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GSE1 | nhgri_melanoma_class this series represents group of cutaneous malignant melanomas and unrelated controls which were clustered based on correlation coefficients calculated through comparison of gene expression |
GSE2 | cerebellar development the affymetrix genechip mu11k was used to analyze the gene expression profile in developing mouse cerebellum two genechips per e18 p7 p14 p21 and p56 to assist in the understanding of the genetic basis of cerebellar development in mice |
GSE3 | renal cell carcinoma differential expression we investigated the changes in gene expression accompanying the development and progression of kidney cancer using 500 element complementary dna arrays we measured expression profiles for paired neoplastic and non cancerous renal epithelium samples from individuals using an experimental design optimized for factoring out technological and biological noise and an adapted statistical test we find differentially expressed cdnas with an expected number of false positives functional annotation of these genes provided views of the changes in the activities of specific biological pathways in renal cancer cell adhesion signal transduction and nucleotide metabolism were among the biological processes with large proportion of genes overexpressed in renal cell carcinoma downregulated pathways in the kidney tumor cells included small molecule transport ion homeostasis and oxygen and radical metabolism our expression profiling data uncover gene expression changes shared with other epithelial tumors as well as unique signature for renal cell carcinoma expression data for the differentially expressed cdnas are available in the web supplement |
GSE4 | diurnal and circadian regulated genes in arabidopsis plants respond to day night cycling in number of physiological ways at the mrna level the expression of some genes changes during the hr period to identify novel genes regulated in this way we used microarrays containing 521 arabidopsis expressed sequence tags representing an estimated unique genes to determine gene expression levels at hr intervals throughout the day eleven percent of the genes encompassing genes expressed at both high and low levels showed diurnal expression pattern approximately cycled with circadian rhythm by clustering microarray data from additional unrelated experiments we identified groups of genes regulated only by the circadian clock these groups contained the already characterized clock associated genes lhy cca1 and gi suggesting that other key circadian clock genes might be found within these clusters |
GSE5 | global profile of germline gene expression in elegans we used dna microarrays to profile gene expression patterns in the elegans germline and identified germline enriched transcripts that define three groups the sperm enriched group contains an unusually large number of protein kinases and phosphatases the oocyte enriched group includes potentially new components of embryonic signaling pathways the germline intrinsic group defined as genes expressed similarly in germlines making only sperm or only oocytes contains family of piwi related genes that may be important for stem cell proliferation finally examination of the chromosomal location of germline transcripts revealed that sperm enriched and germline intrinsic genes are nearly absent from the chromosome but oocyte enriched genes are not |
GSE6 | genetic diversity among helicobacter pylori strains helicobacter pylori colonizes the stomach of half of the world population causing wide spectrum of disease ranging from asymptomatic gastritis to ulcers to gastric cancer although the basis for these diverse clinical outcomes is not understood more severe disease is associated with strains harboring pathogenicity island to characterize the genetic diversity of more and less virulent strains we examined the genomic content of pylori clinical isolates by using whole genome pylori dna microarray we found that full of pylori genes are dispensable in one or more strains thus defining minimal functional core of pylori genes while the core genes encode most metabolic and cellular processes the strain specific genes include genes unique to pylori restriction modification genes transposases and genes encoding cell surface proteins which may aid the bacteria under specific circumstances during their long term infection of genetically diverse hosts we observed distinct patterns of the strain specific gene distribution along the chromosome which may result from different mechanisms of gene acquisition and loss among the strain specific genes we have found class of candidate virulence genes identified by their coinheritance with the pathogenicity island |
GSE7 | tryptophan metabolism response in coli dna microarray analysis of gene expression in response to physiological and genetic changes that affect tryptophan metabolism in escherichia coli |
GSE8 | topoisomerase function in coli replication fork movement analysis of topoisomerase function in bacterial replication fork movement use of dna microarrays |
GSE9 | uv exposure in wild type and sos deficient coli uv irradiation of the wild type and lexa mg1655 escherichia coli cells were irradiated at 2x10 cells ml in the davis medium by germicidal lamp nm 66j sec set also includes respective controls for unirradiated cells collected at and min time points comparison between lexa mutant and the isogenic wild type prior the uv treatment is also included as part of the set |
GSE10 | eye sage human retinal and rpe sage libraries |
GSE11 | nod model of type diabetes we used high density oligonucleotide arrays to measure the relative expression levels of 000 genes and ests in the nod mouse murine model of t1d and other autoimmune conditions four nod derived diabetes resistant congenic strains and two nondiabetic control strains owing to the importance of cells in the development of t1d we decided to target two organs the spleen and thymus we profiled gene expression in thymi from four week old female mice and spleens from three month old female mice for each of the strain tissue combinations strains tissues we performed two independent replicate experiments making the total number of hybridizations performed in each case an rna population from pool of two or three organs was generated to minimize the chances of within strain variation masking genuine variation between the strains to minimize any variation introduced during target preparation all samples within given replicate group were processed in parallel three samples from group two spleen b10 h2g7_s2 gsm594 thymus b10 h2g7_t2 gsm608 b10 h2g7 idd3_t2 gsm609 and one from group one spleen b10 h2g7_s1 gsm587 failed preliminary quality control check consequently the steps involved in preparing labelled crna from the initial starting material had to be repeated for these four samples at later date subsequent comparison of the variation seen between samples within the same replicate group samples processed in parallel versus samples in distinct replicate groups samples processed at different times revealed that the variation between the two groups e owing to independent sample preparation was higher than the small amount of variation between the closely matched strains ignoring the variability introduced during sample preparation was therefore likely to result in spurious changes being detected and genuine strain specific differences in gene expression being masked consequently we decided to exclude the four samples that had had to be prepared independently owing to failing initial quality control |
GSE12 | group1 replicate group for gse11 all samples were processed in parallel to minimize any variation introduced during target preparation |
GSE13 | murine bone marrow cell precursors affymetrix genechip derived gene expression profiles of flow sorted murine cell precursors ex vivo isolated rna amplified |
GSE14 | cancer genome anatomy project cgap sage libraries this series represents the cancer genome anatomy project sage library collection libraries contained herein were either produced through cgap funding or donated to cgap |
GSE15 | group2 replicate group for gse11 all samples were processed in parallel to minimize any variation introduced during target preparation |
GSE16 | microarray based cgh in human cancer cell lines this series represents the data set from the paper assembly of microarrays for genome wide measurement of dna copy number appearing in nat genet nov 3 4 and it web supplement |
GSE17 | young and old muscle comparison rna was pooled from vastus lateralis biopsies obtained from younger 24 yr and older 77 yr men healthy subjects with no neuromuscular disease |
GSE18 | yeast stress response we explored genomic expression patterns in the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae responding to diverse environmental transitions dna microarrays were used to measure changes in transcript levels over time for almost every yeast gene as cells responded to temperature shocks hydrogen peroxide the superoxide generating drug menadione the sulfhydryl oxidizing agent diamide the disulfide reducing agent dithiothreitol hyper and hypo osmotic shock amino acid starvation nitrogen source depletion and progression into stationary phase large set of genes approximately showed similar drastic response to almost all of these environmental changes additional features of the genomic responses were specialized for specific conditions promoter analysis and subsequent characterization of the responses of mutant strains implicated the transcription factors yap1p as well as msn2p and msn4p in mediating specific features of the transcriptional response while the identification of novel sequence elements provided clues to novel regulators physiological themes in the genomic responses to specific environmental stresses provided insights into the effects of those stresses on the cell |
GSE19 | sbf mbf genomic distribution the first experiments are ordered according to the legend in figure of the published paper experiment is the gene expression profile of the swi4 deletion strain compared to the wild type strain |
GSE20 | manipulation in phospate levels the arrays were used to study the effects of modifying phosphate levels in yeast either through mutation or chemical manipulation |
GSE21 | snf swi mutants of cerevisiae the saccharomyces cerevisiae snf swi complex has been previously demonstrated to control transcription and chromatin structure of particular genes in vivo and to remodel nucleosomes in vitro we have performed whole genome expression analysis using dna microarrays to study mutants deleted for gene encoding one conserved snf2 or one unconserved swi1 snf swi component this analysis was performed on cells grown in both rich and minimal media the microarray results combined with northern blot computational and genetic analyses show that snf2delta and swi1delta mutations cause similar effects on mrna levels that snf swi controls some genes differently in rich and minimal media and that snf swi control is exerted at the level of individual genes rather than over larger chromosomal domains in addition this work shows that snf swi controls mrna levels of matalpha specific genes likely via controlling transcription of the regulators matalpha1 and mcm1 finally we provide evidence that snf swi acts both as an activator and as repressor of transcription and that neither mode of control is an indirect effect of the other |
GSE22 | alpha factor block release these data are from time series where yeast were arrested in alpha factor then the alpha factor was washed out and the cells were release into fresh medium samples were taken every minutes as the cells went through the cell cycle |
GSE23 | cdc15 block release yeast cells were blocked in telophase using cdc15 temperature senstive mutant at restrictive temperature the culture was then shifted to permissive temperature 25oc and released into the cell cycle samples were then taken during the course of almost three full cell cycles |
GSE24 | elutriation time course small g1 daughter yeast cells were isolated by centrifugal elutriation they were then released into yep ethanol and followed through one cell cycle with samples being taken every minutes |
GSE25 | cyclin overexpression yeast cells were arrested either in g1 for cln3 overexpression or in g2 for clb2 overexpression the cyclin was then induced and samples were taken |
GSE26 | copper regulon in cerevisiae in saccharomyces cerevisiae copper ions regulate gene expression through the two transcriptional activators ace1 and mac1 ace1 mediates cu induced gene expression in cells exposed to stressful levels of copper salts whereas mac1 activates subset of genes under copper deficient conditions dna microarray hybridization experiments revealed limited set of yeast genes differentially expressed under growth conditions of excess copper or copper deficiency mac1 activates the expression of six cerevisiae genes including ctr1 ctr3 fre1 fre7 yjl217w and yfr055w two of the last three newly identified mac1 target genes have no known function the third yfr055w is homologous to cystathionine gamma lyase encoded by cys3 several genes that are differentially expressed in cells containing constitutively active mac1 designated mac1up1 are not direct targets of mac1 induction or repression of these genes is likely secondary effect of cells due to constitutive mac1 activity elevated copper levels induced the expression of the metallothioneins cup1 and crs5 and two genes fet3 and ftr1 in the iron uptake system cu induced fet3 and ftr1 expression arises from an indirect cu effect on cellular fe pools |
GSE27 | sporulation in yeast diploid cells of budding yeast produce haploid cells through the developmental program of sporulation which consists of meiosis and spore morphogenesis dna microarrays containing nearly every yeast gene were used to assay changes in gene expression during sporulation at least seven distinct temporal patterns of induction were observed the transcription factor ndt80 appeared to be important for induction of large group of genes at the end of meiotic prophase consensus sequences known or proposed to be responsible for temporal regulation could be identified solely from analysis of sequences of coordinately expressed genes the temporal expression pattern provided clues to potential functions of hundreds of previously uncharacterized genes some of which have vertebrate homologs that may function during gametogenesis |
GSE28 | diauxic shift exploring the metabolic and genetic control of gene expression on genomic scale in yeast |
GSE29 | adaptive evolution in yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae population was cultured for many generations under conditions to which it is not optimally adapted these experiments were designed to investigate adaptive evolution under natural selection |
GSE30 | multiplex three dimensional brain gene expression mapping in mouse model of parkinson disease voxelation is novel technology designed to produce high throughput three dimensional imaging of gene expression patterns in the brain in these experiments mouse brains were dissected into voxels or cubes by cutting serial coronal sections and transecting each coronal section into fourths using microarrays the gene expression pattern of genes was acquired for both normal and pharmacological model of parkinson disease pd mouse brain |
GSE31 | sage profiles from cultured keratinocytes and human epidermis sage libraries from cultured differentiated keratinocytes and human epidermis both normal and affected by actinic keratosis |
GSE32 | heatshock otd otx2 the homeobox genes of the orthodenticle otd otx family play conserved roles in embryogenesis of the head and brain gene replacement experiments show that the drosophila otd gene and orthologous mammalian otx genes are functionally equivalent in that overexpression of either gene in null mutants of drosophila or mouse can restore defects in cephalic and brain development this suggests that otd and otx genes can control comparable subset of downstream target genes in either organism here we use quantitative transcript imaging to analyze this equivalence of drosophila otd and human otx gene action at genomic level |
GSE33 | e coli response to mmc changes in gene expression after treatment of coli cultures with mitomycin were assessed using gene array technology unexpectedly large number of genes nearly of all genes displayed significant changes in their expression level analysis and classification of expression profiles of the corresponding genes allowed us to assign this large number of genes into dozen to two dozen small clusters of genes with similar expression profiles this assignment allowed us to describe systematically the changes in the level of gene expression in response to dna damage among the damage induced genes more than hundred are novel from those genes involved in dna metabolism that have not been previously shown to be induced by dna damage for example the muts gene involved in mismatch repair is especially noteworthy in addition to the sos response we observed the induction of other stress response pathways such as those of oxidative stress and osmotic protection among the genes that are down regulated in response to dna damage are numerous protein biosynthesis genes analysis of the gene expression data highlighted the essential involvement of sigmas regulated genes and the general stress response network in the response to dna damage |
GSE34 | prp4 temperature shift prp4 and wt strains were grown at to a600 of 0 then an equal volume of media was added to bring the temperature to both strains were allowed to grow at and samples were taken at before shift 15 60 and mins after shift to restrictive temperature |
GSE35 | non essential mrna processing factors set of experiments done on yeast deletion strains of various non essential mrna processing factors |
GSE36 | ub oc differentiation this study explores the profiles of genes expressed during conditional differentiation of inner ear hair cell precursors in vitro the cell line ub oc was derived from mouse embryonic organs of corti rivolta et al proc soc lond 1595 1998 and it can be induced to differentiate upon temperature shift the study has been replicated in two separate populations of cells named exp and exp exp includes daily time points from to days then and days exp includes days 2 and the manuscript associated to this work is rivolta et al genome research 7 1099 |
GSE37 | byxwild_40 expression analysis of f1 haploid segregants from cross between by4716 isogenic to s288c and wild isolate collected by mortimer each segregant sample was subjected to dye swap pair of arrays all arrays used the same pool of reference by4716 sample in sample titles by alone signifies the reference sample and all other strings represent segregants all sample titles are of the form s1 s2 s1 indicates the sample whose signal was read as channel cy5 labeling fluorescence at nm and s2 as channel cy3 nm |
GSE38 | by_wild_parents expression analysis of by4716 isogenic to s288c and wild isolate collected by mortimer each strain was grown in culture independent times and rna from each culture was isolated each of these rna samples was subjected to dye swap pair of arrays except the rm11 sample which only got one array all arrays used the same pool of reference by4716 sample in sample titles by alone signifies the reference sample and all other strings represent independent cultures all sample titles are of the form s1 s2 s1 indicates the sample whose signal was read as channel cy5 labeling fluorescence at nm and s2 as channel cy3 nm |
GSE39 | mefloquine treatment of ng108 rat neuronal cells this data series describes expression data for eight paired control and treated cell cultures obtained on independent occasions ng108 rat neuronal cell cultures were exposed to either 25 dmso control or ng ml mefloquine treated for two hours |
GSE40 | clontech rna samples series of experiments used to compare clontech spleen plya clontech liver plya and clontech universal rna for microarrays on our available human array printed on amersham type slides |
GSE41 | effects of estrogen effects of estrogen on global gene expression identification of novel targets of estrogen action |
GSE42 | p19 embryonic carcinoma ec cells induced to form cardiomyocytes in vitro sage identification of differentiation responsive genes in p19 embryonic cells induced to form cardiomyocytes in vitro |
GSE43 | antibody arrays figure protein microarrays for highly parallel detection and quantitation of specific proteins and antibodies in complex solutions |
GSE44 | antibody arrays figure protein microarrays for highly parallel detection and quantitation of specific proteins and antibodies in complex solutions |
GSE45 | antibody arrays figures 4 and protein microarrays for highly parallel detection and quantitation of specific proteins and antibodies in complex solutions |
GSE46 | antibody arrays figure 10x fcs protein microarrays for highly parallel detection and quantitation of specific proteins and antibodies in complex solutions |
GSE47 | antibody arrays figure 100x fcs protein microarrays for highly parallel detection and quantitation of specific proteins and antibodies in complex solutions |
GSE48 | secreted and membrane associated genes large scale identification of secreted and membrane associated gene products using dna microarrays |
GSE49 | dna copy number changes gene amplifications and deletions frequently contribute to tumorigenesis characterization of these dna copy number changes is important for both the basic understanding of cancer and its diagnosis comparative genomic hybridization cgh was developed to survey dna copy number variations across whole genome with cgh differentially labelled test and reference genomic dnas are co hybridized to normal metaphase chromosomes and fluorescence ratios along the length of chromosomes provide cytogenetic representation of dna copy number variation cgh however has limited approximately mb mapping resolution and higher resolution techniques such as fluorescence in situ hybridization fish are prohibitively labour intensive on genomic scale array based cgh in which fluorescence ratios at arrayed dna elements provide locus by locus measure of dna copy number variation represents another means of achieving increased mapping resolution published array cgh methods have relied on large genomic clone for example bac array targets and have covered only small fraction of the human genome cdnas representing over 000 radiation hybrid rh mapped human genes provide an alternative and readily available genomic resource for mapping dna copy number changes although cdna microarrays have been used extensively to characterize variation in human gene expression human genomic dna is far more complex mixture than the mrna representation of human cells therefore analysis of dna copy number variation using cdna microarrays would require sensitivity of detection an order of magnitude greater than has been routinely reported we describe here cdna microarray based cgh method and its application to dna copy number variation analysis in breast cancer cell lines and tumours |
GSE50 | antibody array figures protein microarrays for highly parallel detection and quantitation of specific proteins and antibodies in complex solutions |
GSE51 | hippocampus replicate samples hippocampus gene expression experiments |
GSE52 | ume6 regulon the ume6 transcription factor in yeast is known to both repress and activate expression of diverse genes during mitotic growth and meiotic development to obtain more complete profile of the functions regulated by this protein microarray analysis was used to examine transcription in wild type and ume6 deleted diploids during vegetative growth in glucose and acetate |
GSE53 | human mammary epithelium and breast cancer distinctive gene expression patterns in human mammary epithelial cells and breast cancers cdna microarrays and clustering algorithm were used to identify patterns of gene expression in human mammary epithelial cells growing in culture and in primary human breast tumors clusters of coexpressed genes identified through manipulations of mammary epithelial cells in vitro also showed consistent patterns of variation in expression among breast tumor samples by using immunohistochemistry with antibodies against proteins encoded by particular gene in cluster the identity of the cell type within the tumor specimen that contributed the observed gene expression pattern could be determined clusters of genes with coherent expression patterns in cultured cells and in the breast tumors samples could be related to specific features of biological variation among the samples two such clusters were found to have patterns that correlated with variation in cell proliferation rates and with activation of the ifn regulated signal transduction pathway respectively clusters of genes expressed by stromal cells and lymphocytes in the breast tumors also were identified in this analysis these results support the feasibility and usefulness of this systematic approach to studying variation in gene expression patterns in human cancers as means to dissect and classify solid tumors |
GSE54 | stresses induce gene expression in arabidopsis uv light and gamma ray treated plantlet |
GSE55 | serum stimulation of fibroblasts experiment set the transcriptional program in the response of human fibroblasts to serum serum was added to fibroblasts and samples were taken |
GSE56 | serum stimulation of fibroblasts with cycloheximide the transcriptional program in the response of human fibroblasts to serum serum was added to fibroblasts in the presence of cycloheximide |
GSE57 | serum stimulation of fibroblasts controls the transcriptional program in the response of human fibroblasts to serum control group |
GSE58 | serum stimulation of fibroblasts the temporal program of gene expression during model physiological response of human cells the response of fibroblasts to serum was explored with complementary dna microarray representing about different human genes genes could be clustered in groups on the basis of their temporal patterns of expression in this program many features of the transcriptional program appeared to be related to the physiology of wound repair suggesting that fibroblasts play larger and richer role in this complex multicellular response than had previously been appreciated |
GSE59 | human cancer cell lines we used cdna microarrays to explore the variation in expression of approximately 000 unique genes among the cell lines used in the national cancer institute screen for anti cancer drugs classification of the cell lines based solely on the observed patterns of gene expression revealed correspondence to the ostensible origins of the tumors from which the cell lines were derived the consistent relationship between the gene expression patterns and the tissue of origin allowed us to recognize outliers whose previous classification appeared incorrect specific features of the gene expression patterns appeared to be related to physiological properties of the cell lines such as their doubling time in culture drug metabolism or the interferon response comparison of gene expression patterns in the cell lines to those observed in normal breast tissue or in breast tumor specimens revealed features of the expression patterns in the tumors that had recognizable counterparts in specific cell lines reflecting the tumor stromal and inflammatory components of the tumor tissue these results provided novel molecular characterization of this important group of human cell lines and their relationships to tumors in vivo |
GSE60 | diffuse large cell lymphoma diffuse large cell lymphoma dlbcl the most common subtype of non hodgkin lymphoma is clinically heterogeneous of patients respond well to current therapy and have prolonged survival whereas the remainder succumb to the disease we proposed that this variability in natural history reflects unrecognized molecular heterogeneity in the tumors using dna microarrays we have conducted systematic characterization of gene expression in cell malignancies here we show that there is diversity in gene expression among the tumors of dlbcl patients apparently reflecting the variation in tumor proliferation rate host response and differentiation state of the tumor we identified two molecularly distinct forms of dlbcl which had gene expression patterns indicative of different stages of cell differentiation one type expressed genes characteristic of germinal center cells germinal center like dlbcl the second type expressed genes normally induced during in vitro activation of peripheral blood cells activated like dlbcl patients with germinal center like dlbcl had significantly better overall survival than those with activated like dlbcl the molecular classification of tumors on the basis of gene expression can thus identify previously undetected and clinically significant subtypes of cancer |
GSE61 | molecular portraits of human breast tumors set of surgical specimens of human breast tumors from different individuals using complementary dna microarrays representing 102 human genes gene expression variation patterns within this set provided distinctive molecular portrait of each tumor twenty of the tumors were sampled twice before and after week course of doxorubicin chemotherapy and two tumors were paired with lymph node metastasis from the same patient gene expression patterns in two tumor samples from the same individual were almost always more similar to each other than either was to any other sample |
GSE62 | mrnas translated at eif4f identification of eukaryotic mrnas that are translated at reduced cap binding complex eif4f concentrations using cdna microarray although most eukaryotic mrnas need functional cap binding complex eif4f for efficient end dependent scanning to initiate translation picornaviral hepatitis viral and few cellular rnas have been shown to be translated by internal ribosome entry mechanism that can operate in the presence of low levels of functional eif4f to identify cellular mrnas that can be translated when eif4f is depleted or in low abundance and that therefore may contain internal ribosome entry sites mrnas that remained associated with polysomes were isolated from human cells after infection with poliovirus and were identified by using cdna microarray approximately of the mrnas analyzed remained associated with polysomes under these conditions among the gene products encoded by these polysome associated mrnas were immediate early transcription factors kinases and phosphatases of the mitogen activated protein kinase pathways and several protooncogenes including myc and pim in addition the mrna encoding cyr61 secreted factor that can promote angiogenesis and tumor growth was selectively mobilized into polysomes when eif4f concentrations were reduced although its overall abundance changed only slightly subsequent tests confirmed the presence of internal ribosome entry sites in the noncoding regions of both cyr61 and pim mrnas overall this study suggests that diverse mrnas whose gene products have been implicated in variety of stress responses including inflammation angiogenesis and the response to serum can use translational initiation mechanisms that require little or no intact cap binding protein complex eif4f |
GSE63 | brain after ischemia and antioxidant catalytic antioxidant aeol attenuates expression of inflammatory genes in stroke |
GSE64 | insulin sensitive muscle sample pool muscle sample pool from insulin sensitive subjects |
GSE65 | insulin sensitive muscle sample pool muscle sample pool from insulin sensitive subjects |
GSE66 | insulin sensitive muscle sample pool muscle sample pool from insulin sensitive subjects |
GSE67 | insulin sensitive muscle sample pool muscle sample pool from insulin sensitive subjects |
GSE68 | insulin sensitive muscle sample pool muscle sample pool from insulin sensitive subjects |
GSE69 | insulin resistant muscle sample pool muscle sample pool from insulin resistant subjects |
GSE70 | insulin resistant muscle sample pool muscle sample pool from insulin resistant subjects |
GSE71 | insulin resistant muscle sample pool muscle sample pool from insulin resistant subjects |
GSE72 | insulin resistant muscle sample pool muscle sample pool from insulin resistant subjects |
GSE73 | insulin resistant muscle sample pool muscle sample pool from insulin resistant subjects |
GSE74 | embryo development of medicago truncatula early stage of embryo development from leaf derived embryogenic callus of truncatula |
GSE75 | fvb benchmark set for cardiac development maturation and aging the affymetrix genechip mgu74av1 was used to analyze expression profiles of mice at different developmental stages to monitor changes in cardiac gene expression over time more information about this model may be obtained at |
GSE76 | pressure overload induced cardiac hypertrophy aortic banding is an excellent model system to evaluate the process of development of left ventricular hypertrophy in response to hemodynamic stress the affymetrix genechip mgu74av1 was used to analyze expression profiles of mice at different time points after surgical intervention for pressure overload induced hypertrophy more information about this model may be obtained at |
GSE77 | exercised induced hypertrophy the affymetrix genechip mgu74av2 was used to analyze expression profiles of mice that had cardiac hypertrophy induced by swimming training more information of this model can be obtained at |
GSE78 | congenital heart disease in csx nkx2 mutant embryos we have developed gene targeted mice with deletion of nkx2 embryos were isolated at embryonic day 5 and the middle third containing the heart was run on affymetrix mu11ka and mu11kb arrays for more information about this model see |
GSE79 | lager beer fermentation time course the dynamics of the saccharomyces carlsbergensis brewing yeast transcriptome during production scale lager beer fermentation |
GSE80 | normal human muscle rna from vastus lateralis of healthy young 31 year old and older 77 year old men signal data normalized to mean intensity of over all probes sets analysis done with affymetrix microarray suite 0 software |
GSE81 | ngs_mouse_liver replicate hydridizations with mouse liver mrna |
GSE82 | ngs_mouse_spleen replicate hybridizations using mouse spleen mrna |
GSE83 | cold stress in sugarcane exp1 tropical and subtropical plants are generally sensitive to cold and can show appreciable variation in their response to cold stress when exposed to low positive temperatures using nylon filter arrays we analyzed the expression profile of expressed sequence tags ests of sugarcane saccharum sp exposed to cold for 48 thirty four cold induced ests were identified of which were novel cold responsive genes that had not previously been reported as being cold inducible this series has the samples from replicate experiment number |
GSE84 | cold stress in sugarcane exp2 tropical and subtropical plants are generally sensitive to cold and can show appreciable variation in their response to cold stress when exposed to low positive temperatures using nylon filter arrays we analyzed the expression profile of expressed sequence tags ests of sugarcane saccharum sp exposed to cold for 48 thirty four cold induced ests were identified of which were novel cold responsive genes that had not previously been reported as being cold inducible this series has the samples from replicate experiment number |
GSE85 | wild type and aire murine meduallary thymic epithelial cells mice used were b6 f2 5 weeks of age either wild type or with both copies of the autoimmune regulator gene aire genbank af079536 disrupted thymi from five of these mice of both sexes were removed and pooled after collagenase dispase digestion density gradient fractionation and fluorescent antibody staining cells with the phenotype cd45 g8 cdr1int and b7 1hi were facs sorted and total rna was made from them rna was twice amplified using t7 polymerase based method |
GSE86 | comparison of dorsal threshold outputs whole genome analysis of dorsal ventral patterning in the drosophila embryo |
GSE87 | heat shock experimental replicates heat stress experiments imposed on buchnera aphidicola within intact schizaphis graminum hosts note normalized values in geo are not those derived from intensive analyses described in paper please see wilcox et al for description |
GSE88 | bladder tumour recurrence prediction expression profiling of superficial bladder tumours to delineate the expression pattern differences between non recurring and recurring tumours |
GSE89 | bladder tumour stage classification bladder tumours used to construct tumour stage classifier |
GSE90 | expression profiling by p53 status human colorectal carcinoma derived cell lines p53 at and hrs after growth arrest |
GSE91 | effect of dietary oils on hippocampus and liver gene expression dietary effects of arachidonate rich fungal oil and fish oil on murine hepatic and hippocampal gene expression |
GSE92 | proteomic view of the plasmodium falciparum life cycle the completion of the plasmodium falciparum clone 3d7 genome provides basis on which to conduct comparative proteomics studies of this human pathogen here we applied high throughput proteomics approach to identify new potential drug and vaccine targets and to better understand the biology of this complex protozoan parasite we characterized four stages of the parasite life cycle sporozoites merozoites trophozoites and gametocytes by multidimensional protein identification technology functional profiling of over 400 proteins agreed with the physiology of each stage unexpectedly the antigenically variant proteins of var and rif genes defined as molecules on the surface of infected erythrocytes were also largely expressed in sporozoites the detection of chromosomal clusters encoding co expressed proteins suggested potential mechanism for controlling gene expression |
GSE93 | wing imaginal disc spatial expression wing imaginal discs were dissected to generate body wall and wing hinge fragments targets from three biological replicates of each were generated and the expression profiles were determined using affymetrix drosophila genechip arrays comparisons between the sample groups allow the identification of genes with localized expression patterns |
GSE94 | life cycle of drosophila melanogaster molecular genetic studies of drosophila melanogaster have led to profound advances in understanding the regulation of development here we report gene expression patterns for nearly one third of all drosophila genes during complete time course of development mutations that eliminate eye or germline tissue were used to further analyze tissue specific gene expression programs these studies define major characteristics of the transcriptional programs that underlie the life cycle compare development in males and females and show that large scale gene expression data collected from whole animals can be used to identify genes expressed in particular tissues and organs or genes involved in specific biological and biochemical processes |
GSE95 | gene expression analysis reveals chemical specific profiles the application of gene expression profiling technology to examine multiple genes and signaling pathways simultaneously promises significant advance in understanding toxic mechanisms to ultimately aid in protection of public health public and private efforts in the new field of toxicogenomics are focused on populating databases with gene expression profiles of compounds where toxicological and pathological endpoints are well characterized the validity and utility of toxicogenomics is dependent on whether gene expression profiles that correspond to different chemicals can be distinguished the principal hypothesis underlying toxicogenomic or pharmacogenomic strategy is that chemical specific patterns of altered gene expression will be revealed using high density microarray analysis of tissues from exposed organisms analyses of these patterns should allow classification of toxicants and provide important mechanistic insights this report provides verification of this hypothesis patterns of gene expression corresponding to liver tissue derived from chemically exposed rats revealed similarity in gene expression profiles between animals treated with different agents from common class of compounds peroxisome proliferators clofibrate ethyl chlorophenoxyisobutyrate wyeth 643 chloro 2 xylidino pyrimidinylthio acetic acid and gemfibrozil 2 5 dimethylphenoxy 2 dimethylpentanoic acid but very distinct gene expression profile was produced using compound from another class enzyme inducers phenobarbital |
GSE96 | large scale analysis of the human transcriptome high throughput gene expression profiling has become an important tool for investigating transcriptional activity in variety of biological samples to date the vast majority of these experiments have focused on specific biological processes and perturbations here we have generated and analyzed gene expression from set of samples spanning broad range of biological conditions specifically we profiled gene expression from human and mouse samples across diverse array of tissues organs and cell lines because these samples predominantly come from the normal physiological state in the human and mouse this dataset represents preliminary but substantial description of the normal mammalian transcriptome we have used this dataset to illustrate methods of mining these data and to reveal insights into molecular and physiological gene function mechanisms of transcriptional regulation disease etiology and comparative genomics finally to allow the scientific community to use this resource we have built free and publicly accessible website that integrates data visualization and curation of current gene annotations |
GSE97 | large scale analysis of the mouse transcriptome high throughput gene expression profiling has become an important tool for investigating transcriptional activity in variety of biological samples to date the vast majority of these experiments have focused on specific biological processes and perturbations here we have generated and analyzed gene expression from set of samples spanning broad range of biological conditions specifically we profiled gene expression from human and mouse samples across diverse array of tissues organs and cell lines because these samples predominantly come from the normal physiological state in the human and mouse this dataset represents preliminary but substantial description of the normal mammalian transcriptome we have used this dataset to illustrate methods of mining these data and to reveal insights into molecular and physiological gene function mechanisms of transcriptional regulation disease etiology and comparative genomics finally to allow the scientific community to use this resource we have built free and publicly accessible website that integrates data visualization and curation of current gene annotations |
GSE98 | zzmex67 co iped rna vs zz co iped rna zzmex67ip_v_zzip comparison of cdna from rna iped with zzmex67 to that from rna co iped with zz tag alone control ip |
GSE99 | zzyra1 co iped rna vs zz co iped rna zzyra1ip_v_zzip comparison of cdna from rna iped with zzyra1 to that from rna co iped with zz tag alone control ip |
GSE100 | zzmex67 co iped rna vs total rna zzmex67ip_v_totalrna comparison of cdna from rna iped with zzmex67 to that from total rna resulting analysis gives mex67 binding level relative to total abundance for each mrna |
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