis olim Tirynthius oris et triplicis monstri famam et spectacula captas mira boves hac, qua fulgent nunc moenia Romae, egit ovans. | For, when Hercules returned from a distant land, he triumphantly brought his plunder to the very spot where illustrious Rome now stands, having captured the cattle that were the pride of the three-headed beast; and people were amazed to see them. | 40965 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
ecce enim veritatem diligis absconditum et arcanum sapientiae manifestasti mihi | ecce enim veritatem dilexisti incerta et occulta sapientiae tuae manifestasti mihi | 81914 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Nec iam fas ullum prae oculis habent, sed tamquam avaritiae venundati et usucapti, nihil praeter interminatam petendi licentiam norunt. | And they comprehend nothing except limitless freedom to make demands, as if sold to and enslaved by avarice, without regarding any right before their eyes. | 3851 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
vocavit autem Pharao sapientes et maleficos et fecerunt etiam ipsi per incantationes aegyptias et arcana quaedam similiter | And Pharao called the wise men and the magicians; and they also by Egyptian enchantments and certain secrets, did in like manner. | 70880 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Et Gallos quidem (qui Celtae sunt) ab Aquitanis Garumna disterminat flumen, a Pyrenaeis oriens collibus, postque oppida multa transcursa, in oceano delitescens. | Now the Gauls, who are the Celts, are divided from the Aquitanians by the Garonne river, which originates in the Pyrenees hills and, after flowing past multiple towns, vanishes in the ocean. | 482 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
recensiti sunt septuaginta quattuor milia sescenti | Were reckoned up seventy-four thousand six hundred. | 85875 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Pinacothecae uti exhedrae amplis magnitudinibus sunt constituendae. | Picture galleries, such as exedrae, should be constructed with generous dimensions. | 67477 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
ipse autem caeca mentem caligine Theseus consitus oblito dimisit pectore cuncta, quae mandata prius constanti mente tenebat, dulcia nec maesto sustollens signa parenti sospitem Erectheum se ostendit visere portum. | But Theseus, who was lost in his thoughts and unable to see clearly, forgot all the instructions he had previously held to with a steadfast heart. He did not signal his grieving father or indicate that he had safely arrived at the harbor of Erechtheus. | 18890 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
hic me, dum trepidi crudelia limina linquunt, immemores socii vasto Cyclopis in antro deseruere. | Here my companions, while hastily escaping from the frightening entrance, carelessly abandoned me in the immense cavern of the Cyclops. | 63540 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
et erit in die illa dicit Dominus exercituum disperdam nomina idolorum de terra et non memorabuntur ultra et prophetas et spiritum inmundum auferam de terra | And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord of hosts, that I will destroy the names of idols out of the earth, and they shall be remembered no more: and I will take away the false prophets, and the unclean spirit out of the earth. | 84676 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Relatum caput eius inlusit Nero tamquam praematura canitie deforme. | The head was brought back to Rome, and Nero found amusement in the prematurely grey hairs that disfigured it. | 47670 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
Huc accedit uti quidque in sua corpora rursum dissoluat natura neque ad nilum interemat res. | Add to this the fact that nature resolves everything into its elements again, and she does not reduce things to nothing. | 23580 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
sed iuveni, ne sim tibi longior, hinc est et genus et clara memorandum virgine nomen. | But, not to keep you any longer, it is from her that this young Cloelius is descended and he owes his famous name to that renowned maiden. | 38179 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |
lumina, ferre gravem vix sufficientia lucem, unca nare iacent, saniesque immixta cruore expuitur, membrisque cutis tegit ossa peresis. | The sunken eyes could barely withstand the weight of light; the nose collapsed; a combination of pus and blood was thrown up, and the emaciated body was only skin and bones. | 39140 | latin_english_parallel__train-00000-of-00001-9b65fddb561aafc9.parquet | null | None | None | None |